Vraska's Contempt

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vraska's Contempt


Exile target creature or planeswalker. You gain 2 life.

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is excessively high, which will lead to some really slow/clumsy turns. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You've got a whopping 16 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too high (in particular you have no chance of ever casting those 8-mana cards). Added to this, you have almost nothing to do turn-1, meaning you'll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

  • Your land base is far too low. 20 land decks typically expect to be stuck on 1-or-2 lands for a decent chunk of the early-game. Even after lowering your curve, you'll likely still need at least 23-24 lands to be able to reliably cast any of your spells.

  • Some of your spells seem really suboptimal. You generally don't want to be paying more than 2 mana for a removal spell, so stuff like Vraska's Contempt and Oblivion Ring seem super sub-optimal. Go Blank, Heartless Pillage and Mind Rot are all pretty weak in Modern, especially as the opponent is very likely to already be empty-handed by the time you're able to cast any of them (in any case 8 cards with this effect is excessive). Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Sangromancer, and Vizkopa Guildmage all don't really do much.

sad_2980 on Zurdur

2 years ago

Love the deck! I have a few suggestions for cards that could be cut and some suggestions for what might replace them. I tried the keep the suggested cards reasonably priced. I have a few of them in my binder that I will give you next time we play.

Suggested removal - Most of these cards I figured could be easily upgraded with cards that add more value, utility, stax, or interaction:

Suggested additions:


2 years ago

I've been playing monoblack in EDH for a while! So, I have some advice I can offer that I hope will help you out!

Land base: 35 should be enough, consider some utility lands: Maze of Ith Cabal Coffers (get it while it is cheap!) maybe some land destruction like Field of Ruin, Wasteland, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, etc. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Temple of the False God Cabal Stronghold Castle Locthwain Rogue's Passage

Equipment to boost your general:

Sword of War and Peace, life gain and protection Sword of Light and Shadow, recursion and protection Sword of Hearth and Home, protection, blink your ETB kill a guy creatures, ramp Sword of Feast and Famine, expensive, but super good Lashwrithe: ouch Vorpal Sword: haha double ouch Blackblade Reforged Sword of Truth and Justice Sword of the Animist

I might try to add a few more win cons in your creature base

Vilis, Broker of Blood, draw and beat stick Razaketh, the Foulblooded, search and beat stick K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth ramp and can get big Archon of Cruelty been debating adding it to chainer

Ramp and utility suggestions

Bolas's Citadel: super good but can be rough if you aren't gaining a lot of life Caged Sun: super good ramp and works when your opponents tap Skyclave Relic: better than darksteel ingot Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools: good for draw and blockers Grief: hand control Thought-Knot Seer: hand control Ob Nixilis Reignited: stayed in my chainer deck for a while until Tevesh came along

Grim Tutor and Mastermind's Acquisition over diabolic tutor (depends on you play group if they allow a "wish board," some don't, I run acquisition but may pick up a grim tutor for groups not okay with it)

I might lose some of the instant speed removal for:

Hero's Downfall: which you are running Deadly Rollick Eat to Extinction Vraska's Contempt

Some general removal as monoblack suffers from inability to handle certain types like enchant and artifact:

Karn Liberated Ugin, the Ineffable Steel Hellkite Nevinyrral's Disk

Suggested drops:

Tattered Mummy: Not that good, more consistent ways of grinding out damage Skyclave Shade: Bloodghast is better 1x Skeletal Grimace: I get the point, but there are better cards 1x Underworld Dreams: I am iffy on this one, Painful Quandary and Polluted Bonds may be better or good additions to complement it. The entire instant pool save hero's downfall and malicious affliction, there are better killspells Expedition Map: really only useful for setting up tron or land combos Liliana, Waker of the Dead: Liliana Vess works better

The True Meaning of Death and Taxes: this is my chainer death and taxes reanimator list, check it out for suggestions, I have a lot of cards in the maybeboard I have considered and even used at one point that may spark some ideas.

zapyourtumor on That is the most Rakdos way to win

2 years ago

For cards to take out, maybe the Murderous Riders. I'm not really sure since the list is pretty tight.

What kind of indestructible creatures are you encountering? If they are 3 or less cmc you could steal them, but if they are larger I think edict effects might be a better answer, or maybe even Grasp of Darkness / Vraska's Contempt / Baleful Mastery .

TheVectornaut on Insane ramp idea - please help

3 years ago

Sorry for the late response, I have some family over for mother's day.

