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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kaya, Ghost Assassin
Planeswalker — Kaya
0: Exile Kaya, Ghost Assassin or up to one target creature. Return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of your next upkeep. You lose 2 life.
-1: Each opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.
-2: Each opponent discards a card and you draw a card.
![Negan, The Cold-Blooded feature for Mentally Screw With Your Friends [Negan Primer]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/secret-lair/negan-the-cold-blooded/mtg-cards/_user-added/femme_fatale-negan-the-cold-blooded-sld-16061198410.png)

esper_enjoyer on Cards with foil alternative arts
1 year ago
How many cards with alternate arts when foil are there I know Kaya, Ghost Assassin and one of the Ertai, the Corrupted
but how many others are there did they just quit in battlebond with Rowan Kenrith
and Will Kenrith
(The f dosent show the alternate art but you can search up any of these foil alt art)
DawnsRayofLight on
Obi-Wan Can Blow Me
3 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. As the list is, it is running fine, so I do not have too many plans to change it, not that your suggestions have no merits.
I was running Skyknight Vanguard and ever since I added that and Honored Crop-Captain along with some aggro stuff, the deck started running wonky and got stomped all over. I dropped those out recently and added some more midrange stuff and the deck has been running much better.
Breena, the Demagogue: unless I am misunderstanding this card, it just doesn't seem too great to me. I mean, yes, the politics aspect helps a lot, but I am not a fan of my opponents drawing as well. Tymna the Weaver: will definitely be an add if I feel the list is running slow and not drawing enough. I have been going back and forth on adding her, I just cannot fit her in the current list. There is some draw for now: Kaya, Ghost Assassin, Phyrexian Arena, Bolas's Citadel, Skullclamp, Chief Jim Hopper, Esper Sentinel, and sort of Land Tax
Ramp: It seems to be fine to me as is, at least with how the deck plays. I have only tested the current list a couple of times and only 1 on 1 so I will see if more ramp is needed. 9 mana rocks seems a bit hefty at times. I will note I am running some treasure token producers and may add back in Smothering Tithe, I dropped it to test Unquenchable Fury as Tithe didn't feel too necessary at times. Aerial Surveyor also ramps pretty well and Land Tax helps with hitting the land drops.
Protection: Iroas, God of Victory Serves as Dolmen Gate while giving them menace and acts as a 7/4 beater. Teferi's Protection may go back in, I just dropped it but we will see. I guess in working on my protection I was more concerned with counterspells and certain blue board wipes (which is why Grand Abolisher, Deflecting Swat (lul cyclonic rift), and Defense Grid are in there) rather than worrying about other board wipes. I added Legion's Initiative as it kind of acts like Teferi's Protection in that it works a bit better to protect from exile wipes like Winds of Abandon and Farewell than some of the indestructible protection spells.
Fireflux Squad: for some stupid reason it never occurred to me to use this on the tokens. I will definitely find a spot for the squad.
evolintent13 on
Atraxa Superfriends
3 years ago
Hey DawnsRayofLight,
I appreciate the comment and the suggestions, definitely interested in a couple. Some of them are too high of a CMC though. In my playgroup games are over by turn 7 or earlier so I have to very careful with my CMC or the games over before I'm even stabilized.
I was running fewer lands in a previous version but I was having issues with being mana starved. I boosted the lands and ramp in the deck and am currently playtesting it. I have flooded out a little but not too bad. I agree though, might be able to cut a couple lands. Just trying to figure out how many.
Really digging Kaya the Inexorable and Kaya, Ghost Assassin, going to have to try to find a way to fit them in. Honestly none of your suggestions are bad, just not sure how to fit them all haha, going to have to pick and choose.
I'll be checking out your list after work today!
Thanks again!
DawnsRayofLight on
Atraxa Superfriends
3 years ago
As a fellow Atraxa player, I can offer some suggestions if it helps!
38 Lands may be a bit much, you don't want to get flooded. Generally, I am happy when I hit 7 lands on field. and 34 has been enough to make that happen more or less consistently I will attach my list to the bottom, that land base has been extremely consistent in casting a T3-4 Atraxa.
Some suggested adds:
Luminarch Ascension: funny with Atraxa and a good token generator
As Foretold: cast free spells
Contagion Engine: speeds up walkers
Toxrill, the Corrosive: another wipe
Sword of Truth and Justice for Atraxa beatdown
Walkers I like, I do not always run them for their ultimate but their control value:
Kaya the Inexorable: helps with keeping Atraxa recurring and a good removal outlet
Kaya, Ghost Assassin: I was surprised out how good she is in my testing, super annoying to play against
Tezzeret, Artifice Master: His ultimate is super fun and he makes tokens and draws
Elspeth, Sun's Champion: tons of tokens and a board wipe.
Liliana Vess: search
Finalzesture on
3 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Chasedrk1! If I was to use your advice; I'd use Approach of the Second Sun over Entreat the Dead since they both are good at ending drawn out games but Approach requires a lot less setup compared to Entreat the dead. Solitude also looks like a splendid choice but if people are on a budget, I'd Recommend Cavalier of Dawn Instead. It's a reusable Generous Gift over Swords to Plowshares so it hits more targets but it's a bit harder to cast. I'd reccomend adding a Mystic Gate over an Island if you chose to go the Cavalier route.
