Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"

Legendary Creature — Human Advisor

Other creatures you control get +1/+1.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Renewing Dawn
Stern Marshal
Town Sentry
Sacred Knight
Just Fate
Kongming's Contraptions

hyped1221 on Wait, Griffin Tribal Exists?

4 years ago

Nice list! I've been looking to build something way different, and griffins have stood out to me. This looks like a very fun and well put together deck!

As far as suggestions, I'd maybe look at dropping Karoo and Temple of the False God. I've found from personal experience running white decks that these are both too slow and/or unreliable. Maybe swap for a Path of Ancestry (I know, comes in tapped, but lots of scry is good in tribal) and really anything else of your choice.

It's been a while since this has been updated, so I'm guessing you already know a few of these, but Smothering Tithe, Generous Gift, and Heliod's Intervention would all be solid includes. Also I would maybe replace a few of your weaker pump spells (i.e. Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon") with card draw. Slate of Ancestry and Mask of Memory have done very well for me in mono white.

All in all though looks good and I can't wait to get started on mine.

Idoneity on Big Tokens

4 years ago

Ah, tokens! Initiate the throng, then fulminate as such.

I have many suggestions.

Now, typically I am an advocate for running fewer lands in decks, however, this deck has an excruciatingly low amount of card draw. Either make way for lands or add a half-dozen cantrips.

Some of my favourite draw spells you could use are Once Upon a Time, Skullclamp, Adventurous Impulse, and Oath of Nissa. These dig for lands whilst having value late-game.

You have many anthems, some of which are quite lacking in my opinion. Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw, Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon", Selesnya Guildmage, Oakhame Ranger, Ahn-Crop Champion, Cultivator of Blades, Valor in Akros, Spear of Heliod, and Dragon Throne of Tarkir are all quite mana-hungry and little impact. They depend on a board state to work, and without one they verge on useless. I would like to call out Call for Unity in particular as being incredibly slow and capricious.

Haazda Marshal, Recruit the Worthy, and Oakhame Ranger are quite halacious in the aspect that they do not much.

Avoid Fate is interesting, but it doesn't do a lot. Many of the cards in here are restrictive depending on board state, thus I would cut this.

Painter's Servant is cute with your effects that care about colour, but I believe this to be rather inconsistent. Without Lifeforce or Order of the Sacred Torch, it's a two-mana 1/3.

I am unsure as to why Reito Lantern is even here. If you seek graveyard hate, Ground Seal replaces itself, Relic of Progenitus is awesome, as is Remorseful Cleric. Night Soil is on theme.

For what I would include, Rootborn Defenses defends the board, Druids' Repository adds far too much mana, Aura Shards and Aura Mutation shatter and batter, Hour of Reckoning kills many things, Increasing Devotion allows for rebounding eftsoons wrath, Master of the Wild Hunt is one I particularly enjoy, Sprout Swarm is difficult to interact with, Sigarda, Heron's Grace has early and late-game potential, and Devout Invocation creates tokens abound. Triumph of the Hordes can just wipe out an entire table.

This deck has almost no card draw. Mentor of the Meek, Skullclamp, and Huatli, Radiant Champion can draw many, many cards. When you get to it, Sylvan Library is fantastic. Harmonize, Slate of Ancestry, Shamanic Revelation, Collective Unconscious are ways to refill in preparation of a board wipe.

Beast Whisperer is just good value.

Swords to Plowshares, Kenrith's Transformation, and Path to Exile get problematic permanents out of the way at an excessively cheap cost.

I would recommend far more ramp. Llanowar Elves, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, and/or Birds of Paradise. Incredibly quick if you get them out turn one, and oft set you far ahead enough that it doesn't matter when you get wrathed.

That shall be all from me. If you so wish, I have two swarm decks that you could reference for honing your build, each of which have tested well for the years I have had them.

The decklists: Eladamri, Leader of Skyshroud Beseeming Perfection

May fortune betide you, and the tokens your enemies. Farewell!

KongMing on The Deckwatch [Home Base]

5 years ago

By the way Daedalus19876, here's my Member Introduction, at long last.

===panel: I am [[user:KongMing]].
Player archetype: I play to win.

Short bio: 30-something husband and father living just north of Seattle, finishing my teaching certificate for middle school mathematics. I've played TCGs since 1998, MtG since 2010 (Zendikar block). 

Favorite color: Blue! No, yelloooooooooooo- *Cue peal of thunder.*

Favorite guild: Azorius

Favorite shard: Esper

Favorite wedge: Jeskai

Hobbies: Pokemon, D&D, game development, MtG

Card that represents me: [[card:Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"]]

Favorite Deck: [deck-large:24-01-17-no]

eatmygender on a Concept to expand Pauper …

6 years ago

I had an idea which I wanted to share for a while. Let's face it; Pauper EDH isn't very popular. If anything, people avoid it due to the overwhelming amount of non-legendary Commons they can pick from to be their General. While it could be argued it breaches the spirit of Pauper, I think Uncommon Legendaries (Of the myriad of options we have, largely thanks to Dominaria and Masters sets) should be legal as Commanders for Pauper EDH. There's so much untapped potential in these creatures! Adeliz, the Cinder Wind could be incredibly good in Wizzet Tribal, Baird, Steward of Argive gives you what's essentially a white Propaganda, Bladewing the Risen could make Dragons interesting in Pauper again, Zada, Hedron Grinder is so much bigger than Valuetown she's practically the Value Capital of Value Country, Danitha Capashen, Paragon shows potential for mono-white Voltron, Grunn, the Lonely King has just as much if not more, Hallar, the Firefletcher could have interesting Synergy with Kicked spells, Ihsan's Shade which is an Uncommon thanks to Masters 25 might have potential, Iwamori of the Open Fist could do Legendary tribal better than Arvad the Cursed despite the Color identity, Jalira, Master Polymorphist could make for a great mono-blue Cascade deck, Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" miiiight do something interesting, and Kwende, Pride of Femeref is another solid addition to the overwhelming amount of White commanders and acts like a slightly Nerfed Odric, Lunarch Marshal. And these are just the ones I thought were worth mentioning. I really want this idea to catch on, because Pauper EDH is struggling, and it saddens me.

Edit: I've been told that you can use any uncommon in Pauper Dragon Highlander. My input isn't nearly as useful anymore, but I would like to say that a lot of these have great potential for Pauper EDH nonetheless.

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