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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Tragic Slip
Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.
Morbid — That creature gets -13/-13 until end of turn instead if a creature died this turn. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

kamarupa on
Darkest Heart Challenge - Horror Tribal
3 weeks ago
Wow, Andramalech, it's been so long since anyone's offered such thorough comments on one of my decks. I have so much gratitude for the time and thought you put into it. My sincerest thanks!!
You're probably right that I ought to add Dismember - it's certainly useful and the deck would benefit from it's ability to get around indestructible. I kind of half-consciously considered it when I was adding Tragic Slip and [tragically?] it's usefulness slipped my mind.
I have to say, I'm not really a fan of the flavor of Chart a Course (or really quite a few sets in the last 5 years) I like my MTG to be Goblins, Elves, Dragons, and the ilk. So I've decided to swap out CaC for Sign in Blood, which is much more flavor-aligned.
I'm a tyro when it comes to Commander, so if you're saying Mastermind's Acquisition wouldn't be allowed in a tournament, I'll defer to your experience. That said, Wizards lists it as Commander legal. And the text of the spell doesn't require its caster to search outside their library, it just offers that as one of two options. Truth be told, I've gotten so used to including it instead of Diabolic Tutor I really didn't think about how Commander decks aren't allowed a sideboard for it to search. Given that it's 4MV cost is really higher than I want for a tutor, I'm happy to just cut it. It makes room for Dismember anyway. Also, I have no interest in playing any tournaments, so there's really no issue there anyway.
I hear what you're saying about the decision to include Shapeshifters. I wouldn't say your conclusion isn't rational or fair, but I would say that it's an opinion. I mean, they are Horrors, if not exclusively, then undeniably by choice - "...choose a creature type. This creature is the chosen type..." I have to say, when I view other people's decks that claim to be tribal in both their deck title and hubs and I see significant numbers of creatures that are not only not that tribe, but not even thematically adjacent or relevant - I'm usually pretty off-put. However, given that spells like Adaptive Automaton and Metallic Mimic are strictly printed to enhance tribal builds and are very frequently included, especially in tribes that lack tribal support, I'd say I consider them fair game, if not of the best flavor. It's a good debate if nothing else.
wallisface on
Mono Black Zombies
2 months ago
Some thoughts:
Ghoulcaller's Chant is really bad and should either be Unearth or Chthonian Nightmare
Tragic Slip is also very weak and should likely be Fatal Push.
Grave Titan has too high a mana cost to ever be worth playing imo, i’d suggest ditching it.
Undead Augur is a better version of Midnight Reaper
this deck really feels like it wants a playset of Carrion Feeder
Relentless Dead feels too weak to play at-all. And personally i’d never run more than 2 copies of Death Baron because most of the time it’ll just be bad (it’s only situationally good in grindy games where both players have amassed a wide boardstate… which almost never happens).
Niko9 on Golgari commander deck Opinions
7 months ago
I have a G/B 60 card sac deck, and here are a few things that have been really good in that deck. Not sure if all will work for yours, but figured I'd throw out a few cards : )
Crashing Drawbridge I love giving big pay off creatures haste and if you don't need it then it's a sac target.
Eradicator Valkyrie Hits each opponent for a sac and can snowball by itself
Nether Traitor the sac you can always sac : )
Neverwinter Dryad is another tribe elder kinda
Storrev, Devkarin Lich is pretty great
Deadly Dispute such a great value engine and works awesome with things like Shambling Ghast
Tragic Slip is one of the best 1for1 removal spells in a deck where things are consistently dying around the table
Braids, Arisen Nightmare can be a very strong value engine
Rankle, Master of Pranks hits with haste early and can really shape the table
Bitterblossom can create a good stream of tokens to sac
Niko9 on Favorite EDH Cards
11 months ago
Oh, and it may seem a little weird but I really love targeted removal in EDH. One of my favorite things in a game is to look around the table, assess threats, and have lots of flexible answers. Cards like
Actually, yep, Tragic Slip is definitely my pet removal spell : ) It's always the best card in my hand, it just depends on when it gets used.
I guess part of it is that when I used to play board sweepers it always felt so uninteractive. So many games became, somebody doing a combo, does anyone have Cyclonic Rift? And that's so chance dependent that it feels unfun, to me at least. I like target removal because they always have a target, so I can play enough of them to always have some answer, and then it's on me if I don't save it for the correct threat.
