Bootleggers' Stash

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bootleggers' Stash


Lands you control have ": Create a Treasure token." (It's an artifact with ", Sacrifice this: Add one mana of any colour.")

PhotogenicParasympathetic on Card creation challenge

1 month ago

enter image description here

I like my previous efforts. So here's a remade REAL card that I wish had been different:

Bootleggers' Stash


Lands you control have ": Create a Treasure token."

Seriously, no idea why that card was in green when it so clearly should have been in white. I even downcosted it in white, because at 5 it's playable and strong, instead of being a 6-mana-worse-than-everything-else-green-does-after-ramping-to-6-mana card.

Make an instant or sorcery card named "No Capes!"

Crow_Umbra on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago

Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback, and for reading through the primer Profet93, I appreciate it.

I like what you've suggested and wanted to offer my thoughts in turn:

  • Skullclamp - A great card draw staple. I think I didn't initially consider this one mostly because I currently have ~8 creatures with 1 toughness, & don't really make small 1/1 tokens besides Preacher of the Schism. High likelihood for revisiting & inclusion.

  • Sakura-Tribe Elder/Rampant Growth - I could see Steve slotting in over Farseek. I have Farseek in here as a means of grabbing Overgrown Tomb for quick fixing.

  • Viridian Longbow - This was also suggested by UltimateRoxas40. Definitely a kind of cheeky include. I used to run it in an early version of my Prosper, Tome-Bound deck. The higher concentration of Deathtouch in this deck raises its ceiling. I don't play with equipment much beyond Skullclamp, Lightning Greaves, & Swiftfoot Boots, but might consider swapping one of the instant/sorcery removal spells depending on how first irl playthroughs go.

  • Academy Manufactor - I considered this for the deck initially, but it turns out it would be a non-bo with Vraska, the Silencer. Her wording reads "Whenever a nontoken creature an opponent controls dies, you may pay . If you do, return that card to the battlefield tapped under your control. It's a Treasure artifact" Manufactor only makes its plethora of tokens whenever an effect creates a Treasure, Food, or Clue token. Currently, Deadly Dispute, Tireless Provisioner, & Revel in Riches are my only cards that make treasure tokens.

  • Mastermind Plum - He has replaced Preacher of the Schism in a couple of my other decks already, so I guess I might as well continue the trend. I think I picked Preacher mostly because I have copies on hand, & my Mastermind Plum is already in another deck.

  • Infectious Bite - Forgot about this card & must have overlooked it in my initial brewing. Will likely swap out with Bite Down.

  • Bootleggers' Stash/Parallel Lives - Ehhhhh, I kinda like Revel in Riches as my awkward value 5 drop more than Bootlegger's Stash. I don't think I'd consider Parallel Lives for similar reasons listed as Academy Manufactor.

Regarding all the anti-token stuff you mentioned, I agree that Pernicious Deed is what I'm most likely to include. I had it in the initial draft of this deck, but swapped it for some other removal.

  • Liquimetal Torque - Definitely a case of "I know I have this on hand". I was also considering Fellwar Stone for this slot. As cool as Jet & Emerald Medallion are, I don't have a copy of either yet. I usually try to focus on what I have initially, then save stuff like the medallions for future upgrades if I like a deck enough to continue investing in it.

  • Kura, the Boundless Sky - I typically play against a Kangee, Sky Warden deck quite frequently in my meta. My friend that pilots the deck will frequently go after decks that don't have flying defenses up, & tends to avoid swinging at boards that will stop the flyers. So Kura is here to play mind games with him & deter aggro as a deathtouch flyer, but also is just a bigger body that can help soar over defenses & chip people for 4 damage until they can do something about it. Once he does die, I will pick the land option.

  • Saryth, the Viper's Fang - I feel like I tend to see 1-2 wipes per game, but much more targeted removal. Wipes are inevitable, so I don't really worry about them. I'd rather dissuade targeted removal, or at least speedbump folks by offering Saryth up as the bottleneck to the rest of my board without a wipe. If she is too redundant, this could be a potential swap out.

