Anduril, Narsil Reforged

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Legendary Artifact — Equipment

Ascend (If you control ten or more permanents, you get the city's blessing for the rest of the game.)

Whenever equipped creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. If you have the city's blessing, put two +1/+1 counters on each creature you control instead.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Last_Laugh on Question Regarding Stacking Triggers

1 month ago

So I have Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher (w/ 2x +1+1 counters), and Hero of Bladehold equipped with Anduril, Narsil Reforged (w/ cities blessing) in play and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip in my grave.

I attacked w/ Carmen and Hero of Bladehold. Am I able to stack my triggers so that Carmen gets 2 counters (from Anduril) making her 6 power so I can return Ojer Taq, then 12 tokens enter from 2x Hero triggers, then 2nd Anduril trigger, and then the 2 battle cry triggers?

Last_Laugh on Grixis Marchesa, The Black Rose

1 month ago

Nice deck, I love me some etb/death trigger abuse Marchesa. I do have some suggestions for you though and I'll break it down by card function.


Gray Merchant of Asphodel's lifegain seems counterproductive but with alternate sources of +1+1 counters your life total doesn't matter. In 9 years of running Marchesa, Gary has ended more games than any other card here and it's not remotely close. I personally recommend a clone suite to sac when he enters so they all reenter as Garys (Phantasmal Image, Flesh Duplicate, and Phyrexian Metamorph). Note that Imperial Recruiter abuse will look up Gary, Clones, and Bloodletter of Aclazotz in one go around the table.

Jokulhaups is a bit of a dick move, but it will end games since all your creatures come back to an empty board.

Alternate +1+1 Counters:

Anduril, Narsil Reforged is on attack and even gets counters on your fresh non-attacking stuff.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed lets you abuse all your non-humans and he enables some infinite combos with Persist creatures.

Vigean Graftmage looks underwhelming but he comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and he let's you abuse any etb/death trigger on everyone's turn (itself + 1 other).

Thran Vigil is only on your turn but this card still puts in serious work.

Metallic Mimic doesn't need a tribal deck here. When it first comes down you name humans or wizards to immediately protect Marchesa but you sac it to rename the type to your most abuseable etb/death trigger as needed.


Ripples of Potential is a great answer to non-destroy wraths including Farewell.


Canoptek Tomb Sentinel will hit anything non-land but most importantly it's an abuseable effect that hits enchantments.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, the Black Rose

1 month ago

This is a good start, but I have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly, break it down by card function, and if you'd like I can help suggest some cuts too.

Enchantment Removal: So you don't get caught with your pants down against effects like Solemnity/Rest in Peace. Feed the Swarm, Chaos Warp, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel all deserve spots.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Sage of Fables/Vigean Graftmage come down before and immediately protect Marchesa. Sage let's you abuse any other wizard etb/death triggers every turn and Vigean allows you to abuse any 1 etb/death trigger (itself plus 1 other). Spark Double either copies Marchesa so they protect your board better and give double Dethrone triggers or it copies your best etb/death trigger every turn. Thran Vigil only works on your turn but works wonders here. Anduril, Narsil Reforged/Metallic Mimic are also great options but aren't as budget friendly (just sac Mimic to rename a creature type to whatever is most abuseable the time).

Card Draw: Danny Pink is a little more expensive but is absolutely nuts here. Lethal Scheme is card draw and surprise protection for anything without counters. Plumb the Forbidden in response to most non-destroy wraths will win games.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. I run the same etb/death trigger abuse strat and have had Marchesa built for about 9 years now so if you have any questions, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200!). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

lhetrick13 on Anim's Automotives

2 months ago

muzack - I finally got around to making those update I was talking about. I still am making edits to the deck but this was the first major revision. I played the deck twice at my LGS last night and it was an absolute powerhouse going 2 for 2 games in dominate fashion. First game Impact Tremors and Witty Roastmaster did work while Roaming Throne was triggering Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon's ability twice quickly dwindling down my opponents' health. The second game Anduril, Narsil Reforged quickly added extra +1/+1 counters to Anim Pakal early and a well timed Cathars' Crusade generated a army of absolute jacked gnomes that nearly sweep the game early.

Overall, I am very happy with how this deck has been turning out!

Last_Laugh on All Will Be One

3 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

Last_Laugh on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

3 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

*copied and pasted onto your deck

Last_Laugh on It's good to be the Queen

3 months ago

Legion Loyalist is amazing in an aggro Marchesa build. First Strike and Tample out of nowhere wins games and the can't be blocked by tokens bit is surprisingly relevant.

Ripples of Potential dodges shitty wraths (including Farewell... hallelujah!) while leaving your counters intact.

Anduril, Narsil Reforged allows you to swing at lower life totals and still get counters on everyone.

Last_Laugh on Marchesa's Undying Sac

5 months ago

Alternate sources of +1+1 counters enables you to sacrifice the same creatures on everyone's turn instead of once per round and being less reliant on attacking to get those counters is HUGE here. I run all these personally (except Drana, which got dropped for the sword).

Unspeakable Symbol gets used in response to removal or to abuse an etb/death trigger. Don't proactively put counters on everyone or you will run out of life quick. This card is quite simply amazing here when used correctly.

Sage of Fables immediately protects Marchesa and any other wizards you have.

Metallic Mimic typically names humans or wizards to protect Marchesa but the creature type can be reset with a simple sac.

Vigean Graftmage looks unassuming but he allows you to abuse any etb/death trigger on everyone's turn and it's 2 free triggers per turn for stuff like Grim Haruspex (itself and 1 other creature).

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is about as budget friendly as he'll ever be. It's well worth a spot if you splurge on occasion.

Uncivil Unrest is the best card printed for sacrifice Marchesa decks in a loooong time. This thing borderline feels like you're cheating somehow lol.

Anduril, Narsil Reforged if it's in your budget and/or Drana, Liberator of Malakir as a perfectly usable budget alternative. These both allow you to swing at any opponent instead of only attacking the highest life.

Thran Vigil only works on your turn, but it either protects your guys after you sac on your turn or it let's you sac them 1 more time on an opponent's turn.

Feel free to check out my list for inspiration. I've had Marchesa built for about 9 years now and I'm still loving the deck. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

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