Thaumatic Compass


Spires of Orazca  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thaumatic Compass


, : Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass.

Gemini4786 on Planeswalkers Perfected

1 month ago

The Aetherdrift set has dropped a really interesting new ramp piece in the form of The Aetherspark, an equipment artifact planeswalker that seems like it would be a huge enabler. As a baseline, it cannot be attacked as long as it's attached to a creature and provides that creature a new ability wherein any damage that creature inflicts adds that many loyalty counters to the Aetherspark. This can be a huge gain even after only one swing with Atraxa. But then we get into it's 3 abilities.

+1, We attach the Aetherspark to a target creature we control and give that creature a +1 counter. A proliferatable +1 counter. Obviously we like putting +1's on our flying lifelinking commander and there's a side benefit to be had in using this ability to spread more of these counters onto any of our creatures and tokens.

-5, draw two cards. Hardly a price at all if it's attached to Atraxa. After only a single swing, she adds enough loyalty to make this a neutral ability.

-10, Add 10 mana of any one color. This I believe is one of the biggest draws as a single use of this ultimate can massively shift the power dynamics of the board and it's not all together difficult to reach with only a single turn cycle even when Doubling Season isn't in play.

Imagine this as a turn five play after summoning Atraxa turn four. Use the +1 ability to attach it to Atraxa. Loyalty goes to 5 and Atraxa gains a +1 counter. She swings in for 5 damage and adds 5 loyalty to the Aetherspark which now sits at 10. On the end step, proliferate the +1 and the loyalty counters leaving Atraxa at 6 power and the Aetherspark at 11 loyalty. That's enough to pop the -10 ultimate on the very next turn and survive with 1 loyalty, providing a shot of 10 mana on turn six to start really playing out your hand.

Obviously not immune to artifact destruction but "Dies to removal" applies to most everything else and without it, Atraxa or whatever other creature it's attached to needs to be dealt with in order to be targeted with an attack making it decently harder to get rid of. I expect this equipment planeswalker to pull a great deal of weight and will be swapping out my Thaumatic Compass  Flip for it.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 months ago

Sounds good legendofa. I looked over the Ixalan sets (…not my favorites…)

Dowsing Dagger  Flip

Thaumatic Compass  Flip

Atzocan Seer definitely from the perspective of the dude reflected in the orb.

These I’m not sold on.

Heartless Pillage It’s a stretch, but it might be possible this is a first person view. (The Ixalan version, idk the abbreviation)

Primal Amulet  Flip has hands coming from offscreen, but I don’t see how this is 1st person.

Prosperous Pirates I think we see the tip of the guy’s hat on the far left, which would negate this being first person I suppose.

Prying Blade I think the angle is too far off to count as FPP.

Sorcerous Spyglass the ship is totally checking itself out in the reflection, making sure its sails are on point before it hits da harbor

Treasure Map  Flip Regarding the Ixalan card art, at first I thought it was a pirate pointing at the map from their viewpoint using the dagger thingy, but no one’s holding the handle. It’s jammed into the map and wedged into the table. I don’t think this is anyone in particular’s perspective. The card art shown here might count though. Idk the abbreviation for the Ixalan set btw.

Deadeye Rig-Hauler maybe this is the viewpoint of the hanging guy, maybe not.

Gruesome Fate are we looking from a rat’s perspective? Does that count?

Hunt the Weak Well, unless there are eyeballs inside the dinosaur’s mouth or unless we’re seeing this from the viewpoint of another creature about to be eaten that’s already inside the mouth, I guess this one doesn’t count. Pretty cool camera angle nonetheless.

EquivocalVision on Cosmic Horror

4 months ago

Savaaage yeah. It's true. They're good, but removing the remaining Wastes was starting to get pretty bad. I needed at least a few basics for Thaumatic Compass  Flip and Terrain Generator to pump out. But, I am considering adding the assassin's creed Abstergo land for a little more recursion.

