Wildborn Preserver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wildborn Preserver

Creature — Elf Archer

Flash (You may cast this spell at any time you could cast an instant.)

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

Whenever another non-Human creature enters under your control, you may pay . When you do, put X +1/+1 counters on this creature.

TheVectornaut on

2 years ago

There's something about the hilarious flavor fail of not choosing the Archery mode on Choose Your Weapon in order to win using an archery deck that I just love. I think it's worth noting that, aside from Halana, Kessig Ranger, all of your archers are elves. It might be worth cutting her for another elf option. Doing so both improves the consistency of Jagged-Scar Archers and avoids the nonbo with Wildborn Preserver, although I don't see Preserver being that impactful either way. Halana does let you win without the admittedly janky flying-granting cards, so I do see the appeal, even if the 2 mana requirement might be tough to meet. For some of the weaker archers, I'd rather just have some ways to spam elf tokens to get Jagged-Scar online faster. Maybe something like Gilt-Leaf Ambush, Dwynen's Elite, Imperious Perfect, or even Sylvan Offering since this is casual. If you don't want to run any non-archers for flavor reasons though, I totally understand. Some cards that could be interesting are copiers like Panharmonicon and Strionic Resonator since this deck has a ton of triggered abilities.

lagotripha on Counter/Flash Pezzent! (10/12 euro/$)

3 years ago

Solid list. There are some great cards worth looking at which give this kind of list a lot of versatility- and a lot of the rares from Nightpack Ambusher era are cheap. Spectral Sailor, Mizzium Meddler, Lutri, the Spellchaser, Nimble Obstructionist, Faerie Vandal, Quickling, Wildborn Preserver, Vile Redeemer.

With Cathar Commando/Hushwing Gryff/Containment Priest, you could probably string together a strong w/u or w/g list. I remember messing around with Mantle of Leadership for this in the past. Sigrid, God-Favored+Niambi, Esteemed Speaker point to a legendary tribal option if budget legendaries show up for the archetype.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Kaldheim Golgari- Go Elf Yourself

3 years ago

Not a terrible list. There are some subpar cards in here though, although I'm sure some of them fit the "legendaries I like" bill and so that's just down to fun vs winning.

Forever Young is not usually great recursion. It seems good, but it messes with your draws. You'd rather just have other cards drawn or spells that bring creatures back onto the battlefield. The two runes are just kind of okay. There's no obvious downside, the power level is just a tiny bit shy of where cards should be in Constructed formats. Tajuru Blightblade is also low power. You want something with abilities that will benefit the rest of your deck, not something that trades with anything that blocks and leaves with no other value. Jaspera Sentinel is a little slow, and there are better elves to look at for an elf deck. Sarulf, Realm Eater is very slow for a sweeper and hits your own creatures as well, most of whom in the elf package are small. Sculptor of Winter is decent ramp, but you don't need it. An elf deck should be fast and aggressive, and in this one you can have your larger creatures as a backup plan later.

For elves you should be looking at, Skemfar Avenger , Elvish Warmaster , Wildborn Preserver , and possibly Canopy Tactician are all good.

Poison the Cup is subpar removal. Heartless Act and Bloodchief's Thirst are better.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Quad Tyvar Elf Tribal

4 years ago

Pretty standard elf tribal. Just a few card suggestions.

Elderfang Ritualist , Tajuru Snarecaster , Thornmantle Striker , and your artifacts are overcosted for what they'll do.

Wildborn Preserver is a strong add, Toski, Bearer of Secrets is a good card for go-wide decks like this (probably only 1-3 though), the rest of the Skemfar Avengers and Haralds will be important for keeping card advantage.

Removal section! You're in Golgari, the colors of the best removal in the game. Poison the Cup is one of the weaker options. Binding the Old Gods , Heartless Act , Bloodchief's Thirst , all three of those are so much stronger than Poison.

Lands now! Darkbore Pathway  Flip is an instant four-of. Faceless Haven (2-3) is also a good idea in a tribal deck, and that means turning your basics into snow lands. Hagra Mauling  Flip can help you prevent flooding, but only if you don't mind a tapped land now and then. Having more than 20 lands will help with that. I'd probably recommend 24 for this deck.

Those aren't exactly budget options, so if you're just working with what you have, I understand, and you've done great!

multimedia on Elves of the Swarm (Budget)

4 years ago

Hey everyone who's still interested, after almost two years I've updated the deck with a new first version for Kaldheim Standard. Elves are exciting again thanks to being a huge part of Kaldheim. Going with Golgari again because five of the better tribal Elf cards in the set are black including the new Shaman of the Pack in Skemfar Shadowsage who's now the tribal win condition for Elves.

In fact the entire main deck except for Wildborn Preserver is cards from Kaldheim which gives you an idea of how amazing this set is for Elves. Stay tuned for a new update about the new version of Elves of Kaldheim :)

PlagueRats on Midrange Mutate

4 years ago

After a bunch more games I’ve found that a 4/4 with flying is much better then a 4/4 with death touch. So Gilded Goose over the 1/1 deathtouchers. I’m also getting even more into Wildborn Preserver, I win games when I play it, eating an early rogue or red aggro creature and late game making an unaccounted attacker on their end step. Reach helps against many decks as well. Every time I cast Scavenging Ooze it just gets itself killed. So I’m thinking Wildborn Preserver for game one and Scavenging Ooze in the sideboard.

Crawling Barrens seems like it should be great here, but in practice the deck almost never has enough mana to activate Crawling Barrens and mutate it on the same turn.

I’ve decided to cut down to three Brokkos, Apex of Forever which makes more sense since it’s legendary and forever and added a Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig

So now the deck is nothing but mythics and rares other then Ram Through

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