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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Horror

When you play Phantasmagorian, any player may discard three cards. If a player does, counter Phantasmagorian.

Discard three cards: Return Phantasmagorian from your graveyard to your hand.

trippy_mcfly on Cumly Cube

2 years ago

Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:


  • Abomination: too weak in power level
  • Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Black Dragon: too weak in power level
  • Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
  • Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
  • Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Dack Fayden: too powerful
  • District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
  • Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
  • Eviscerator: too weak in power level
  • Grim Strider: too weak in power level
  • Hypnox: too weak in power level
  • Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
  • Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
  • Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver: too weak in power level
  • Nix: too weak in power level
  • Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
  • Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
  • Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
  • Prismite: too weak in power level
  • Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Shatterskull Smashing  Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
  • Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
  • Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
  • Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
  • Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
  • Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
  • Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
  • Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart


ThassaUpYo@ssa on Belzo, Demon Warlord

3 years ago
  1. Pay 4{C}2{B} to cast Demonlord Belzenlok .

  2. Exile any black card not necessary to the combo to cast Unmask on yourself discarding Phantasmagorian .

  3. Discard Skirge Familiar , Dread Return , and any other non-combo card to return Phantasmagorian hand.

  4. Cast Deepwood Legate for free. If none of your opponents control a Forest , you will need: one extra {B} and two additional activations of Phantasmagorian 's ability (discarding 6 non-combo cards) to be able to fully delve into Sibsig Muckdraggers . Sibsig Muckdraggers ’s trigger requires an additional creature be present in your graveyard in order to avoid returning Skirge Familiar to your hand. Dross Golem can also be used here in place of Deepwood Legate .

  5. Cast Hollow One for free.

  6. Flashback Dread Return by sacrificing Demonlord Belzenlok , Hollow One and Deepwood Legate to return Skirge Familiar to the battlefield.

  7. Use Skirge Familiar 's ability to discard Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon , Lotus Guardian , Endling , Cinderhaze Wretch , and Dread to add 5{B}. -- Skirge Familiar can generate mana to cast Meteor Golem to deal with direct threats to the win condition.

  8. Pay to cast Necrotic Ooze . If Necrotic Ooze gets countered, return it using Makeshift Mannequin or Sibsig Muckdraggers .

  9. Pay to give Necrotic Ooze haste (courtesy of Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon ).

  10. Tap Necrotic Ooze to add {B} (courtesy of Lotus Guardian ).

  11. Pay to give Necrotic Ooze undying (courtesy of Endling ).

  12. Alternate between Lotus Guardian 's and Cinderhaze Wretch 's abilities until Necrotic Ooze dies to add 2{B}. Once Necrotic Ooze comes back with a +1/+1 counter via undying, pay to give it haste and undying (again) then continue to alternate between Lotus Guardian 's and Cinderhaze Wretch 's abilities until Necrotic Ooze dies to add 4{B}. Repeat this process until you have infinite {B}.

--- Optional: Give Necrotic Ooze infinite +1/+1, haste, undying, menace, and deathtouch from Deepwood Legate , Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon , and Endling . Then use both of Cinderhaze Wretch 's abilities to make all your opponents discard their hands.

Finally, use the infinite {B} mana to cast Syr Konrad, the Grim , continue generating infinite mana with Necrotic Ooze , Cinderhaze Wretch , and Lotus Guardian , and bleed out all of your opponents from the infinite undying triggers. Syr Konrad, the Grim 's ability can also be used to mill everybody else at the table. Dread hitting the graveyard and immediately leaving will also trigger damage.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Triskelion can also be discarded with Skirge Familiar and then reanimated using Living Death for an alternate win condition.

Lowenstein on Oops! You’re dead [Primer]

3 years ago

sergiodelrio valid concerns. The deck is definitely sort of glass-canon, where when we decide to go off then yes we really need to win very quickly. There is one copy of Nexus of Fate so we at least survive another turn, and then you could potentially pitch it to Phantasmagorian to squeeze out one more. The deck should, however, win the same turn it combos. 4 Creeping Chill is 12 damage plus 4 hasty Vengevines adds up to 16 more damage that same turn, so 28 total. Luckily, all that damage can happen independent of the turn it flips :)

Strangelove on Anje Reanimator

4 years ago

+1! @Your post

I'd cut...

Zombie Infestation ... I like this card, but when are you going to draw the cards to fuel this? I'd say there are better discard outlets, eg. Skirge Familiar , Phantasmagorian , etc.

Bloodthirsty Blade ... fluffy, < Doom Blade , etc.

Boneyard Parley ... 7 mana for 2-3 creatures of your opponent's choice is so meh. < Balthor the Defiled , Twilight's Call , Command the Dreadhorde , etc.

Cut ... fluffy, weak removal, weak late game burn.

Anje's Ravager ... this card is awful. I'd rather play Sire Of Insanity or Awaken the Erstwhile if you're going to dump your hand... or Faithless Looting .

Bog Witch ... slow! Cut!

You might also go down to 34 lands and add a few more madness.

Good luck!

Blue_Flame on Looking for cards for a …

4 years ago

Yeah, Miasmic Mummy or Rotting Rats might be what you're looking for. They're "jank", sure, but the symmetrical effect might be what you want with Ephemerate . It's actually kinda sick, now that I think about it.

If you can get Phantasmagorian into your graveyard somehow with Stitcher's Supplier or Satyr Wayfinder, that can be used as a discard outlet, but that's going into Who-Knows-Where-Jankville-City.

Mindslicer is also Modern legal but I don't know if you want to discard your entire hand in a deck like this.

Nerdytimesorwhatever on Anje Falkenrath cEDH

4 years ago

Why are you running Phantasmagorian ?

Hissp on Anje Filter

4 years ago

Yes to Songs of the Damned !

I've also added Final Fortune .

I think you can cut Cut (haha), as Bloodhall Priest is also a wincon. This would be a good reason to run Phantasmagorian .

Hissp on Anje Filter

4 years ago

I found a few others (I built my own list to fish with).

Have you tested stacking the untap triggers with wheel effects and/or Necropotence . Necro seems like one of the strongest cards in the deck, as you can win during the cleanup step with B open into Dark Ritual .

Restless Dreams is a must-include. You can also stack untap triggers discarding other madness cards. It's often better than Shadow of the Grave .

I put Cabal Ritual , Rain of Filth , and Mox Amber in my list. It's a judgement call how deep into "more rituals" you wanna dive but in trying to filter-storm off I found myself often wishing for mana more than any other resource.

Bone Miser feels like HUGE value. He turns filtering into unstoppable advantage. I also threw in Reanimate for him but that might be incorrect. Maybe Skirge Familiar would also be a good include for similar reasons.

Phantasmagorian is a cute way to untap Anje for free (which might make or break comboing off)

Shadowblood Ridge gives you T1 Anje potential with Mana Crypt .

Also don't forget the newly printed Archfiend of Spite!

I cut the Dualcaster/Twinflame combo. I'm not sure how often you're leaning on that but those cards are dead outside the main combo.

I'd also cut Jeweled Amulet , as it's dead outside the combo turn. I'd think about adding the almost-as-good Skirk Prospector if you're finding me wrong about that.

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