  • Questing Beast - I like it for being a haste-y body that also blocks well against aggro crack back. More importantly it helps negate the occasional Fog effect. Because of my main meta being more aggro, I'd rather have bodies on board than to a certain extent than a higher volume of kill spells. The deck started off with more instant & sorcery speed removal, but felt anemic for board presence.

  • Guardian Project - Don't think I've ever encountered anyone killing creatures in response to the trigger for denial. Maybe it's happened once or twice, but I don't think it's happened with any kind of consistency to make me worried about it.

  • As for the 3 X finishers, this is definitely another case of "I have these on hand". Most of the time Damnable Pact will be a draw spell for myself, but does have that corner case potential to finish off someone that's low enough. I've seen Exsanguinate enough in my meta, & if it hasn't acted as a finisher, it helps its caster stabilize enough to attrition everyone else out. I think I'd rather include Rise of the Dark Realms over Finale, mostly for budget purposes.

Thank you for the questions and suggestions! Definitely a fun thought exercise to get my day started.

Profet93 on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago

Crow_Umbra, I apologize in advance for the wall of text below. Your deck is very interesting and got me thinking. If you don't want to respond to each point below, I can't blame you. In the end, I hope these suggestions help or at least get the gears turning. Looking forward to your response.

Skullclamp - Draw

Sakura-Tribe Elder/Rampant Growth > Farseek - Rampant growth gives you the option to get either a basic forest or basic swamp tapped. Farseek is only a swamp tapped. Rampant growth is a strict upgrade given you have no swamps aside from a basic swamp would benefit from the distinction.

Viridian Longbow - Idk if this is too cheeky but given all your deathtouch, this might be worth considering.

Academy Manufactor - This card seems perfect for the deck. You make a lot of treasures, you get more artifacts. You also occasionally make food tokens. If you added tireless tracker (not saying you should per say) then it triggers on clues. All around seems solid. Is this a reason I'm missing for why this isn't included?

Mastermind Plum > Preacher of the Schism - Seems kind of cool, got some synergy. Your description mentioned this is potentially on the cutting block. Given you already have enough deathtouch, would draw not outweigh the redundancy?

Infectious Bite > Bite Down - Given that this is removal 95% of the time according to your description, would the potential for a poison counter to fuel fin outweigh the possibility of killing a PW that isn't there 19/20 times?

Bootleggers' Stash - At the risk of being too on the nose/winmore, could this help? Same question with Parallel Lives.

I read your description regarding the token meta. Below are some anti token suggestions. Some of them are straight up hate, other of them are flexible, depends on what you're going for (in order of most token hate to flexibility)....

Virulent Plague - Straight up hate

Bile Blight - Removal with token emphasis

Maelstrom Pulse - Flexible removal spell (works well against clones too!)

Pernicious Deed - X = 0, bye bye tokens. Or use it normally to wipe when things get out of hand. I see its in your maybeboard, I believe this card warrants a spot the most out of any suggestion above or below.

Liquimetal Torque - What do you primarily use its second ability for? I get that you can make something an artifact to trigger some life loss. Given this deck is low to the ground, would you not be potentially better served with a Jet Medallion or Emerald Medallion? I suppose it depends on how much you value the lifeloss from artifacts + politic to make something artifact for other removal over the additional ramp the medallions can provide.

Kura, the Boundless Sky - What does this provide? I see no anti token, treasure or land token aspect. Perhaps I'm missing somehting?

Saryth, the Viper's Fang - I understand the deathctouch and hexproof anthem. Given your meta is mostly aggro, how many wipes do people typically use? Given your deck already goes wide, wouldn't most people just wipe the board anyways? I definitely see the benefit for sure, just wondering how this card performs and if it could be swapped for something either more impactful such as a Demonic Tutor or something more on theme in your maybeboard?

Questing Beast - I get that it likely wouldn't be blocked by tokens, is that it's primary purpose? Given that you also mentioned there are not a lot of PW's in the meta, would you not be better served with a general removal spell such as Hero's Downfall?

Guardian Project - How often do people kill your creature in response to the trigger to deny you card draw? Not saying to remove it, just curious is all.