Profet93 on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

11 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Do you feel you have enough ramp? Your commander costs 7, 2 colored mana + tap for activated ability. No haste to even use it. I actually love your commander, I just wonder how often you get to use him.

Jeska's Will - Draw/Ramp

Spreading Plague - Could be super fun....could backfire.

Command Beacon/Volrath's Stronghold - Recur expensive commander

Crystal Chimes - Recur 25% of your deck

Why run gamble over an omni tutor, low cost?

Thaumatic Compass  Flip - Could be too slow, but ensuring basics could be nice. The land transformation works with your defense theme.

No Mercy > Sunstone? - Or do you need the lack of damage?

How has heartless summoning been working for you? You only run 2 creatures, why not just run a Jet Medallion instead? Easier to cast, affects all black spells rather than just 2 cards. Is an artifact so it might be more susceptible to removal but the benefits far outweigh the costs IMO.

sprink7 on Toxrill the Corrosive

1 year ago

Some simple swaps I'd recommend which are low budget (I think?). These are things that directly serve the same purpose, but better.

Armilliary Sphere => Thaumatic Compass  Flip Thaumatic Compass serves the purpose you're using the sphere for, probably?, but with the bonus of extending in strength into the mid to late game as it turns into a Maze of Ith.

Sign in Blood => Tezzeret's Gambit 1 more mana, but proliferate and easier mana requirement. Or two more mana and no life cost.

Sisay's Ring => Thran Dynamo Self explanatory.

Fleetfeather Sandels => Swiftfoot Boots Hexproof is usually better than flying. The Equip cost is lower.

Leaden Myr => Dimir Signet Doesn't die to the next field wipe, which could be yours.

Some general cuts that are either working against you, not doing enough, or just to make space for other things. Cuts:

  • Crowded Crypt (Meh mana rock, not stellar token maker)
  • Illness in the Ranks (kills your slugs, could be kept with the right win cons)
  • Infernal Genesis (too expensive, opponents get to use it first)
  • Genesis Chamber (expensive, gives opponents creatures before you)
  • Gifted Aetherborn (too small, low impact)
  • Royal Assassin (Same)
  • Cabal Ritual (-1 card for speed. Gotta get a lot out of this for it to be in deck.)
  • Dark Ritual (Same)
  • Mana Leak (Great early game, but dead draw midway and on usually.)
  • Dispel (Good enough, but I needed to make space)
  • Fuel for the Cause (Same)
  • Dramatic Reversal (I don't see a combo with this in deck)
  • Morbid Opportunist (slow draw)
  • Altar's Reap (I don't see enough excess creatures until commander is in play, so you might as well turn it into a draw engine instead, see below)
  • Village Rites (Same)

Add: 6 lands. Duals are preferable, but basics are just fine as well. Harvester of Souls (draw engine) Vampiric Rites (draw engine) Mass Diminish (wipe) Mirkwood Bats (win con) Zulaport Cutthroat (win con) Bastion of Remembrance (win con) 2+ Mana rocks from list below

Some mana rocks to consider Arcane Signet Talisman of Dominance Mind Stone Worn Powerstone Replicating Ring Astral Cornucopia Everflowing Chalice

Slightly Higher cost stuff that goes really well with what you're doing.

  • Black Sun's Zenith => Infest (It's better usually, even at 3 mana)
  • Massacre Wurm => Vampire Nighthawk (Vampire is good enough, just not pulling weight at this point)
  • Asinine Antics => Grim Affliction (Another Polymorphist's Jest, but permanent)
  • Skullclamp => Slum Reaper (You already kill everything consistently, and this gives a S* load of draw) (Add a Trinket Mage to tutor it)

Ardees on Emrakul, The Promised Turn

1 year ago

Hey Profet93, I'm hanging in there, thanks!

I have archived this deck mostly because I've very scarcely played MtG recently, but I'll try to remove Thaumatic Compass  Flip for Invasion of Ravnica  Flip. This isn't just a good removal for a colorless deck but also another card type, useful in case it gets to gy.

Torpor and Winter look like good additons. I'll explore what to remove for those. Thanks!

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