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Khalni Hydra
Creature — Hydra
Khalni Hydra costs {{G}} less to cast for each green creature you control.
wallisface on Selesyna Midrange
11 months ago
As far as cards I would ditch:
Garruk Wildspeaker feels too slow/midrange orientated and not useful for what you’re trying to do here. Same goes for Elder Gargaroth.
Blossoming Defense feels kindof meh here to me. None of your creatures are crucial to keep alive - i’d rather these slots be used for more creatures.
I don’t think you need/want Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx at all… if your deck is benefitting from it then your mana curve is too high.
I think you should be running Tail Swipe instead of Prey Upon. And i think you can run the full playset if there’s room.
As far as creatures to add/consider, i have a bunch of suggestions that aren’t beasts, but would help you a lot. At the moment your only reason to running mono-beasts is Descendants' Path, which imo isn’t a strong enough card to warrant restricting your creature options soo heavily.
Anyway, creatures that cpuld be good here: Pelt Collector, Experiment One, and Strangleroot Geist. There is also the option of going down to 18 lands, running playsets of Llanowar Elves and Elvish Mystic (you ditch Arboreal Grazer in this situation), and playing 3x Khalni Hydra as a terrifying finisher (they make your Aspect of Hydra back-breaking).
mclaughlin2408 on Elf Deck (Black and Green)
1 year ago
I was able to play quite a few games this weekend against a friend of mine. He is still working on getting his deck right as well so I don't know how well this would fair against a competitive deck but it did very well for me this weekend. A few things to note though, and please feel free to offer any thoughts you have.
The deck was very fast, which I loved. Problem is, within just a few turns of basically every game I played, I was out of cards in my hand. So, I will be focusing on adding a few more pieces that will allow me to draw extra cards to keep the pressure on my opponent. (I am currently waiting on Realmwalker to come in the mail. That is the only card I wasn't playing with, but having a few may help this a little bit.
Mana was never my issue. So, because I have so many creatures that help create lands I have decided to get rid of Heritage Druid as I never really found is feasible to tap 3 creatures to gain 3 mana. In fact, I had so much mana from other sources I don't think I ever needed to do this.
I need trample. I was able to get so many cards out so quickly that I was able to attack with many creatures, but I could see where having trample will be a must again competitive opponents. I am considering adding another 1-2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader to help with this. To add, I came across Khalni Hydra and although it won't give my other creatures trample it he trample itself and costs 1 less mana for each green creature I control. I should have no problem getting that out by turn 4.
To accomplish the above I am looking to... Remove: Nettle Sentinel Heritage Druid Marwyn, the Nurturer . I might switch out a few others, but these did not play very beneficial this weekend.
Add: Another 1-2 Collected Company, Khalni Hydra, another 1-2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and maybe Beast Whisperer for drawing cards.
AnonmousAxolotl on Primalcrux Chroma
2 years ago
This works great as an idea, but Norwood Priestess is a four drop that ups devotion by 2, which isn't great, and the ramp is good enough that even The Great Henge and Khalni Hydra are going to be played for next to nothing, and Primalcrux isn't too expensive at 6 Green, taking into account that Utopia Sprawl makes it MUCH easier. Norwood Priestess is better with really expensive stuff like Worldspine Wurm that doesn't have an easy decrease in cost like Khalni Hydra. Still, thanks for leaving feedback!
EnbyGolem on Mono-Green +1/+1 counters
2 years ago
This reminds me of a deck I had for a long time. It focused on using as many Green Mana Pips as possible. It had a handful of mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Birds of Paradise, and/or Elvish Mystic to help ramp late-game win cons. The early threats included cards like Avatar of the Resolute, Predator Ooze, Leatherback Baloth, Strangleroot Geist, Garruk's Companion, and Steel Leaf Champion. Later in the game, I would use Primalcrux, Khalni Hydra, Aspect of Hydra, and Overwhelming Stampede to close out games. It was a lot of fun and made some huge attacks!
wallisface on mono green beatdown
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
mono green stompy wants to come out fast, and come out swinging. My main concern is that your deck is quite slow & clumsy, with lots of mana dorks and lots of very-high-costing cards which are going to gum up your hand.
