Conjurer's Mantle

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Conjurer's Mantle

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance.

Whenever equipped creature attacks, look at the top six cards of your library. You may reveal a card that shares a creature type with that creature from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Flarhoon13 on Daxos of Meletis, Soldiers of Fortune

3 weeks ago

Daxos of Meletis successfully flooded the board. Stoneforge Mystic got the Conjurer's Mantle, which drew about 4 soldiers. Windbrisk Heights got a Sun Titan, which recurred the Resolute Reinforcements. Jared's Ellivere of the Wild Court deck went off but I had too much hate for his board via Aerial Extortionist and card draw from Firemane Commando. Captain of the Watch added a lot of power. Azorius Chancery allowed Windbrisk Heights to reload: Cone of Cold this time ended my opponents (15 on the die roll).

raspberryfish25 on Linvala, Giada, & Akroma

4 months ago

Hey I stumbled upon your deck and I figured I would give you some feedback. Overall, I really like your Giada deck but I worry that your mana curve might be to high especially since you are in white. have you looked at switching out some of your higher mana costed cards for lower CMC cards? Here are a few cards I run in my Giada deck that are lower CMC and have really packed a punch


Dowsing Dagger  Flip: Easy to flip because all your creatures have evasion.

Sword of the Animist: Gives you consistent ramp every turn.

Land Tax: While not technically ramp does a great job making sure you never miss your land drops and allows you to thin your deck of basic lands as the game goes on. I think Land Tax works well in a deck like this because of the large amount of basic lands you are running.

Card Draw

Mask of Memory: Since your creatures have evasion it is very easy to have it trigger each turn.

Conjurer's Mantle Same as Mask of Memory but also gives one of your Angels vigilance and +1/+1 which is more relevant than you would realize.

Horn of the Mark: What makes this card so unique is you get to draw a card for each opponent you attack with two creatures so you can draw up to 3 cards per turn.

Pyre of Heroes: While technically not card draw does allow you to "trade up" your weakest angel for another angel from your deck with one higher CMC


Together Forever: I can't express how strong this card has been in my deck. Since Giada is putting +1/+1 counters on your angels you can pull all your angels back to your hand in the event of a board wipe.

Win Conditions

Aetherflux Reservoir: Works well with your lifegain effects in your deck and allows you another outlet to utilize all the life you are gaining.

Angels to Consider

Wojek Investigator, Angel of Jubilation, Angelic Field Marshal, Firemane Commando, Serra Paragon, Thraben Watcher, Metropolis Reformer, Angel of Vitality, Serra Avenger, Segovian Angel, and Sephara, Sky's Blade. Most of those angels will help to lower your curve and allow you to play your angels faster.

Angels I Would Remove

Akroma, Angel of Wrath: Unless she is in there for flavor she cost way too much for what she brings to the table. Consider replacing her with Sephara, Sky's Blade.

Angel of the Dire Hour: Requires you to hold up to much mana, run an extra board wipe instead.

Angel of the Ruins: Same as above, she cost too much for the effect she brings.

Angelic Arbiter: I would only run her if you were going to double down on stax otherwise I think she is over costed.

Other Cards I Would Remove

Parhelion II: Cool card but to high of a CMC for the payoff.

Quicksilver Amulet: 8 mana to play and cheat out a creature seems like a lot. I think if you end up lowering your CMC of your deck this card will become worse.

Return to Dust: I would replace with Heliod's Intervention roughly gives you the same effect but will let you kill additional enchantments or artifacts if necessary, plus the lifegain can be helpful in your deck since you have a lot of lifegain payoffs.

king-saproling on First Deck

10 months ago

This is a great list for someone new to the game! Personally I would make these swaps:

Abbot of Keral Keep -> Hoarding Ogre
Seasoned Pyromancer -> Aurelia, the Law Above
Grand Abolisher -> Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus
Diabolic Intent -> Glimmer Lens
Ogre-Head Helm -> Conjurer's Mantle
Dolmen Gate -> Aegis of the Legion
Relic of Legends -> Sword of the Animist

king-saproling on Only Slightly A Richard

1 year ago

Cool deck. Personally I would make these swaps:

Dunedain Blade -> Pariah (put Pariah on Tajic and you will never take damage)
Starfield Mystic -> Unquestioned Authority (makes Tajic unblockable)
Geode Golem -> Ornithopter of Paradise (gets Tajic out a turn sooner and can help trigger his ability)
Butcher's Cleaver -> Loxodon Warhammer (strictly better)
True-Faith Censer -> Conjurer's Mantle
Heavy Mattock -> Horn of Valhalla
Commander's Authority -> Forth Eorlingas!


