Maelstrom Pulse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Maelstrom Pulse


Destroy target nonland permanent and all other permanents with the same name as that permanent.

zapyourtumor on Strong guys in Jund

2 months ago

I'd run more removal and cut some of the mid creature threats like Rakdos Roustabout. PRimeval Titan is a good card but not super good in this deck, if you're on a budget I think there are better options for the same price point. Stuff like Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Bloodbraid Elf.

25 lands is a bit heavy, esp since you have mana dorks, 23 seems like a good number to me.

I'd also cut Gaea's Blessing and Manamorphose, they don't really fit the deck.

Definitely go up to 4 bolts, maybe run some Inquisition of Kozilek, 1-2 Angrath's Rampage (better than sheoldred's edict for RB decks since you can kill one rings, and its cheaper too), 1-2 Molten Collapse, 0-1 Maelstrom Pulse etc.

Profet93 on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago

Crow_Umbra, I apologize in advance for the wall of text below. Your deck is very interesting and got me thinking. If you don't want to respond to each point below, I can't blame you. In the end, I hope these suggestions help or at least get the gears turning. Looking forward to your response.

Skullclamp - Draw

Sakura-Tribe Elder/Rampant Growth > Farseek - Rampant growth gives you the option to get either a basic forest or basic swamp tapped. Farseek is only a swamp tapped. Rampant growth is a strict upgrade given you have no swamps aside from a basic swamp would benefit from the distinction.

Viridian Longbow - Idk if this is too cheeky but given all your deathtouch, this might be worth considering.

Academy Manufactor - This card seems perfect for the deck. You make a lot of treasures, you get more artifacts. You also occasionally make food tokens. If you added tireless tracker (not saying you should per say) then it triggers on clues. All around seems solid. Is this a reason I'm missing for why this isn't included?

Mastermind Plum > Preacher of the Schism - Seems kind of cool, got some synergy. Your description mentioned this is potentially on the cutting block. Given you already have enough deathtouch, would draw not outweigh the redundancy?

Infectious Bite > Bite Down - Given that this is removal 95% of the time according to your description, would the potential for a poison counter to fuel fin outweigh the possibility of killing a PW that isn't there 19/20 times?

Bootleggers' Stash - At the risk of being too on the nose/winmore, could this help? Same question with Parallel Lives.

I read your description regarding the token meta. Below are some anti token suggestions. Some of them are straight up hate, other of them are flexible, depends on what you're going for (in order of most token hate to flexibility)....

Virulent Plague - Straight up hate

Bile Blight - Removal with token emphasis

Maelstrom Pulse - Flexible removal spell (works well against clones too!)

Pernicious Deed - X = 0, bye bye tokens. Or use it normally to wipe when things get out of hand. I see its in your maybeboard, I believe this card warrants a spot the most out of any suggestion above or below.

Liquimetal Torque - What do you primarily use its second ability for? I get that you can make something an artifact to trigger some life loss. Given this deck is low to the ground, would you not be potentially better served with a Jet Medallion or Emerald Medallion? I suppose it depends on how much you value the lifeloss from artifacts + politic to make something artifact for other removal over the additional ramp the medallions can provide.

Kura, the Boundless Sky - What does this provide? I see no anti token, treasure or land token aspect. Perhaps I'm missing somehting?

Saryth, the Viper's Fang - I understand the deathctouch and hexproof anthem. Given your meta is mostly aggro, how many wipes do people typically use? Given your deck already goes wide, wouldn't most people just wipe the board anyways? I definitely see the benefit for sure, just wondering how this card performs and if it could be swapped for something either more impactful such as a Demonic Tutor or something more on theme in your maybeboard?

Questing Beast - I get that it likely wouldn't be blocked by tokens, is that it's primary purpose? Given that you also mentioned there are not a lot of PW's in the meta, would you not be better served with a general removal spell such as Hero's Downfall?

Guardian Project - How often do people kill your creature in response to the trigger to deny you card draw? Not saying to remove it, just curious is all.

I noticed you run torment, exsanguinate and damnable pact. While the latter can be used for an alt wincon, is it not draw most of the time? Assuming this, you run 2 X finishers and if not 3. Do you really need the redundancy? I believe another spell like Rise of the Dark Realms (also in maybeboard) could warrant an inclusion, especially given your aggro meta. I can understand the reluctance given that you are already taking their creatures anyways. If that's an issue, then maybe a Finale of Devastation? Recur/Tutor for a creature and go for the win through smashing face.

frogkill45 on Sultai Goyfs

3 months ago

Few things i need

Orcish Bowmasters

Maelstrom Pulse

Bauble can replace Nihil Spellbomb

more verdants less polluted deltas but i only have one.

TTT60 on Belbe's Big Mana Spells, Fog, & Magecraft Combos

1 year ago

I think the deck would do better with a bit more board interation. Maybe replace Worst Fears with In Garruk's Wake?

