Tendo Ice Bridge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tendo Ice Bridge


Tendo Ice Bridge enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it.

: Add .

, Remove a charge counter from Tendo Ice Bridge: Add one mana of any colour.

lagotripha on Modular explosion

2 years ago

Lands always need some tinkering - I like to think about it like this.

T1 you need green for hardened scales, no matter what. T2 you need white for creatures, most games Lategame you need red - your red creatures/spells can afford to wait as they are finishers.

This means green highest priority, white the next, then red/fixing splashed to turn on fling/shikari, finally utility lands.

The large number of colourless creatures means you can afford to have limited access to coloured mana, making things like Tendo Ice Bridge Crumbling Vestige or Aether Hub a little better than Mana Confluence type fixing. Which in turn makes filter lands less useful, but most of that just needs testing. I always end up with less utility lands than I want - you should be able to fit more with the colourless options.

legendofa on The Only-Lands Challenge

2 years ago

Well, if you're removing cards, you could add a red source, like Mana Confluence, or even Tendo Ice Bridge or Aether Hub for single use.

I'm not trying to be pushy with my suggestions, and I hope I'm not coming off that way. I just don't see a lot of ways to ensure Lair of the Hydra connects, or Inkmoth Nexus deals significant damage in the current build.

Martianno on Slivers of Velis Vel

3 years ago

Hi! Thank you very much for the comment and the suggestions!

I have to confess, I didnt know Unnatural Selection until now. It is definetly a great card in this deck! I should consider to add it. However I would not replace Wings of Velis Vel in spite of the fact that it looks to be quite weak. The changelling instants are essential during the gameplay. Let me explain why:

  • It is every creature type so Sliver Overlord is able to find it directly. He can tutor a "sliver card", not a "sliver permanent", what means a great flexibility for all of the changelling instants.

  • It is every creature type so with Morophon, the Boundless on board you can actually cast it just for

  • It is every creature type so you can easily reanimate these instants via Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero . She is able to put a "Rebel card" not a "Rebel permanent" on the bottom of your library. That is how you can play it repeatedly.

  • The Wings of Velis Vel is quite versatile as well. Many times I have used the card as sort of "removal" of an opponent's dirty flyer when I have created my own surprising 4/4 flying blocker.

  • Last but not least: I dont want to fully optimize the deck. I would like to keep a bit of its sense of "lore". Therefore I want to play the tribal lands as Ancient Amphitheater , Gilt-Leaf Palace or Murmuring Bosk . For this reason I need a number of changelling cards to keep them functional (to reveal a Giant, Elf, Treefolk etc and to play them untapped)

Sure it is possible to replace Tendo Ice Bridge by Mana Confluence . In this case I just worry a bit to play too many pain lands, because the deck is not extremly fast and it doesnt have any easy way how to gain life.

You are right about the bordwipe as well. I used to play the Whelming Wave as a cheap and lore variant of Cyclonic Rift . Later, I beleave, I have replaced it with a counterspell, because I havent used it much. Anyway.. it is still in my mind.

Thank you once more for the comment and for discovering Unnatural Selection for me ;)

klaudiohmm on Slivers of Velis Vel

3 years ago

Hey! This deck has some interesting lines. At first glance, I thought that the Skyshroud Poacher and Seahunter are too slow and clunky in this deck, but I think that they can actually be interesting. Gonna upvote it :)

What do you think of Unnatural Selection ? It's a card that is an enchantment and can target multiple creatures (1 mana for each of them), changing their type, making them legal targets for Overlord's ability. I think that can work better than... Wings of Velis Vel , for example.

Considering some cards of your deck, why not use Mana Confluence , for example, instead a land like Tendo Ice Bridge ? Or why use the Vivid lands?

The only boardwipe I saw in this deck is Realm-Cloaked Giant . Wouldn't it be the case to include a Cyclonic Rift -like effect?

RNR_Gaming on Slivers

3 years ago

My girlfriend just asked me to put Slivers back together. Anyways, as far as the land base goes I'm gunna list. Things out by cost/relevancy

duals I know eww reserved list but if you got em or can proxy em play em

Tundra, Plateau, Tropical Island, Volcanic Island, Bayou, Badlands, Scrubland, Savannah, Underground Sea, and Taiga

fetches they're getting their reprint in modern horizons 2 but still stupid expensive - but the fixing is just so good!

Flooded Strand, Polluted Delta, Scalding Tarn, Misty Rainforest, Prismatic Vista, Verdant Catacombs, Wooded Foothills, Bloodstained Mire, Windswept Heath, Marsh Flats and Arid Mesa

Utopia lands

Reflecting Pool, Cavern of Souls, City of Brass, Tarnished Citadel, Mana Confluence, Forbidden Orchard, Exotic Orchard, Meteor Crater, Pillar of the Paruns, Ancient Ziggurat, Path of Ancestry, Thran Quarry, Gemstone Mine, Aether Hub and Tendo Ice Bridge

I'm not a mega fan of the depletion lands but they're excellent if you're on a budget :)

shocks - you already got a few I'll recommend getting the rest

Blood Crypt, Temple Garden, Godless Shrine, Steam Vents and Sacred Foundry

Utility lands very overpriced cardboard but the power is definitely there

Mutavault, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Gaea's Cradle

From there, if those cards are out of budget/you cannot proxy I'd go with the Triomes, battlebond lands Sea of Clouds, check lands Hinterland Harbor, and lastly the painlands Battlefield Forge beyond those the lands start becoming too inefficient and you will be targeted playing slivers. Even if you're not the threat having a slow land base is a death sentence. Hope this helped :)

VampDemigod on Into the Unknooown

3 years ago

Potential includes (from a top-down perspective): Snow Fortress (arendell, frozen) Beloved Princess (mother of Elsa and Ana) Lady Zhurong, Warrior Queen (alt. Ana) Ice Floe, On Thin Ice (Iceberg cave is on in F2) Ice Storm (self explanatory) Tendo Ice Bridge (Elsa’s bridge in LiG) Wall of Ice (Elsa’s defensive wall, which stops a crossbow bolt) Castle Vantress (Arendell)

I’m going to go look for a fjord card.

DemMeowsephs on Crew is Big

4 years ago

Hey there! I'm usually the land and ramp helping guy, and you wrote that is one of your issues, so here, I hope I'll be able to clear that up a little bit. Let's start off with lands.

I see shock lands, fetch lands, and of course horizon lands, along with a few stand alone multicolor lands. Not bad! Keep ALL the shocks, and keep ALL the fetches. Fetches can search for shocks and shocks are really good. Usually I like to recommend filter lands (like Mystic Gate) or fast lands (such as Seachrome Coast). Horizon lands are also some of my all time favorites, but playing four of magics colors can be quite tough. For three, four, and definitely five colors, I usually recommend more multicolor lands. Your average CMC is also quite high, so maybe 1-2 more lands would be pretty good if you think you can. That said, consider some of the following lands.

So basically, consider much more things that can add a color of your choice, they give you much more options! The other lands are very good too, so you have to decide which one would be more beneficial in your opinion, though to me, I would cut Horizons and triomes for the ones I mentioned.

That said, let's move on to some ramp! Arcane Signet, Chromatic Lantern, and Sol Ring are pretty good, but I might have some you find better. Green is amazing for ramp, so by adding amazing green ramp spells, not only are you now getting the best ramp options, but also you are evening out the color pi for your deck! Consider some of the following

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