Niko9 on Fun Deck/Builds to try
1 year ago
FormOverFunction Yep, I agree for sure! As much as I used try to nitpick and optimize decks, at the end of the day, if your group is all on the same power level we should be losing 75% of the time, so why not brew decks for fun? Commander was a fan made format, and I think the best version of it will always be a fan made format.
The thing is wizards is really good at designing cards that are good in commander, but so bad at designing cards that are fun or fit a theme. Like, not everything has to be 3 colors, draw cards or make treasures. I made a deck a while ago around Dihada, Binder of Wills because I love self mill strategy, but I have a hard time playing it. Every game is, do I have the colors to cast Dihada as fast as possible, because there really is no better play in the deck than, 4 mana to mill 4 and get 4 treasures. Luckily I didn't spend any money on the deck : ) I really thought I'd like it.
Or like the new Voja, Jaws of the Conclave that people are talking about as an aggro commander. I'm just looking at it like, yeah, but why does a wolf draw cards? What happened to drawing being like Pondering or Brainstorming. It's a little maddening that the only way they know to make a card good is draw or treasures, and then everything does that.
EDH is just weird in a way, because it's so fun to play with your friends, and so kinda lame to play with not your friends. I tried to get into games online and it's like, the first half of the game is everyone ramping and on their phones, then they miss interactions, then they want to go back, then somebody bricks on lands and quits randomly, then eventually combo win. I don't know, it's just such a great casual format, I just think it's harder than ever to make friends playing commander because there is almost an expected play pattern and that takes the fun of, cool merfolk deck, out of the game.
And, oh and this might be a waaaaay out there opinion, but I do think that EDH content creators and the design of the precons have created a certain bias in how good cards are, and it's played into them being in so many deck. Like, if every precon has Sol Ring then the edhREC data will have a massive uptick in how many games are won after playing a sol ring. Or how much of an absolute bomb something like Jeska's Will looks like in a command zone episode because they mulligan to perfect hands with perfect color fixing and early ramp. Drawing Sol Ring turn 6 or getting Jeska's Will when you don't have the right colors are things that I always think about while brewing because, for more than half the duration of every game, I'd much rather have a Tragic Slip than a Sol Ring. Cards with a high ceiling just look busted in a perfect game or a high sample size, but in play it's harder to tell if a win with Sol Ring is a correlation or just an occurrence.
I guess what I mean to say there is yeah, getting off staples, or at least considering what they are actually doing or me helps make decks feel more fun. Getting off combos with commanders and things is definitely one too. Because that seems like such a great idea when I'm brewing, but having a more versatile 99 can be way more fun to play.
But maybe my question is, how do you make the experience of playing with strangers in EDH better, or is it just a format that is designed to be at it's absolute best with friends. I've seen people just leave online games when I have a home brew, a few times even getting cussed at for being "off meta", and I very much feel like EDH for pure fun may be something that players have to create again somehow.
Also, I now want to pumpkin canoe race : ) That sounds delightful.
Sorry to go on a bit!
DemonDragonJ on Should I Replace Visara the …
1 year ago
Niko9, I have not thought about Tragic Slip, and it is a nice card, but I am hoping to replace Visara with another creature, as creatures offer excellent versatility.
Niko9 on Should I Replace Visara the …
1 year ago
Hmm, I haven't played with Deathclaw, so not completely sure, but to me it looks like kind of a lateral move. Deathclaw can be better removal hitting any permanent, but can also set you back more because it's such a big target and I'm assuming it wouldn't go monsterous the same turn as it gets cast, so everyone sees it coming. I think it would really hurt if you cast Alpha Deathclaw then next turn made it monstrous, just to have someone holding up Path to Exile or something.
It's probably easier to cast than Visara, and the pay off can be better, but I think it's a much bigger target. I'd honestly stick with Visara between the two. Whether she is swinging or tapping, she's always doing something good : )
Have you thought at all about Tragic Slip in either of your decks? With so many creatures dying, it can be incredible removal and hit crazy targets like Blightsteel Colossus
Have (2) | C4rnif3X , reikitavi |
Want (3) | ACrispyTaco , beesaurs , BunglesBob |