And maybe Sadistic Sacrament, Utopia Sprawl, and Well of Lost Dreams with cards like Mortality Spear or Maelstrom Pulse or World Breaker (a personal favorite of mine as well as theme-fitting for you)

loricatuslupus on It's the Mold that Killed Him

1 year ago

Nice, as well as the other additions you've got planned I'd definitely consider Bane of Progress - by the time you cast it this deck probably doesn't care about losing its enchantments or artifacts (honestly not sure you even need a Sol Ring, you're better getting more mana dorks like Tangled Florahedron  Flip) but it will annihilate some other strategies. Plus you ARE in green which is full of Regrowth effects that are pretty on-theme of you're desperate to get stuff back! The deck is maybe a little lacking in non-creature removal for me, simply as without blue you may struggle to interact with combo pieces. Thankfully Golgari has this in spades with cards such as Abrupt Decay, Binding the Old Gods, Putrefy and Culling Ritual/Maelstrom Pulse. Those last two are also ways to wipe all your saprolings if you don't have a sac outlet, something the deck might want more of it you're planning on them all dying to kill with drain effects - free ones with upside like Viscera Seer are obviously the best! Either would be better than Mandate for you here - that's really for when you are sure you'll have a big dude and need him to get in. All too often I think you'll find it only blows up Saprolings and if you're lucky some other small tokens opponents have, and if you don't have a creature to target it does nothing. Willowdusk is really worth considering if you're gaining life BTW, she'll quickly create big threats to distract people from what's actually going to win you the game. Also Vraska is a way better planeswalker than Ob Nixilis, I'd probably go with her Golgari Queen iteration but The Unseen is ok too. Finally you can always upgrade the lands but TBH basics will probably be fine here for the most part, especially given your ramp choices (could include Kodama's Reach in that package too?).

Apollo_Paladin on BG Midrange Historic

1 year ago

+1 for being another Arena player who uses this site though either way!

Apollo_Paladin on BG Midrange Historic

1 year ago

Honestly, Black/Green is my favorite color combo overall on Arena (Black/White is a close 2nd).

Pretty much for the following reasons:

  • Assassin's Trophy (which I see you already run - kudos there - keep these for sure)

  • Maelstrom Pulse (I would drop Vraska's Contempt an Infernal Grasp to run 2-3 of these; really solid in the format & big value when it lands so it can spare you needing so much 1 and 2-mana removal. If you're using Chupacabra's, then you don't need extra creature-only hate spells imo, you're better off with something that's 1 or 2 more mana that can hit some other targets.)

If you disagree and still feel you need 1-mana removal, then yes Cut Down is probably best overall. As you pointed out Fatal Push can work, but your build really isn't scaled that direction imo, so I'd go with Cut Down personally. My argument here would be that since you're already running 8x 1-mana Hand Hate spells, that should take care of quite a few threats in advance. So, if beyond those Hand Hate spells you STILL need removal that's ONLY one mana then either A) you just made bad choices or B) you didn't have a good one regardless and it wouldn't matter anyway.

legendofa on

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, JHM921!

For this deck, I see a focus on getting Sarevok, Deathbringer as big as possible, but I also see some bits and pieces that I think can be switched out. Cards like Butcher of Malakir and Grave Betrayal would work better in a more graveyard-focused deck than what I think this deck wants to be. There's some ramp and mana modification, with Nature's Lore, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and similar cards, but I think some more early cards like Elves of Deep Shadow, Golgari Signet, and Elvish Mystic would help accelerate early game into mid game.

Virus Beetle, Ravenous Rats, and Festering Mummy are all kind of underwhelming in this deck. If you want to force discard, you either want to affect every opponent or choose the discard yourself, and Festering Mummy just has too small of an effect that the deck doesn't really have ways to capitalize on. I recommend adding some more targeted permanent destruction. Depending on how much money you're willing to spend, Nature's Claim, Maelstrom Pulse, Abrupt Decay, and Assassin's Trophy are all viable.

Since your commander is a big part of your win condition, you need to be able to protect it. Regenerate effects like Golgari Charm or Wrap in Vigor, indestructibility from Tamiyo's Safekeeping or Heroic Intervention, or simple unkillable-ness from Supernatural Stamina or Undying Malice will help keep Sarevok fresh and deathbringing.

Look through your deck, and for each card, ask yourself, "Why is this card in here? Does it advance my win condition? Does it remove an opponent's specific threat or problem? Does it protect my board?" If the answer to any of these is no, then it can probably be replaced with something more directed to this particular deck.

For some more specific suggestions, I assume Cloak of the Bat is to make Sarevok harder to block. I would switch that for something like Whispersilk Cloak. You don't have a solid Vampire base for Indulgent Aristocrat, and the Vampires you do have don't contribute much to your winning strategy, so I would save the Vampires for another deck.

I think if you tighten up the focus, this deck will become very solid. Happy brewing, and above all, have fun!

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