Jolene, the Plunder Queen
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jolene, the Plunder Queen

Legendary Creature — Human Warrior

Whenever a player attacks one or more of your opponents, that attacking player creatures a Treasure token. (It's a colourless artifact with ", Sacrifice this: Add one mana of any colour.:)

If you would create one or more Treasure tokens, instead create those tokens plus an additional Treasure token.

Sacrifice five Treasures: Put five +1/+1 counters on this.

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Perimeter Patrol
Magnetic Snuffler
Security Rhox
Capenna Express
Argothian Sprite
Jolene, Plundering Pugilist

lhetrick13 on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Spell_Slam - Thanks for the upvote and the comment/suggestions!

I had never consider Rampage of the Clans before as an offensive weapon but that has potential. This deck can generate an astonishing amount of treasure tokens in a single turn depending on the board state and that could be a finishing blow. I was considering adding in Displaced Dinosaurs for a similar effect. Mixed with Bootleggers' Stash I was thinking that could be pretty interesting!

Rhythm of the Wild is good, no doubt about it. A little more options that Fervor but no potential suicide drawbacks like Mass Hysteria. I do like Urabrask the Hidden, only drawback is the 5 CMC vs 2 or 3 for the two walls I am running. Dowsing Device  Flip I am not crazy about due to limiting its effectiveness to only a single creature. It can pump but pump is not generally what this deck needs with the amount of big dragons. Song of Totentanz is very interesting...had never thought of thought particular card. Other similar cards I considered but not that one..I will likely experiment with that!

For the mana ramp, I had considered less ramp spells for more creatures but in my experience, the only way to slow this deck down is by an early board wipe. Thus, I am willing to reduce the effectiveness of the deck with Ognis for more consistency. Ognis was more of a convenient commander that gave me access to the colors I wanted that had some synergy with the deck concept rather than being the central, pivotal piece the deck revolves around.

I had considered Xorn and Jolene, the Plunder Queen but could never find a slot for them in the deck. The abilities they provide are good but what to cut?!? Similar cards like Professional Face-Breaker and Grim Hireling not only produce treasure but also give me utility via card draw potential or removal at the expense of treasures. But you are correct, so many options!

For indirect damage, I did originally have cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Nadier's Nightblade present but again cut them to fit in other cards. I have a few copies of Mirkwood Bats and I like how it triggers on entry and leaving for both lifegain and drain...Maybe I will try to add in that for some flair!

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Greatly appreciate the thoughts and gives me something to think about! The deck is already pretty hard to deal with and has a pretty good track record but it has been a while since I have tinkered with it :)

Spell_Slam on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Rampage of the Clans is a personal favourite of mine for any deck that creates a lot of artifacts and plays Green. Slap this down at your opponent's end step before your turn and turn all your treasures into 3/3s. That will usually end the game.

In terms of haste enablers, I think Rhythm of the Wild is among the better ones. Urabrask the Hidden and Dowsing Device  Flip are excellent. Song of Totentanz is pretty great at giving you a lot of treasures or enabling hasty dragons for cheap. Any of these would be better than Crashing Drawbridge and Tuk Tuk Rubblefort, and maybe Anger as well.

Beastcaller Savant is a mana dork with haste, so it seems like a great choice here. Probably better than Rampant Growth, despite only being for creatures. Ruby, Daring Tracker is also another good option. Maybe better than Nature's Lore.

There are so many artifact/treasure/token doublers out there to choose from that could make the deck. Xorn, Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, Jolene, the Plunder Queen... I'm for sure missing some.

In terms of outlets, Marionette Master, Mirkwood Bats, Reckless Fireweaver, Mayhem Devil... again there are lots that could make the deck very deadly.

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

1 year ago

I assume you're trying to keep this on a lower budget, so this post will lean into cards that are cheaper, probably ~$5 or less. I feel like something like Pawn of Ulamog, or Sifter of Skulls, or even Ogre Slumlord? Bodies off of creatures dying that can also die is pretty on theme.

A great source of fodder can be Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, but if you play anything too big he'll just die. You really want some infinite and free sac outlets if you use him, but there are a few of those around that aren't too costly, including Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, and Sadistic Hypnotist. There is also Dimir House Guard, which can also serve as a tutor for anything that's 4 mana if you already have better sac outlets on board. Another creature that interacts fairly well with your Commander is Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, who can make some bodies for you/provides a free sac outlet.

Not sure how often you attack, but Jolene, the Plunder Queen, Grim Hireling and Professional Face-Breaker can all generate treasures for you to sacrifice as needed. These are good cards with creatures that are hard to block, such as Shadow creatures, though Gruul has no Shadows afaik and Black has mostly Dauthi that aged poorly and the pricey Dauthi Voidwalker, I have been known to run Dauthi Slayer and Dauthi Marauder here and there, Dauthi Horror is also reasonably cost effective in it's own way. There are a few more out there if you like the concept of creatures that can't block or be blocked.

You might like Mimic Vat, the bodies can be useful while having some synergy with the Commander.