Some cards, like Colossal Dreadmaw, are just bad. Regardless of how casual you’re playing, this card is never worth it.
I would suggest ditching all 12 of your mana dorks, as well as Dreadmaw, to get some more aggressive low cmc creatures into the deck. I would also suggest dropping Stonecoil Serpent (it’s not great for stompy/aggro), and limit yourself to no-more than 2-copies each of Ghalta, Primal Hunger and Khalni Hydra (drawing multiple will make for bad, hard to play hands)
Creatures you should consider replacing the above with include: Avatar of the Resolute, Barkhide Troll, Experiment One, Pelt Collector, Steel Leaf Champion, Strangleroot Geist, and Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig
Overwhelming Stampede is too slow a card, and often overkill. I would suggest running Aspect of Hydra instead, as it can get you wins much, much faster, and more reliably. You should also consider Rancor as another noncreature option.
Stompy/aggro has no real reason to run Utopia Sprawl imo. Also, 24 lands feels very excessive. Most mono-green stompy decks are generally looking to run around 18 (maybe 20 at a push).
There are a lot of existing decks built in modern for mono-green-stompy, including budget-builds. Have a google of “modern mono green stompy” should yield a ton of results to help you with your brew
wallisface on Advice on tribal deck card …
3 years ago
The Evolve mechanic of both Pelt Collector and Experiment One are great, for the following reasons:
They effectively make those 1-drop creatures able to swing for 2 on turn 2, and then keep getting bigger and remaining relevant. While they're unlikely to get bigger than a 3/3 before game end, thats still a lot of power and damage from a 1-drop creature!
The counters also help to make Avatar of the Resolute massive on entry. It's not uncommon for that card to enter as a 5/4 trampler on turn 3.
an aggro deck needs 1-drop creatures that can do damage, otherwise you're just going to be too slow to get the killing blow. Aggro decks are looking to win the game on turn 4 at the latest. So anything that can't help towards that cause is usually unideal.
In the above list, stuff like Khalni Hydra are being more cute than helpful, and is only really there cause I like the card, tbh. In general it's important, for an aggro deck, that you aim to kill the opponent before they can get their engine running.
wallisface on Advice on tribal deck card …
3 years ago
The following below is a list I used to run a while back for mono-green stompy. It’s obviously not tribe-orientated, but may give you some ideas of the direction to head.
- 16x Forest
- 3x Elvish Mystic
- 3x Arbor Elf
- 4x Pelt Collector
- 4x Experiment One
- 4x Avatar of the Resolute
- 4x Strangleroot Geist
- 4x Kalonian Tusker
- 3x Leatherback Baloth
- 3x Steel Leaf Champion
- 3x Khalni Hydra
- 1x Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- 4x Rancor
- 4x Aspect of Hydra
Note the above list is a bit old and can defo do with some improvements, but its a good baseline of what green does well - being hyper-aggressive.
In general for mono-green you want to either build your deck around being very fast & aggressive, OR build it around ramping to some massive auto-win threat. You appear to be trying to do a strange mix of the two, being sudo-aggressive while ramping to semi-big threats. I would suggest picking a defined path and building around that. If you want to be aggressive, don’t ramp so much, and field lower costing creatures. If you are wanting to ramp-big, get something like Tooth and Nail in there to cheat out Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (or some other busted payoff)
The other thing to evaluate is how much sticking to your tribe is actually getting you. Whether you’re getting actual value out of confining yourself to this creature-type, or whether its just a self-imposed restriction without much upside.
osiczym on Engulfing Destruction
3 years ago
You can pick better versions of some cards: Kalonian Tusker => Barkhide Troll Sedge Scorpion => Wasteland Viper
Additionally I would put here: Khalni Hydra , Ghalta, Primal Hunger and maybe Aspect of Hydra
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