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- Riptide Chimera + Second Chance
- Hall of Heliod's Generosity + Second Chance
- Estrid's Invocation + Mirrormade + Second Chance
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Second Chance
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have 5 life or less, sacrifice Second Chance. If you do, take an extra turn after this one.

SufferFromEDHD on
Sultai Graveyard Stubbornness
1 year ago
DreadKhan on
Zur the Enchanter
1 year ago
Zur has access to a lot of ways to lock people, and some of them are fairly cheap. If you want a fairly slow but inexorable way to win games with Zur, you could try Court of Cunning and Solitary Confinement. Court will give you Monarch, and Solitary Confinement makes you pretty safe while you mill opponent's for 10 each upkeep. There are things like Greater Auramancy (which is getting reprinted I understand, it's a niche card that went a very long time without a reprint so who knows where the price will settle), and you can use any copy enchantment effect to speed up the mill plan, or to copy stuff like Phyrexian Arena to draw more cards. Those Copy Enchantment effects are also very good with stuff like Second Chance (which also loves Necropotence obviously), it's possible to set up infinite extra turns where you juggle Estrid's Invocation and another Copy Enchantment, both copying Estrid's Invocation. It's weird but extra turns are cool enough to be worth a bit of work I think.
If your deck can set up a strong pillowfort scenario then you might like Luminarch Ascension, getting a 4/4 flyer for 1W is really good value IMHO, and if nobody can target or attack you it's pretty hard to damage you, so it'll be online very quickly, at which point you have better creatures than most Green decks.
If you use Stasis, you might keep an eye on Black Market Connections, the two are very good together, especially if you use something like Brave the Sands as your Vigilance source, BMC both pays for Stasis, can draw a card each turn and can make you a 3/2, it's a huge amount of value on a Stasis board.
If you use All That Glitters it is pretty easy to make Zur big with Copy Enchantment effects duplicating All That Glitters. I find it's a surprisingly fast aggro option, and Zur can quickly end up a 1-shot. Ethereal Armor is another useful option.
This is just a personal preference, but I would either run more lands or run more 2 mana mana rocks (you could even do both, Zur is hard to get out early). If you run very few artifacts you should definitely run Energy Flux. If you run more lands you could have enough Basic lands that Back to Basics is worth a look. I had a deck that used both of them and Rule of Law as a way to oppress the board.
Hope you're having some fun games!
DreadKhan on
Zur is head of this prison
1 year ago
My Zur Prison was inspired by the little synergy pile of Solitary Confinement and Court of Cunning, Court pays for Solitary, so it's very hard for you to lose your Monarch status, so everyone else just keeps getting Milled for 10. You'll need another effect to draw, but Zur can find lots, and Zur can also find Greater Auramancy, it's not as pricey as it once was, but it might get reprinted at any point. Not sure if all that's fast/strong enough, but Zur can find the pieces (and if you get the Court second you are automatically Monarch, so it's a pretty solid set up).
Have you thought about running Hall of Heliod's Generosity over Auramancer? I've tried to use Auramancer, and it is so hard for it to be in the right situation I find, maybe your mileage varies. If you do use the Hall, Zur can find Necropotence and Second Chance, which will give you turns (but it can be hard to draw more cards without life gain), but since Zur can still attack you just Voltron up first, this is a nice way to finish a game so they don't drag on forever, there are lots of ways to find Hall when you're ready to set up the combo, it also works as long as your life is low enough on your upkeep to trigger Second Chance, you can then use Hall to let you draw Chance and replay it, cast it and have Zur find a Voltron piece, a nasty surprise if people thought you were almost finished. Second Chance can also be perpetuated with Estrid's Invocation and either Copy Enchantment or Mirrormade, recently found out about it.
If you're ever looking for a Prison feeling creature I have a lot of fun with Fatespinner, this holds one of your opponent's phases hostage each turn. Spurnmage Advocate is pretty hilarious if people like to attack often, you can give any one opponent 2 cards back to blow up potentially another attacker's creature, it's a sneaky card that plays well with prison type effects (lots of cards become situationally very bad with Rule of Law, you can give these back to them).
K34 on
The Second Coming of the Spanker
2 years ago
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Basalt Monolith, Mesmeric Orb, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre is infinite self mill and tokens. drop the two creature to self mill for Laboratory Maniac
Amulet of Vigor, Mystic Sanctuary, Splendid Reclamation, Squandered Resources togehter create infinite landfall. Add in Tatyova, Benthic Druid for draw.
Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Second Chance for infinite turns with low life, or use Eternal Witness, Ashnod's Altar, and Time Warp
DreadKhan on
Zur The Enchanter - casual stax
2 years ago
I don't think you can use Vanishing to be unblockable, but I think you could wait until someone decides to block him, and if Zur would die, you can Phase him out and he's removed from combat, you'll still have gotten his attack trigger though.
You've got quite a few solid stax creatures (people often call them Hatebears) in here already, but I run Opposition Agent, Dauthi Voidwalker, Drannith Magistrate, Malevolent Hermit Flip, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Wandering Archaic Flip, which is very effective piece if people run lots of non-creature counters, such as more competitive playgroups.