1 year ago

Hi there, happy to see another Isshin player. I've been playing Isshin since he debuted, but more so as a tokens go-wide deck. Regardless, I do have a few suggestions, based off your primer description and to try to fit your theme:

  • Conjurer's Mantle could be a decent fit to both your equipment and Samurai subthemes, and also works with Isshin's attack trigger.

  • Goblin War Drums or Rising of the Day could be potential replacements for Crash Through. War Drums will help give you some evasion for your attacker(s), and Rising can add a bit more speed to which you can attack.

  • Since you already have them in your Maybe Board, you could maybe replace Sword of the Animist with another mana rock like Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence, or Fellwar Stone. I played Sword of the Animist quite a bit, but it felt slow for what it can do with Isshin, since you have to pay 4 total mana to cast and equip it, then attack. It requires more set up than a straight up mana rock, if you're looking for more early game velocity.

  • Similarly, I think you could probably replace Commander's Sphere and/or Boros Locket with some of the mana rocks I mentioned in my bullet above. The activation cost on Boros Locket is kinda color-intensive for a 3 color deck, and at that point is essentially 7 total mana to draw 3 cards.

  • I'd recommend checking out Soul Partition as a potential replacement to Dispatch. Soul Partition can hit a variety of targets, and also double as protection for one of your creatures.

  • I think Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher or Sun Titan could be potential swaps for the Rakshasa, mostly because they open up your options for Recursion, and both work with Isshin.

  • It's a newer card and pricier card, but Roaming Throne could be an option to get even more triggers out of Isshin and your other Samurai.

  • Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, Anduril, Flame of the West, and Anduril, Narsil Reforged are all excellent equipment options for Isshin.

  • Although they are a bit group-huggy in certain regards, Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both pretty fun draw options for Isshin. Karazikar would also be helpful to turn some attention away from you, and Breena can help grow your board.

  • Lastly, Dolmen Gate and Reconnaissance are both awesome board protection effects, especially for a deck ore reliant on single attackers. Reconnaissance can protect your attacking board from unfavorable blocks, and act as a pseudo-vigilance anthem. This EDHREC article dives into a bit more detail into how the timing works for removing your creatures from combat. Reconnaissance is also discussed in a recent episode of EDHRECast.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm down to discuss more suggestions if you're up to it. Best of luck with your deck and its future games.

Jar3dUK on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

Crow_Umbra Thank you for your input! do like Frodo, Determined Hero instead of Naomi, Pillar of Order and then I was already thinking about getting rid of Sunforger so I threw in Inquisitorial Rosette. Also great catch with those two copies of Crackling Doom, replaced it with Generous Gift. Lastly I took out my single fetch land for Conjurer's Mantle.

Really apperciate the input and suggestions!!

Crow_Umbra on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

If you're open to Universes Beyond cards, I'd suggest replacing Naomi, Pillar of Order with Frodo, Determined Hero. You don't really have a high enough concentration of Enchantments for Naomi to trigger consistently enough. Frodo also has an ETB and on attack trigger, which would allow him to cheat those Equip costs.

I think you could probably cut a land or Armory of Iroas, since your mana curve is fairly low, and add in Conjurer's Mantle.

Although your build is budget, a few more expensive (and off-Samurai theme) upgrades to consider are Forge Anew, Sigarda's Aid (excellent for cheating equip costs), Leonin Shikari, and Puresteel Paladin. Puresteel Paladin is getting a reprint in Commander Masters, so it should hopefully go down in price a bit.

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