First, I'd like to say that I'm by no means an expert, and even if I was, I'd tell you to disregard my advice if it ever advises the removal of pet cards, shifts the deck towards a style you don't prefer, or otherwise contradicts your goals in any way. I can only ever speak from my own experiences, and yours can and should be different. Generally speaking, creatures that cost a lot of mana and are easy to remove tend to be weaker than those that cost less and/or have some built in protection or other added value. The ability to dodge removal like Vraska's Contempt and Teferi, Hero of Dominaria is what let Carnage Tyrant warp an entire format while Ghalta, Primal Hunger really did not. The fact that you're considering 3 cards that grant hexproof or indestructible implies that removal is a serious issue in your meta, and after looking at the blue and orzhov decks, I would agree. This does mean that Xenagos, God of Revels is better than Ghalta since it packs its own protection. My suggestion to cut him comes from two different factors. One is that he's just shy of the Fierce Empath CMC requirement and the other is that he doesn't grant haste to all creatures simultaneously. I don't think he's bad though, and I particularly like him with annihilator Eldrazi. Still, if I resolve a Surge, I'd really like to win the game that turn, and an 18/18 haste alone can be shut down for a single mana. Going wide makes it harder for your opponents to answer your threats both because board wipes tend to be sorcery speed and because they typically get played in the main less than single-target removal anyway. This is why you see cards like Pathbreaker Ibex and Craterhoof Behemoth getting so expensive while their single-target counterparts fall behind. All that aside, I do like Soul of New Phyrexia and Archetype of Endurance for decks like this. If you're worried about not giving your opponents enough answers, just go with the Soul since it doesn't stop targeted exile.

If you're looking to play casually online, you could try something like Untap.in (free in-browser), Cockatrice (free download), or Tabletop Simulator (payed download with many other games). If you have a way to set up a webcam to record your board, you could also try to arrange a paper game on Discord or the like. Or, if you don't mind dropping money on digital cards, MTGO is an option.

legendofa on Seasons' Approach: How the seasons go by...

3 years ago

Hey, a Turbofog deck! First couple things I see: in the Fog package, switch Haze of Pollen for Angelsong for a cheaper cycling card. Thwart the Enemy doesn't do anything that a straightforward Fog doesn't do for a third the cost; Thwart the Enemy is better for creature-on-creature combat. Even with the Seasons Past recursion, if you've been careful with your Fogs, pulling back a 1-mana fog and a 2-mana fog should be enough, especially since you only have two of them. If you're set on the 3-mana Fog, consider Sudden Spoiling .

For the removal package: Abrupt Decay is solid. Vraska's Contempt is a little more mana-hungry than I personally prefer, but I can respect it. I would switch it for something 3-mana, maybe Anguished Unmaking or Maelstrom Pulse for broader removal.

Win condition: I've never used Approach of the Second Sun personally, so I'm interested in that choice. There's an earlier suggestion about adding a backup win condition, and I agree with that. Something resilient and difficult to interact with. I see Dragonlord Dromoka in the maybe board, and I like Sigarda, Host of Herons , but those are questionably budget.

Other: Adding some ramp that comes down before turn 3 might help you reach your late game faster. I also like a small discard package; even a handful of Duress can preempt a lot of problems. Leyline of Sanctity has dropped in price a lot, and it's practically required if you see a lot of burn or 10-rack or anything like that.

So that's what I get out of my first pass over this deck. Use your Fogs carefully and use your life total as a cushion, and this could get some good results. More comments to come later.

Yeti_Confetti on Eldrazi Exile

3 years ago

Some cards I've found that you may want to consider: Seal Away is low CMC and has flash for a surprise when they swing, Cast Out comes with cycling to help you draw if you really need it, Brain Maggot has a small body but can grab anything nonland from their hand, Baffling End may be better than silkwrap depending on what creatures you're up against normally. Dire Tactics / Anguished Unmaking are unconditional creature removal, at the cost of some life. Maybe even Bane of Bala Ged for fun. Finally Warping Wail has some flexibility that you may find useful.

I personally would drop Grip of Desolation . For 6 mana you'll want to be doing more than what it offers, could play two or three spells instead even. Maybe add more copies of Utter End in its place, or Vraska's Contempt can hit 'walkers and creatures, and the two life is a nice touch.

I hope you find this helpful, neat deck and best of luck with it!

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