Plague Stinger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plague Stinger

Creature — Phyrexian Insect Horror


Infect (This creature deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters.)

MadPilot on Infect 2025 (UG)

3 weeks ago


Why Nature's Claim when I have Force of Vigor in SB to cast for free?

No Inkmoth Nexus is a conscious decision because I want access to green mana always. Also Ikmoth is overrated in this deck as without ramp it can only kill as soon as turn 4. The Glistener Elf can do that on T2 and Plague Stinger on T3 (also without ramp). I talk about creature + Scale Up + either Groundswell or Might of Old Krosa combo.

Instead of Verdant Catacombs I have Windswept Heath which do the same.

Also dude, I have no "slow lands", what are you talking about?

king-saproling on Phyrexian

4 months ago

Personally I would make these swaps:

1x Vat Emergence -> Well of Lost Dreams
Eye of Malcator -> Contentious Plan
Tamiyo's Immobilizer -> Core Prowler
Synthesis Pod -> Ichorclaw Myr
Spy Network -> Vector Asp
Mindstatic -> Plague Myr
Power Taint -> Grim Affliction
Escaped Experiment -> Guildpact Informant
Ambulatory Edifice -> Inexorable Tide
Mindsplice Apparatus -> Necropede
Testament Bearer -> Steady Progress
The Filigree Sylex -> Plague Stinger
Font of Progress -> Throne of Geth
glistener seer -> Viral Drake
Ravenous Necrotitan -> Ichor Rats
Phyrexian Atlas -> Staff of Compleation

TheBestMagicCard on Atraxa - Planeswalkers-Poison-Proliferate-Turns

1 year ago

Inexorable Tide is awesome.

Trying to find the balance between Planeswalkers and Poison. I think it's okay...

I'd like to fit Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, Plague Stinger, and Kasmina, Enigma Sage, and Displacer Kitten in...

Almios on Blessed Perfection [1.3/MOM] - Suggestions Wanted!

1 year ago

My suggestions are based on not spending an arm and a leg to make improvements but maybe a finger or toe.

At a quick glance the first comment I have is lands seem a little low. I personally lean towards 36 if the deck isn't mono colored.

I know they are a bit slower but I would suggest using the tri colored lands as you are already using fetches. These lands add some real good color fixing early on and if they do become dead in hand cycle them away. Spara's Headquarters, Zagoth Triome, Indatha Triome and Raffine's Tower. I would replace your lands that reference the opponent count to come in untapped.

A land that goes on theme is Mirrex since it can get you mites as the game drags on. A second land I recommend since your land base is so varied is Field of the Dead, the zombies can add up and are nice little chumps if need be.

With the above changes I would say Crucible of Worlds but if you find sometimes you struggle to have something to play Conduit of Worlds is an extra mana but has the ability to give you the chance to cast something when you might not have anything else to work with.

I would personally go full Praetor and run each variation if possible for the big flavor. The added benefit is each one of them is practically game warping, but be warned it can attract a lot of attention. The newest Vorinclex is probably the odd man out though since he only finds basic forests and Dominaria Sheoldred simply because of price. Added benefits of the new praetors is you can accelrate their saga. Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree would then make a very nice inclusion if you go that way.

Cards to consider dumping for them from what I can at a first glance are Flesh-Eater Imp, Plague Stinger, Septic Rats and Slaughter Singer. I chose these because I don't feel once they hit the board they are something that people say "this needs to die".

Norn's Choirmaster is a recent card that gives your commander even more of a presence on the board.

On the sorcery since the only card that I don't like the look of is Nature's Lore, sure it is a cheap way to get you your colors especially if you have dual typed lands but if we are upping the land count I would switch it to a Skyshroud Claim since it can find you the same lands but untapped if the land can come in untapped for mana efficiency.

The biggest suggestion on the instant side would be to add Krosan Grip over Infectious Bite. Sure the bite is a form of removal and poison generation but I find having one of the best artifact/enchantment removals is the better option.

I understand the suggestion fromm KongMing as a strong one but I don't think it works the way he intended it Temporal Distortion does put counters on their lands but it removes ALL of them not just one so even if you proliferate it doesn't keep the lands tapped down longer unless you destroy your own enchantment.

Astral Cornucopia is nice with since you can keep building it but getting only one color out of it can be problematic at times. I suggest replacing with a Crystalline Crawler if you are find being a little off theme.

I would find a home for Chromatic Lantern, having one artifact to fix all of your mana problems is very nice especially when in more than two colors.

Overall there are a couple of other cards I would recommend to consider but unsure of an exact home without taking apart every step. Grafted Exoskeleton, Tainted Strike, if you go the praetor route Geth's Summons is a great reanimation spell of you have the corrupted. Yawgmoth's Vile Offering is also a very strong spell for reanimation and removal. Inexorable Tide should probably have a home somewhere, it is a bit high CMC but it gets the job done. As Foretold also helps a lot of mana problems, do keep in mind it can also be used off turns if you have instant speed spells.

Unlife on

2 years ago

One of infects deck's weaknesses is how few 'playable' infect creature there are for modern. Most decks run Glistener Elf, Blighted Agent, Plague Stinger, Inkmoth Nexus, and occasionally Ichorclaw Myr in some combination so they're sure to have a creature or two to pump for the kill. With only Blighted Agent, you are rarely going to consistently have an agent in hand to play.

You also need some protection. Infect decks are build around things like Vines of Vastwood and Blossoming Defense that both pump and protect your creatures from the removal that turns your 10/10 infect creature into just another graveyard addition.

I'd recommend looking at a current modern simic infect decklist, and finding ways to splash red and doublestrike in (Assault Strobe is also an option) so you have a strong core to work from.