I noticed you run torment, exsanguinate and damnable pact. While the latter can be used for an alt wincon, is it not draw most of the time? Assuming this, you run 2 X finishers and if not 3. Do you really need the redundancy? I believe another spell like Rise of the Dark Realms (also in maybeboard) could warrant an inclusion, especially given your aggro meta. I can understand the reluctance given that you are already taking their creatures anyways. If that's an issue, then maybe a Finale of Devastation? Recur/Tutor for a creature and go for the win through smashing face.

GutterbonesMan on Bristly Bill - Spine Sower, Spine Reaper

3 months ago

xipee808 Living Artifact seems a bit slow as I am only able to remove one counter a turn and it doesn’t work with +1 counters. Bootleggers' Stash is a cool card but ramp isn’t an issue with this deck, especially once I have enough to play it. Thank you for the recs though!

lhetrick13 on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Spell_Slam - Thanks for the upvote and the comment/suggestions!

I had never consider Rampage of the Clans before as an offensive weapon but that has potential. This deck can generate an astonishing amount of treasure tokens in a single turn depending on the board state and that could be a finishing blow. I was considering adding in Displaced Dinosaurs for a similar effect. Mixed with Bootleggers' Stash I was thinking that could be pretty interesting!

Rhythm of the Wild is good, no doubt about it. A little more options that Fervor but no potential suicide drawbacks like Mass Hysteria. I do like Urabrask the Hidden, only drawback is the 5 CMC vs 2 or 3 for the two walls I am running. Dowsing Device  Flip I am not crazy about due to limiting its effectiveness to only a single creature. It can pump but pump is not generally what this deck needs with the amount of big dragons. Song of Totentanz is very interesting...had never thought of thought particular card. Other similar cards I considered but not that one..I will likely experiment with that!

For the mana ramp, I had considered less ramp spells for more creatures but in my experience, the only way to slow this deck down is by an early board wipe. Thus, I am willing to reduce the effectiveness of the deck with Ognis for more consistency. Ognis was more of a convenient commander that gave me access to the colors I wanted that had some synergy with the deck concept rather than being the central, pivotal piece the deck revolves around.

I had considered Xorn and Jolene, the Plunder Queen but could never find a slot for them in the deck. The abilities they provide are good but what to cut?!? Similar cards like Professional Face-Breaker and Grim Hireling not only produce treasure but also give me utility via card draw potential or removal at the expense of treasures. But you are correct, so many options!

For indirect damage, I did originally have cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Nadier's Nightblade present but again cut them to fit in other cards. I have a few copies of Mirkwood Bats and I like how it triggers on entry and leaving for both lifegain and drain...Maybe I will try to add in that for some flair!

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Greatly appreciate the thoughts and gives me something to think about! The deck is already pretty hard to deal with and has a pretty good track record but it has been a while since I have tinkered with it :)

MusicGoat18 on Progenitus EDH

1 year ago

Thanks again TheoryCrafter! I made cuts and changes based on your suggestion. I did my best to keep a balance while adding more cards for Zaxara, the Exemplary and Unbound Flourishing.

Cuts made:

Forgotten Ancient, Jodah, Archmage Eternal, Fist of Suns, Bootleggers' Stash, and swapped a few lands.

Cards added:

Shivan Devastator, Steelbane Hydra, Unbound Flourishing, and Bonfire of the Damned.

I still want to implement Progenitus' commander damage strategy on top of the hydra tribal idea, so I kept many of the exalt cards and mana fix/ramp. Another reason is that the ramp cards assist with values too.

RShue on Chatterfang deck

1 year ago

Magus of the Candelabra + Chatterfang, Squirrel General + Bootleggers' Stash + Staff of Domination + Cryptolith Rite on battlefield

Tap land for treasure, use treasure to untap lands using magus, use squirrels and staff to untap magus. Untap Staff Repeat

Sciurus142 on Dark Squirrel Ritual

1 year ago

Bootleggers' Stash would be a solid addition, every time you'd tap a land you'd make a Squirrel

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