Start / Finish

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Start / Finish



Create two 1/1 white Warrior creature tokens with vigilance.


Aftermath (Cast this spell only from your graveyard. Then exile it.)

As an additional cost to cast Finish, sacrifice a creature.

Destroy target creature.

kamarupa on Cloaked Whispers

10 months ago

I love the concept of this deck, but it is def not going to be easy to make it work well. You have some obvious needs in 1) getting the combo pieces 2) having enough mana to cast them all before your opponent stops you 3) having room for defense and removal and 4) making sure your cloaked creatures die.

1) You not only need have some way of assembling your combo, you also need a way to put a spell on top of your library. I have to do this with my deck Cover Girl. The only spells I could find that made sense in that deck were: Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Brainstone, and Scheming Symmetry. I suggest running 2x of each of the first. Scheming Symmetry is a pretty big risk, so I advise against that here. The upshot of Jace is that you can cycle through your library 3 cards at a time, so you not only get to control your top card, you also get to filter for what you need.

2) Provided you employ some added filtering with Jace and Brainstone, I think you can remove some of your extra threats. This will allow for a little ramp. I guess I'd probably go with Birds of Paradise unless you're worried it will get bolted for being a bird. Then I'd probably go with a land enchantment like Fertile Ground. I think with the high-ish cost of your combo pieces, a little ramp is going to be helpful in creating a consistency in speed. (not to be fast, just to be as fast as it can be more reliably)

3) It occurs to me that cloaked spells could be blockers IF you both don't have all the combo pieces in place AND you whiffed with Hide in Plain Sight. Those are somewhat narrow conditions, so it's probably best not rely on that. I see you have room for 35 more cards, approx 24 of which will probably be lands, so I'll have to wait and see how much room you have for more defense and removal, but I think you have to include Bone Splinters. It's not as fast as I'd like but it pulls double duty in kicking off the final step in your combo and it does it for 1 MV instead of 3 like Start / Finish. I'd probably throw in 1x Fog, too. And Assassin's Trophy and Abrupt Decay would be excellent additions to the mainboard and sideboard. I'd probably go 4xBone Splinters, 2xAssassin's Trophy, 1xAbrupt Decay in the main and then extra of the instants in the sideboard.

4) Bone Splinters helps make sure you creatures die, but a board wipe like Killing Wave would probably be useful as well late game.

amicdeep on B/W Token Control

4 years ago

may main red flag with the deck is, you have a lot of creature removal, but little hand disruption. in modern turn 1 inquisition/thoughtseize is about as strong as it gets. id stick to 4 path, 2 push, (0 dissmember, unmaking and alliance) 4 inquisitions, 1-2 Collective Brutality, 3 tidehollow i would also strongly consider 2 Kaya's Guile mb, there modular nature makes them relevant in most matchups and the can be used as a strait up, make a token, opponent sacs a creature.

i would also consider 3 Legion's Landing  Flip and 3 Battle Screech

4 Flagstones of Trokair 3 Ghost Quarter can act as a effective budget fetchland package, to find those godless shrines while being able to also take out problematic lands

the card draw card your looking for can probably be found in 3Silent Clearing an 2 Night's Whisper. 2 copys of Windbrisk Heights would also add some nice sudo card advantage

other potential options, Start / Finish tokens and removal on a single card is always great

lastly mono w tokens has been making a good showing recently, and a big part is down to Force of Virtue which may be a solid option for the deck as a 2 of.

hope some of these help

Toputitbluntly on G/W Tokens

5 years ago

Hey, first of all, awesome deck! I’ve always loved tokens and Selesnya, so this is right up my alley.

If you’re looking for some options to optimize it and make it more competitive, I do have some suggestions. Congregate is cool and can certainly turn some games around, but in a lot of matchups it will be a 4 mana sorcery that gains you a bunch of life, but doesn’t stop your opponents infinite combo from killing you next turn. Emmara Tandris strikes me as something similar: an expensive play that has a good chance of being irrelevant when you cast it.

