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Jegantha Tap Creature Tribal

Commander / EDH



Jegantha 5c Color Tap Creature tribal. Ive been playing this deck for a while now and Ive made some major updates to the deck. I am now running about 5 mass haste sources which are very important. Instead of singular untap effects ive explored more untap all effects like August Dean of Order who is incredible, and still trying to test out Jeskai Ascendancy. Garth is a really good pick up for this deck that adds a ton of utility for either removal or regrowth. Ive also changed out a lot of creatures from the original build, and really dove into some off the beaten path type of cards instead of just running best in slot everything. This is a high creature count deck so it is prone to board wipes, running a lot of recursion is a really good idea, I might just add a living death for late in the game after multiple board wipes. Ive added a lot more card draw creatures, these seem to draw less attention than something like a gaurdian project which seems to get shot quite often.

Win Conditions: Beguiler of Wills, or Merieke - Steal everyones stuff

Adarkar Valkyrie + Visara or Avatar of Woe - destroy then steal.

Niv Mizzet + Jace's Archivist or Arcanis - its not infinite or anything, but when you need 5 or 10 extra damage it works real nice and has ended some games.

Akroma's Memorial + Augusta Dean or Oder - Attack with your creatures, then tap them all in response to the Augusta trigger and have them ready to tap again.

Shaman of the Forgotten Ways - activate to make everyones life really low.

To Power Up: Currently I have this deck in a lower to mid power tier, but if you want to really power this thing up which can be done easily take a look at the cards in the maybeboard. Selvala and Bloomtender make this deck like a turn 6 or 7 deck and you can also look at ways to produce infinite mana with them if that is your speed. Seedborn muse is also insane, i chose not to run it because it does not have a tap symbol, but for more power makes a lot of sense. Intruder alarm allows for easy combos with token producers and pingers if you want to go that route.


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99% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.95
Tokens Copy Clone, Treasure, Vampire 2/2 B, Vampire */* B
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