Kazierts on Pushing Poison

2 years ago

After reading your comment taking another look at your deck, I realized it has 70 cards. While, as I said, I don't intend to change your deckbuilding style, you should basically never go above 60 cards, unless your deck runs Yorion, Sky Nomad or Battle of Wits.

Your deckbuilding guidelines are quite interesting. Here's a few things I'd like to mention regarding them:

  • First, a compliment so it doesn't like I'm just criticizing everything. What you mentioned about legendary creatures is basically the correct way to play with them, in most cases. Too many can brick you and too few makes them hard to draw.

  • While, in some cases, it's good a backup windocondition, that does not apply to every archetype, Infect included. Because of the Infect keyword, the literally doesn't care about the opponent's life total. So, when you suddenly try to change to hit their life total with one or two creatures that don't have Infect, you're basically starting everything from scratch in the middle of a game. This goes into my next point which is your fear of hate cards.

  • I completely understand some cards that can shut your deck down are scary, but I feel like you're letting your fear get in the way of your deck. I'll use my deck as example. My manabase is almost completely made of nonbasic lands, yet Blood Moon doesn't scare me. Why? I have Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. If that's not enough, then I also have Ratchet Bomb in my sideboard. Melira, Sylvok Outcast? Fatal Push, Damnfoil, Collective Brutality and Liliana of the Veil all deal with it. My point is there multiple ways to deal with threats that don't force you into an extremely narrow path. Also, if you're playing Modern, no one will use Back to Basicsfoil because it's not legal. This also goes into my next point, which is the mana effiency.

  • Despite you saying you like to be mana effienct, a lot of cards here aren't. As I mentioned, some of them basically do nothing. Some actually do, but are overcoste, even in you examples. Sage's Row Denizen is very inefficient because mill decks like to turbo mill (which is something I personally don't like). This means the best mill creatures are Ruin Crab and Hedron Crab. When we come fo poisoning opponents, that's why Hand of the Praetors sees basically zero play outside of commander. Usually people just cast a Glistener Elf turn 1 and a Scale Up turn 2. Also, you're looking at the ratio, but not the usefulness of the creature. Sure, Cystbearer costs the same, manawise, as a Rot Wolf, but is incredibly worse.

If you want to follow this path of winning bast cast infect creatures with the hand on the field, then:

I understand if the above mentioned are a bit above your budget. A lot of these Infect cards haven't had a reprint yet.

I love when people go for nonstandard builds of decks. I hope you cam improve this without sacrificing too much of your own style.

TheoryCrafter on Infect

3 years ago

Have you considered Hand of the Praetors? This card will strengthen your creatures and give your opponents poison counters.

Sorin Markov Is good, but with Dread Presence, those affects are cumulative. May I suggest replacing Sorin with Plague Stinger! This will give you some early game flyers that won't be susceptible to cards like Blood Moon.

With two copies of Damnation in your deck I think you can get away with removing Cast Down and To the Slaughter. Keep Grasp of Darkness due to it being usable against creatures with indestructible. While To the Slaughter also deals with Indestructible creatures you have no control over which creature your opponent chooses to sacrifice.

I hope this all gives you a good start. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

cyeRunner on BG Infect

3 years ago

Welcome to the Infect-Team :)

The Deck that top 8'd was targeting certain matchups anticipated at the event as you can see in the sideboard, so maybe you might not do as well with the list at your local meta:
7x Graveyard-hate, 7x Artifact- & Entchantment-hate in the Sideboard against Hammertime, Affinity, Amulet Titan and Chalice of the Void with 1 Counter. Ashiok, Dream Render is also good against Titan, but there is no Creature Removal and Lifegain against Burn is missing.

Abrupt Decay vs. Assassin's Trophy: Giving your Opponnent a land-card is currently a huge disadvantage so I would not play too many Trophy's or only in certain Matchups. Decay is a good card, it hits most of the stuff you need to hit, including Wrenn and Six, but excluding Urza's Saga which leads us to ..

Gemrazer! This card has some big advantages over other Disenchant-Effects. Sideboard cards can sometimes be "dead draws", meaning the situation you brought them in has not occoured, so the sideboard card is useless in your hand. Gemrazer can still be played as a Rancor-like effect: "Give your Creatures +3/+3 and trample" for 3 mana is quite good even if you don't use the "Destroy artifact or enchantment"-effect. If you get both you 2for1 your opponent. Also it hits Urza's Saga. Even in the worst case it's a 4-Mana 4/4.

For removal Fatal Push is currently sufficient in my opinion, but I recommend having a sideboard removal-card against bigger creatures like Murktide Regent, Serra's Emissary or Archon of Cruelty.

Generally speaking about Thoughtseize: the obvious reason to run it is to disrupt your opponents hand, but the not so obvious reason is that you are more likely to have something to do on turn 1. 8x 1-drops (Hierarchs and G-Elf) are sometimes not enough to consistently draw one in your opening 7 cards. There were times before Ignoble Hierarch where UG-Infect would run a single Birds of Paradise for more consistent draws. If you have a lot of burn/aggro decks in your local meta swap it for Inquisition of Kozilek.

Phyrexian Crusader is currently a powerhouse since most removal is red or white in the current meta. You are right: Blighted Agent is a lot better than Plague Stinger with a lot of fliers flying around, but the 3 color manabase is just superhard to play.

My prefered budget Replacement for Endurance is Nihil Spellbomb since it can draw you cards. (The effect even triggers if your opponent wants to destroy it)

I am playing BG Infect for ~2,5 years now, if you are interested here is my list: Nobody expects the Kozileks Inqusition - BG Infect

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