Both Start / Finish and Birds of Paradise seem to want to be doing different things, with the split card playing a longer, grindier game, and the birds looking to ramp you quickly into big plays.

Now, lest it sound like I’m just trashing all over the deck, here’s a bunch of my favorite Green and White tokens cards, in no particular order, you might have fun with. Huatli, Radiant Champion , Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip, Wayfaring Temple , Triplicate Spirits , Secure the Wastes , Gideon, Ally of Zendikar .

Hope this helps!!

marcdarc on Westvale Orzhov

5 years ago

A quick rundown of the first changes I'd try to implement.



You'll want some way to deal with artifacts and enchantments, possibly Seal of Cleansing in the sideboard.

You don't have valuable many-for-ones ( Merciless Eviction , eg); if you want more play versus aggro decks you might add some. Languish , Dusk / Dawn , things like that.

Also you don't have exile-versions of removal, but white and black are good for it, if you wanted to give up some of the "sacrifice for insane value" plan. Utter End and its variants.

xhuggels on

6 years ago

cute. i like sack decks like this. i used to run a infinite combo deck with Ruthless Knave and Anointed Procession, with fodder like Dire Fleet Hoarder, Gleaming Barrier, Martyr of Dusk Start / Finish, Never / Return, Memorial to Glory and Rite of Belzenlok, of course with Pitiless Plunderer as support. It would go into an infinite loop of playing creatures, sacking them for 1000 000 treasures and drawing your entire deck. at the end of your turn youd have like 100 creatures and 100-200 treasures, which you would then use on stuff like Josu Vess, Lich Knight, Marionette Master and Torment of Hailfire. Since you have all your win-cons in your hand, you can play all can play all your copies of all 3. Real flashy like only sack decks can do hehe. The best part of it was the entire deck cost me 5 tix, sideboard included cause it consisted of all the cards no one ever plays. I feel like sack decks dont get enough love tbh, so good job at making one!

xhuggels on Torment of treasures(Infinite combo)

6 years ago

This is a 2-3 card combo. All you need is Anointed Procession and Ruthless Knave for the speedy version, and any of my other treasure cards for the slower version, and you can get a good amount of manna behind Torment of Hailfire. AP itself does the job with most of our other cards, while having Ruthless Knave actually allows you to find a Torment of Hailfire as well. I dont count the sack cards as part of the combo because half my deck consists of those, hence it is incredibly highly unlikely that i wouldnt have any of them(at least ive never had it happen). This isnt the only win-con however, as AP makes Rite of Belzenlok and even Start / Finish incredibly scary. In the side-board we also have Josu Vess, Lich Knight and Revel in Riches, so we dont win just in 1 way, rather 1 win-con goes hand in hand with another, and they all get incredibly buffed by Anointed Procession.

I do agree that the combo you mentioned seems easier, but that is a 4 card combo(4 specific cards, no replacements will do the job), whereas this has fewer cards you actually need to draw into, so though this combo does take 5-10 mins to complete, and is physically draining, its actually easier to pull off than the Pitiless Plunderer+Oathsworn Vampire+Bontu's Monument+Yahenni, Undying Partisan or Defiant Salvager combo, since you only need to find 2 cards as opposed to 4.

24 vigilant 1/1 soldiers by turn 7 ive had, 16 2/2 knights by turn 7 ive had, 2 6/6 flyers and 8 0/1 clerics by turn 7 ive had, and 10 treasures by turn 7 ive had in like half my games. Torment of Hailfire ive cast turn 6 for x6 before with some devastating results, but ive also just straight up won with it. This deck has its weaknesses, for instance if Ruthless Knave and Anointed Procession gets focused down, its incredibly meh as a deck, but all combo decks have this problem.

I also agree that is not as competitive as blue/black control or r/b aggro, but combo decks never are. If you draw the right cards you win every time, if you don't you lose since the rest of your deck simply doesn't have the punch it needs to fight decks that don't combo. It is however, much more fun :)

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