Well, there are various ways you can win via Zur's ability, in my Zur deck my plan is to lock up the board and then win from a fairly safe position. To go with Spirit of the Labyrinth you could run Teferi's Puzzle Box and Necropotence to lock people out of having cards except you, who can draw via Necropotence. I also use Walking Ballista and Heliod, Sun-Crowned as a half-fetched combo. Because it only needed 1 card, I use Second Chance + Hall of Heliod's Generosity + Necropotence to get infinite extra turns, but you might need a way to get rid of Necropotence to let you draw cards normally, a thing Zur can also help with. Another option that people use (but is pricey) is Rest in Peace (or Voidwalker) and Helm of Obedience, which can help remove players by milling them out, if this seems bad keep in mind that with Mirrormade you can duplicate the Helm on the 2nd turn and eliminate up to 2 players that turn, which should close out a game. While it won't quite win you the game on the spot, there is (back of Hermit) Benevolent Geist and Dovescape so that only you can cast non-creatures. If you're worried about birds you can just use Detention Sphere to clear them out each turn via Estrid's Invocation, but if you've got the most birds, you can keep them around. I like my Zur decks to have a janky feel, so I also don't run Thassa's Oracle.
One of my favourite ways to win is All That Glitters with stuff like Copy Enchantment, Estrid's Invocation and Mirrormade to generate a Voltron win off of Zur's ability. For protection I just run Greater Auramancy, which helps both my Voltron and my general supply of enchantments I don't want targeted. The already mentioned Luminarch Ascension can be a solid win con once it's set up, 1W for a 4/4 flyer is really, really good value, even in cEDH people play the card in control decks.
DreadKhan on
Normal Zur Deck Pay No Mind
2 years ago
I could be wrong, but I think Dig Through Time should go in over Treasure Cruise, it digs far deeper. I use Second Chance with Hall of Heliod's Generosity as a win con, it's a bit clunky but infinite turns is pretty good, I'm not sure if your deck can use it without All That Glitters or some other way to pump Zur, but your deck doesn't have to use Necropotence to lower your life total and can still draw cards potentially, so it might work here. You could throw in Unspeakable Symbol as a way to lower your life total (that Zur can find) that also pumps Zur to then win with extra turns, the only annoyance is that the life payment is in clumps of 3, so you might not get to 0 very easily with it. Solitary Confinement is very good with Necropotence out, potentially a lot better than Island Sanctuary.
Love your deck idea, I've often been impressed by stuff like Axis of Mortality, such a versatile card. If you use a 'life exchange' effect to raise an opponent's life total, Tainted Remedy turns the gained life to loss, which can kill people even if you don't target yourself with it, and the player that didn't die is now stuck with the much lower life total.
SynergyBuild on Solemnity replacement
3 years ago
I personally enjoy the follow, lesser known combos:
Living Plane or/and Humility + Night of Souls' Betrayal or if you are okay with an enchantment creature, Doomwake Giant
Solemnity + Decree of Silence is another solemnity equivalent to Phyrexian Unlife/Nine Lives
While it does involve a creature, it is an entirely enchantment-based: Second Chance + Shimmerwing Chimera/Riptide Chimera
While it's a three card combo for infinite (Paradox Haze being needed), doubling your turns is strong too, Starfield of Nyx+Second Chance works well.
Also if you need an enchantment way to get to that life total for the Second Chance combos, Necropotence is great, Greed is fine, and Form of the Dragon
Hermetic Study and equivalent variants on it have a ton of enchantment combos, but they mostly require some creature, to use Curiosity, Keen Sense, Ophidian Eye, Snake Umbra, and my favorite combes as Sigil of Sleep or Charisma, and you can use Pemmin's Aura/Freed from the Real.
Staples like Squirrel Nest/Bitterblossom variants with Contamination are easy to slap together as long as you don't mind the downside!
raefgall on
Infect & Proliferate
3 years ago
This looks like it could definitely be scary once it gets going. Very dedicated to its theme.
From a general construction sense, it could probably use a few less lands, a bit more ramp and card draw, and a few less cards on the top end (the mana curve leans high).
Some good mana staples that would help and fit the theme: Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, Everflowing Chalice, Astral Cornucopia, Solemn Simulacrum, Fertilid, Gyre Sage, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Incubation Druid, Rampant Growth
Since your goal is to get poison counters on ASAP (so that proliferate matters), stuff like Ichor Rats and Plague Stinger would be good additions. Grafted Exoskeleton and Phyresis can make it so some of your other creatures can contribute to the poison damage count. Viridian Corrupter and Relic Putrescence both give you a way to give poison counters while also serving as artifact removal of a sort.
For cards to potentially remove, there are a few that fit the theme, but may be harder to get the benefit from. Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Second Chance don't do too much for you. Door of Destinies doesn't really have a good tribe to name.
There is a sort of sacrifice sub-theme going on that doesn't feel like it fully pans out. The Arcbound creatures are on the expensive side and you don't have a ton of artifact creatures to move the counters onto. Plus, if they hit for regular damage, they're not going to contribute to your infect plan. Throne of Geth and Plaguemaw Beast give repeatable proliferate, but you don't have a ton of things that you want to sacrifice, or ways to get things back from the graveyard to recur them. Martyr for the Cause and Roalesk, Apex Hybrid are only really good if you get exactly Plaguemaw Beast.