Call to the Feast

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Call to the Feast


Create three 1/1 white Vampire creature tokens with lifelink.

UndeadSpider1990 on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

2 years ago

Call to the Feast (2X2) does not register as common.

Macaronigrill5150 on

2 years ago

wallisface I dropped Call to the Feast and replaced it with Altar's Reap so I now only have 2 4-drops.

Blobby_Bobby on Edgar, Charmed Groom +1/+1 Innistrad Budget

3 years ago

Call to the Feast can put some vampire butts out who like a good anthem.

Ouroboros_47 on Nosferatu's Posse

3 years ago

darthpaul74 mmm ok. Call to the Feast would generate vampire tokens so would Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle although he might be a bit slower. That way you can keep from having non-vampire cards while still having backups till getting Elenda, the Dusk Rose if that interests you.

Blobby_Bobby on Kambal - First Approach to Commander

4 years ago

That is a very good question, what to cut. I don't want to micromanage anything but here are cards I feel are "weak" with what you have going (also, keep Dash Hopes if your play group hates it, it must be good ;))

Out (?): Conclave Tribunal

Dictate of Erebos (I know, it's an amazing card, but without creature support it isn't actually doing anything for you. This is a soft cut, it's always going to put a little work in just like Butcher of Malakir)

Maybe replace Prison Realm with One Thousand Lashes and/or Faith's Fetters

I LOVE Subversion but is it really putting in enough UMPH for 5 CMC? I really like Righteous Cause but that's just me. Hissing Miasma is pretty cool too, no life gain but it's cheaper and deters attacks.

Consecrate / Consume (hope formatting works here) is a 4 cmc kind of squanky force sacrifice of the most dangerous (most powerful) creature of an opponent. I don't like it. You have a huge removal suite and this seems like a good cut. You have Orzhov, you are the removal king and you can Murder or Return to Dust

Consecrate / Consume is too situational to be useful in your go-to 100

Revival / Revenge is sexy, keep it. But look at what cards actually make it mean something. Serra Avatar Evra, Halcyon Witness Sunbond etc. Play around with it, but in my experience, it is rare for doubling your life total to more impactful than gaining 3 instances of life gain. (but look at Wall of Reverence

Cut Dismember for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Make a Stand for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Nightmare's Thirst It is too situational for you. We can find better removal. Find room for more "UMPH" (kill conditions) Cut Rootborn Defenses we're going to add some creatures who love life gain after this section

OK, stick with me on this one: Liliana, Dreadhorde General draws cards for dead creatures, right? But... you don't have creatures (really) in your deck... Not saying cut her, but she would and will be happier in a sacrifice black deck (Maybe a Sheoldred, Whispering One deck, I think you could do it). If you need to make cuts I'm saying she isn't doing much for you here but letting you draw sometimes.

We're not abusing Athreos, God of Passage but he's too awesome to cut. If he isn't pulling his weight in this deck you can ship me the card, I'll give you my address. ;)

Mentioned Butcher of Malakir before: awesome card as deterrence but it shines when you have a lot of token to sacrifice for value. not an immediate cut, but if you include Sheoldred, Whispering One and Dictate of Erebos you might want want to add some sacrifice/recursion to capitalize. Making your sacrifices give you advantage and hurt your enemies is the coolest thing black can do.

Cut Piper of the Swarm replace with Vampire Cutthroat or Vampire Nighthawk or Call to the Feast or really anything. Piper isn't helping your mechanics. Replace with Sunscorch Regent because that guy beefs up fast and hard.

In (?)

Dusk is a great wipe and the dual nature of the card gives utility.

This is your call. I'd recommend Sunscorch Regent as a win-con.

Serra Avatar is great with life gain, especially if you add Rogue's Passage

Just look for ways to make that life gain work for you: Bloodbond Vampire Bloodthirsty Aerialist Ajani's Pridemate

Rebuff the Wicked is a fantastic counterspell, works with you control aspect. If it were me I'd add more card draw and Approach of the Second Sun and aim for that. Easier win con than Revel in Riches in my experience (have mardu deck based on treasure, removal and alternate win cons and Approach of the Second Sun is much easier and more reliable than Revel in Riches.

I don't know what else to say. You make your own Kambal deck. Just know you need some "UMPH" to take down your opponents beyond some life gain and drain. I love the build, but you need to 'seal the deal' as it were.

oxfordarctic on Poor Vampires

5 years ago

Couldn't get Legion Lieutenant at the card store, but Cruel Celebrant works quite well as a replacement. I also couldn't get all 4 Call to the Feast so I threw one Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord in to fill out the deck to 60 cards. The Celebrants + Sanguine Bond + Sorin make for a really nasty combo that can potentially deal upwards of 18 damage straight to all opponents depending on what other cards are put in play.

For 30 bucks, the deck is pretty solid and good for casual games. I'd take out Walk the Plank however in favor of Anguished Unmaking or some other W/B control/counter instant. It'd make the deck a little bit more capable to react to other big moves opponents attempt to make.

KabsBUB on

5 years ago

Here are some tips:

1) Try to keep deck size down to 60

2) Similar to #1, increase the number of four-ofs to increase consistency between games. (Generally, singles are for decks with tutors/heavy card draw. Your deck has neither so it relies the most on your starting hand). I'd consider cards like Cruel Celebrant , Blood Artist , Cordial Vampire

3) Cards like Call to the Feast shouldn't be 4-ofs because of the mana cost. 4-ofs should be cards that are great both early game and late game, and are part of your core strategy. Remember that high CMC cost cards don't need as many copies. For example, a 5 mana card can only be cast as early as turn 5 (fair decks). Therefore by then you'd have gone through 7+5 (Starting hand+5 draws) cards in your deck to have found it.

5) Your deck has a sort of "you kill my creatures, I drain you" sort of thing. So drop the protection on creatures ( Emerge Unscathed / Adanto Vanguard ). You already have deterrence.

6) Increase the number of Champion of Dusk . This is because card draw in black/white is very rare and as a 5-mana cost creature, very good to your mana curve. By the time you amass 5 mana you can cast it, hopefully with quite a few vampires on the field. I'd use 3 of them.

6) Drop Ashes of the Abhorrent , it's not good enough. Enchantments/Artifacts here should buff up your creatures or generate creature tokens. (Creature-focused deck)

7) Remove Cliffhaven Vampire . This is because it's a "win-more" card. Here, it requires you to have a certain board state (aka ability to gain life) for it to be useful. As a general rule, higher mana cost investments should be able to turn around a bad situation (board wipe/etc) or require no boardstate when you cast it (aka "good on its own")

8) Remove Kambal, Consul of Allocation . This is because you don't want your strategy to be dependent on your opponent's (unless this is in your sideboard). What if the opponent is playing a creature deck? It'd be pretty useless.

9) Sanguine Bond 's effect is a little redundant here, we already have enough of this effect on the board

10) I'd consider removing Orzhov Basilica because most of the time you're going to need mana on turn two. I'd hate for your lands to be tapped when they come into play.

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