Since Korvold can easily get over 10 power and has evasion, have you considered Tainted Strike to help him one-shot people? 10 Infect damage kills any opponent, regardless of life total. Also good with a Trample source obviously, Garruk's Uprising, Primal Rage (or Rancor?) or Blossoming Bogbeast are all affordable and playable sources. Obviously not important if people rarely run fliers in your area.

I could point out some good candidates for replacement in your list if you'd like.

Hope some of this is helpful!

wallisface on D&D Deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • A bunch of these cards aren't modern legal - specifically Ancient Brass Dragon, Ancient Copper Dragon, Jolene, the Plunder Queen, Ramos, Dragon Engine, The Ur-Dragon, Monster Manual, Vexing Puzzlebox, Sivitri, Dragon Master, Burgeoning, Court of Bounty, and Demonic Tutor.

  • Your mana curve is very high here. Pretty much all Modern decks can’t justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this. Your deck has a whopping 31 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is faar too much, and will lead to some really, really slow/clumsy plays.

  • 12 lands is criminally low. As reference, Burn decks play 20 lands and only play cards costing 1-2 mana. Your deck in particular looks like it needs a lot of mana to do much of anything, and likely needs 24 lands as an absolute minimum, even after lowering the mana curve. Your deck is going to be currently doing nothing with such a crazily-low land count and such a crazily-high mana curve

  • You’re running a LOT of cards as 1-ofs and 2-ofs, which will lead to massive consistency issues and an overall weaker deck. Going forwards, i’d advise you aim to instead play playsets (4-ofs) of those cards that matter most. A deck should usually aim to be mostly playsets of cards.

carpecanum on I wanna be a man, mancub

1 year ago

+1 for title. I always liked Gorilla Berserkers but if you aren't forcing blocks they are pretty meh.

Who is your commander? Jolene, the Plunder Queen? Hard to see whats going on without a commander listed.

Would Kill Switch be ok? You can turn it on or off at will.

Wave of Vitriol, Hull Breach

Sephyrias on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

Nonary27 There are a lot of competitive/fringe competitive commanders in both sets.

New Capenna

Lagrella, the Magpie serves as Fiend Hunter in the command zone, letting you do sacrifice combos with Karmic Guide. She'll probably end up somewhere close to Saffi Eriksdotter.

Cormela, Glamour Thief combos with reanimator spells like Footsteps of the Goryo as long as you have cost reduction cards like Goblin Electromancer or a sac outlet that generates mana. I think she's pretty strong. Anhelo, the Painter is a grixis version of Kalamax, the Stormsire. Probably the best of the new Grixis commanders. Evelyn, the Covetous is weaker than it looks. I don't think there is an infinite blink/flicker/cloning combo piece that's also a vampire. Probably not better than Vela the Night-Clad, even with the extra color. Lord Xander, the Collector has a big impact on casual tables, but is nowhere near as relevant in competitive play. Would put him somewhere close to Evelyn.

Falco Spara, Pactweaver is an okay value engine, but you have to jump through extra hoops to go infinite with it compared to Elsha of the Infinite, so it will be a few tiers lower than Elsha. Rigo, Streetwise Mentor has to compete with Edric, Spymaster of Trest, they want to do more or less the same thing. I'm not sure if Rigo is better or worse.

Ognis, the Dragon's Lash does the same as Grand Warlord Radha. You get an extra color, but have the restriction regarding haste in exchange. Henzie "Toolbox" Torre is just a bad Grim Haruspex that can serve as pseudo-haste-enabler. Not weak, but also not very strong. Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer is a Wargate for creatures in the command zone. Might be the strongest Naya legend to date, although Marath, Will of the Wild is no joke either. Jolene, the Plunder Queen enables untap combos with Black Market Tycoon, but it just ends up being a much worse version of the Freed from the Real combos that other commanders can do.

None of the others are worth mentioning imo.

Commander Legends 2

Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward is similar to Lagrella, all about Fiend Hunter-type flicker/sacrifice combos. Candlekeep Sage is probably the best background for it. Alaundo the Seer is a simic version of Jhoira of the Ghitu, except that it's slower, but also draws cards. Bhaal, Lord of Murder is more or less an Odric's Outrider in the command zone, but that it only counts for nontoken creatures means you can't combo with Scurry Oak, so it's probably not that great. I think Duke Ulder Ravengard combos with Port Razer?

Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy sort of gives all your instants & sorceries flashback, which is usually very powerful. Not sure how good it ends up being in practice however. Ganax, Astral Hunter is basically just Galazeth Prismari. Kagha, Shadow Archdruid is yet another Golgari recursion commander, which are usually at least decent. Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter goes infinite with Clock of Omens and Liquimetal Coating.

Baba Lysaga, Night Witch, Bane, Lord of Darkness, Dynaheir, Invoker Adept, Gorion, Wise Mentor and Jaheira, Friend of the Forest have a lot of combo potential, but I'm not sure how to break them yet.

Have (2) PrismMTG , JordanSanFran
Want (1) DeadliestWar666