Kaya, Ghost Assassin can be replaced but I'd prefer replacing it with another card that can provide card advantage. For maximum compression; I would reccomend Jace, Wielder of Mysteries as it can draw more cards than Kaya, and be a more synergistic with cards like Oath of Teferi and Spark Double
If you want to min-max; I reccomend replacing Palace Jailer with Solitude and Court of Ambition with Phyrexian Arena and maybe find room for Smothering Tithe And/or Archaeomancer's Map that said, I think effects that "discard" from your opponents hand are either valued as too weak or too mean in commander. I for one like it as an "underdog effect" and I think discarding cards is fine if you get value in some other way like if you're running shrines or Kaya. Discarding cards can be just as effective as a counterspell if done right. Your opponents can't cast spells if they don't have any (with sufficient graveyard hate)
enpc on How powerful is this deck? …
4 years ago
legendofa: Quality should always be your guide. If you were using all 10 planeswalkers on a single (non-superfriends theme) like for example if they all pumped out tokens and then buffed them, that would be fine. But here you effectively have:
Ajani Steadfast - Really slow way of making your commander a bit bigger. Plays into pillow fort, but pillow fort is not a win condition.
Garruk, Apex Predator - really expensive removal spell.
Kaya, Ghost Assassin - super slow way to draw a card.
Liliana Vess - super slow way to tutor a card.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - Her pump ability is a neg ability. That's annoying.
Oko, Thief of Crowns - Oko isn't bad. He's cheap removal but would a Maelstrom Pulse or Vindicate just do more work. Still one of hte better planeswalkers you've picked.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad - I guess his plus makes tokens and he's not stupidly costed, so that's nice. Do you care about tokens though?
Tamiyo, Field Researcher - Ok card draw I guess, but imagine how much more value Edric, Spymaster of Trest could be.
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria - He's at least card advantage. A bit expensive but it's a card each turn (let's face it, you don't give a crap about his other abilities 99% of the time) so this is probably a good keep.
Tezzeret the Seeker - A decent equipment tutor, on hte fence about this one. You don't take a huge amount of advantage of artifact untapping, but you've got some decent equipment so eh.
Looking at the planeswalkers, that's kind of what I see here. And don't get me wrong, repeatability is great. But you have to weigh that up against mana cost and frequency of repeatability.
shivanlord on
4 years ago
Tried to make the deck a little bit more consistent and with a couple more draw and planeswalker cards. In addition, the creatures added give a bit more staying power and other abilities instead of just strictly attacking, although that's still the main mode of winning. Also went a bit more in on +1/+1 counters as well.
-1 Changeling Sentinel -1 Moonglove Changeling -1 Valiant Changeling -1 Undead Augur -1 Venom Sliver -1 King of the Pride -1 Winding Constrictor -1 Neoform -1 Tatyova, Benthic Druid -1 Vastwood Surge -1 Bloodline Keeper Flip -1 Chromatic Lantern +1 Skyshroud Claim +1 Despark +1 Oath of Ajani +1 Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter +1 Kaya, Ghost Assassin +1 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver +1 Teferi, Time Raveler +1 Crystalline Crawler +1 Tendershoot Dryad +1 Twilight Prophet +1 Sanctum Seeker +1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty
Miraculeux on
My little angel horror
4 years ago
So, here are my thoughts about the deck:
Manawise, your landbase should rather consist of lands that come into play untapped. It's important to have your mana available asap. I would suggest replacing karoo lands like Orzhov Basilica and also Opulent Palace with battlelands like Sea of Clouds and painlands Adarkar Wastes. The storage lands are also not ideal (e.g. Dreadship Reef), because they do not provide colored mana at start. And of course the more fetchlands you can add the better, missing Scalding Tarn, Arid Mesa, Verdant Catacombs, Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills, Flooded Strand, Bloodstained Mire.
I would suggest you to cut even the three remaining creatures and add additional card advantage and lock pieces. Im missing Sylvan Library, Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora... all important ways to get extra cards.
Since your main wincon is the Consultation combos, I suggest you definitely run Thassa's Oracle as a main, cheap combo piece.
Lightning Greaves, boots and Helm are not necessary, since protecting Atraxa should not be such a priority to warrant extra cards for it. Also Mana Tithe, Mana Leak and Opt are not that relevant in a multiplayer format. I would advise to replace them with general, cheap countermagic, for better utility. Dovin's Veto, Delay, Swan Song, Tale's End can serve both to protect your cards and your combo, but also disrupt your opponents from winning.
From cheap, but relevant planeswalkers (besides Oko ofc), I would add Vraska, Golgari Queen and Kaya, Ghost Assassin. They generate a lot of card advantage over time.
Also with the amount of manarocks, you could play Winter Orb to stall and buy bit more time for your 'walkers.
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