Soltari Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soltari Champion

Creature — Soltari Soldier

Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.)

Whenever Soltari Champion attacks, all other creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.

DreadKhan on Ghave It All I Got

1 year ago

Not sure if you're looking for any new ideas, but since I thought of a few I thought I'd mention, in case you can find them! Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and One with the Kami would be very good in here, and are very good together. If you also have something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls you can turn any sacrificed non-token creature into a colourless mana (as well as a token creature). Pitiless Plunderer and Chatterfang, Squirrel General are both very good together and very good with your Commander. Jade Mage can make Saprolings for only 2G, and Ant Queen can make a 1/1 insect for only 1G. Skullclamp is really good value if you have a lot of 1 toughness tokens, paying 1 and killing your token to draw 2 feels great. Welcoming Vampire is a nifty option if you can make a token on each opponent's turn, as is Bennie Bracks, Zoologist. Soltari Champion is a neat anthem that is really hard to block, and Soltari Visionary is a handy way to cripple any Enchantment heavy decks, because very few decks can block Shadow creatures. With your counter theme you might use Incubation Druid, it's great value if you can cheaply get a counter on it. Ordeal of Nylea is good ramp if you can cheat some counters to speed it up.

Last_Laugh on Marisi's Goad Club

1 year ago

Bothersome Quasit and Bedlam allow you to goad unimpeded. Bedlam is a bit ballsy and has the potential to backfire but the quasit is worth its weight in gold here.

Vengeful Ancestor is a stud here.

Beloved Chaplain, Soltari Foot Soldier, Soltari Champion, Soltari Visionary, Spirit en-Dal, Spirit Mantle, and Champion of Lambholt will ensure you get through in combat to goad someone.

Authority of the Consuls in addition to Urabrask makes it so every hastey boy isn't sent your way and makes it impossible for your opponents to play fresh ungoaded blockers.

I've also had really good results out of 'deals combat damage to an opponent' effects due to a lack of blockers once a goad chain gets going. Stuff like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, and Scepter of Celebration.

A pet card of mine that's hilariously effective here is Kusari-Gama. It'll get your big boys through or wipe their board. Equip it to Soltari Guerrillas to ensure no one can block ANY of your creatures without immediate retaliation.

Anyways, feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

DreadKhan on Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together

1 year ago

Not sure if it's too weak, but when I was playing with only older cards I was surprisingly happy with what Orim, Samite Healer could do, preventing 3 damage can be enough to make combat way more complicated for your opponents. If you have creatures with First Strike and Banding somewhat often, you might like cards that do the opposite of Orim, the clunkiest I can think of is Elite Archers, if you have this out and some Banding First Strike creatures it might make combat scary enough to matter. White used to get a fair number of creatures like this. Sorry if this kind of stuff isn't up to your deck's standards!

I've always loved a good 'tap to really annoy your opponent' type cards, some of my general purpose favorites are Spurnmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate, Intrepid Hero, Devout Witness, and the huge pie break Preacher. I think WotC stopped making cards like this because they're incredibly annoying to play against rather than them being functionally bad, but it is true that they come out and do nothing for a cycle. Sorry they don't have Banding, but they can help you win more games.

Again, not sure if it's too weak, but I've rarely been disappointed by Noble Purpose, it even stacks with Lifelink sources if you've got any. Spare life turns slugfest type games that old cards often produce into gradual advantage for you.

Since you have some Vigilance sources, maybe Righteous Fury would do some work? Even weirder, what about a Meekstone? Most of your bodies are small, it's a lot like another Crackdown.

I feel like if you're going to run Glorious Anthem you might consider Soltari Champion, the other White Shadow I often sneak into decks is Soltari Visionary. They both do something quite useful, but Visionary is a bit more meta dependent, some groups avoid Enchantments. Technically Soltari Champion works better with a Meekstone than a normal Anthem will.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Glad you're getting the hang of the deck and it's working well for you so far. If you like the beefiness of Cathars' Crusade, you could run Adriana, Captain of the Guard. I see she's in your maybe board. Same cmc, but her P/T boosts although temporary, are still pretty decent. With Isshin out, and swinging at 3 opponents, your creatures will get +6/+6. If you pull off the Magic Christmas Land of having Adriana and Skyhunter Strike Force on field at the same time as Isshin, I think your creatures would all get +12/+12, since each instance of Melee triggers separately and would stack.

Additional creatures that can also provide P/T boosts on attack: Signal Pest, Accorder Paladin, Soltari Champion.

Ankle Shanker could be worth a look at to essentially make your board evasive with First Strike & Deathtouch.

In regards to Phyrexian Arena & Tocasia's Welcome they definitely have their pros and cons

Phyrexian Arena:

  • Pro: Consistently gets you a card at each of your upkeeps
  • Con: Have to wait a whole turn rotation to draw a card from it, making the play pattern kind of awkward in mid-late game.
  • Con: Life loss can get precarious later in game, but that's the risk of playing Black Draw lol.
  • Con: Double color mana pip, especially in a color that your deck is currently playing the least

Tocasia's Welcome:

  • Pro: Can get you a card the same turn it gets played if you follow up with creature token production or a 3cmc or less creature.
  • Con: Only draws one card per turn.
  • Con: May not draw cards on other players' turns if you don't have a means of making creature tokens at instant speed.
  • Con: At its best when paired with consistent creature token production, or casting smaller creatures.

Vampiric Rites is an option worth trying, but will shine with enough creature tokens to toss into it. The activation cost could compete with instant speed removal/interaction in situations where you may be trying to dig for answers. Might be better in an Aristocrats focused deck that is likely also getting additional value out of death triggers, so the 2 mana is a more value generating activation beyond drawing a card and gaining life.

Deadly Dispute and Painful Truths are additional "burst" options for draw.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Attack Triggers 2023

1 year ago

I meant to add these in my last comment, but Signal Pest, Accorder Paladin, and Soltari Champion are all some solid budget options for additional power/toughness boosts.

JoosetheMuice on It Get the People Going

1 year ago

The plan was to make this token themed correct? Assuming that's still the case, I would definitely like to see more producers and support. Some ideas"

Deep Forest Hermit - producer Tempt with Vengeance - producer Anointed Procession - support Ghired, Conclave Exile - producer Jetmir, Nexus of Revels - support Assemble the Legion - producer One Dozen Eyes - producer Rith, Liberated Primeval - producer

Aside from that I feel like Master Warcraft is a must here. Soltari Foot Soldier is a cool possibility to trigger Marisi and Soltari Champion could be kinda scary. Mother of Runes also seems really good here. Trample lands like Kessig Wolf Run and the rage pits could also be nice.

Last_Laugh on Isshin, the bearded beauty!

1 year ago

Reconnaissance is your best option here for safely swinging with everything because you'll have them all as blockers still.

Soltari Champion is an excellent pump effect.

Shared Animosity doesn't really need tribal love in this deck. Just 4 matching tokens will be 7/1's and it just snowballs from there.

Speaking of snowballing... Devilish Valet doesn't have an attack trigger but just 6 tokens entering makes him 64 power and 10 tokens makes him 1024 power lol. He WILL 1 shot someone out of the game.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Isshin - Army of Darkness

KBK7101 on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

Soltari Champion and Shared Animosity are great! Never thought about those two. Pretty sure I have animosity around somewhere, too. Totally forgot about Divine Visitation. Ogre Battledriver, Brutal Hordechief and Vault of the Archangel are definitely going on the maybeboard, as well.

Gonna have to pass on Commissar Severina Raine, sadly, due to my immense dislike of crossover cards. Maybe I'll add her in if they ever print an in-universe version, but I don't think that'll happen.


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