Assault Strobe

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Assault Strobe


Target creature gains double strike until end of turn. (It deals both first strike and regular combat damage.)

Baileybelson2 on Budget Beginner Teaching Decks (#2 Red)

3 months ago

Thanks again for making these- a brilliant resource.

A previous commenter mentioned the explosiveness of the deck might be too high with the turn 3 synergy of Kiln Fiend into Rush of Adrenaline + Assault Strobe + any other instant/sorcery = 24 damage.

I can see the idea that this is the point of the deck, but also that losing to this feels like it was barely a game and wasn’t fun/interactive.

Suggestions on how the deck might just slightly slow down whilst retaining explosiveness with some substitutions from newer sets:

  1. Festival Crasher stands in for Kiln Fiend, has a more modest +2/+0 per instant/sorcery. The turn 3 combo becomes 18 damage instead of 24.

  2. Twinferno stands in for Assault Strobe. Costing 1 more to cast, the turn 3 combo becomes 18 damage instead of 24. Personally I find Twinferno to have more thematic art and flavour for a red deck, and the modal casting adds some more gameplay depth too. A further alternative is Two-Headed Hunter as an adventure instant, but ungainly complexity.

Shorketh on $20 Sack of Elementals

9 months ago

As many of the creatures have trample, Assault Strobe might be better than the battle rage. Assault Strobe Isn't instant but it does only cost one mana.

jonjonhholt on Gruul Sandwiches...

1 year ago

Hey I love the idea for this list! I think the deck would really benefit from running Temur Battle Rage instead of Assault Strobe. Althought I love strobe's cost, it comes down at sorcery speed meaning your opponent knows that it is coming. Meanwhile, battle rage is an instant so you can wait until after you have pumped your creatures with bloodrush and your opponent has had a chance to respond before committing to the kill. Additionally, battle rage gives trample which althought most of your creatures already have, there will 100% be games where you can win with an 8 power Slaughterhorn bashing your opponents face in twice. (even if that isnt game plan #1, 2, OR 3)

Unlife on

1 year ago

One of infects deck's weaknesses is how few 'playable' infect creature there are for modern. Most decks run Glistener Elf, Blighted Agent, Plague Stinger, Inkmoth Nexus, and occasionally Ichorclaw Myr in some combination so they're sure to have a creature or two to pump for the kill. With only Blighted Agent, you are rarely going to consistently have an agent in hand to play.

You also need some protection. Infect decks are build around things like Vines of Vastwood and Blossoming Defense that both pump and protect your creatures from the removal that turns your 10/10 infect creature into just another graveyard addition.

I'd recommend looking at a current modern simic infect decklist, and finding ways to splash red and doublestrike in (Assault Strobe is also an option) so you have a strong core to work from.

TheOfficialCreator on Hellfire Barrage

1 year ago

Have you thought about Braid of Fire or Assault Strobe?

TapatioDorito on Budget Burn

1 year ago

Temur Battle Rage or Assault Strobe could be especially dangerous here. TBR enables Trample onto both Bedlam Reveler and Vexing Devil even if they are alone on your side of the field. You can also use Flame Rift as a risky but higher source of player damage, and Unholy Heat to deal with creatures, since you will likely want to go after Delirium anyway.

Finally, if you're going for a Shock type of card, try Wild Slash, Play with Fire, or even Tarfire, as Tribal is a card type that Delirium checks for.

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