Hello! I thought I would upload my main EDH deck that performs well in my playgroup. This list is missing cards that I currently do not own due to the price or I just haven’t pick them up yet. The basics of this decks is to control the board until you obtain your combo which is usually paradox engine, isochron scepter, dramatic reversal and Blind Obience. This is not the only win condition there are several that I will cover.

Will Conditions: Paradox Engine(Pdox) Isochron Scepter(Scep) Dramatic Reversal(Reversal) Blind Obience(Ob) Pristine Talisman(Pris) Aetherflux Reservoir(Res) Oloro, Agless Ascetic(Chair Dude) Reality Shift(Shift) Mana rocks---->Scep---Dramatic reversal---->Ob Generate Infinite mana with Scep with Reversal attached float mana with 2-3 mana rocks depending on which ones are the field and infinitely casting Reversal and extorting with Ob Mana rocks--->Pris---->Scep--->Reversal--->Chair Dude If you have Reversal attached to Scep and a Pris on the field combined with all your mana rocks you can cast Chair Dude and Draw through you deck and cast the rest of your win conditions Mana rocks---->Scep---Dramatic reversal---->Aetherflux Cast Dramatic Reversal infinitely with Aetherflux on the field and gain infinite life and shoot everybody to death Mana rocks---->Scep--->Shift---->Pdox With you Pdox on the field you can imprint Shift on to Scep and exile everybody's creatures and have the manifest the top card of their library until they have no cards left in their library effectively milling them out

Strategy: Your goal is to get to all your combo pieces in you deck with enough mana rocks to go off as fast as you can while controlling the board. With the help of Oloro's ability gaining you 2 life each turn this happens quite often. The first two turns you are usually playing your mana rocks and passing hopefully leaving enough mana open for counter magic (which you have 13 of including Venser) which are recur able with Torrential Gearhulk and Snapcaster Mage. You want to be drawing cards and tutoring for pieces of the combo you need during you turn. Cards like Necropotence accomplish what you want to be doing. With Necropotence on the field you can go through your deck pretty quickly since you gain 2 life per turn. If I have thought vessel or reliquary tower on the field I will pay 20-40 life into Necropotence with no problems and end my turn. Paying 40 life is a risky play however when you have cards like Teferi's protection and cards to counter spells cheaply or for free (Force of Will and Pact of negation) you can make it around the table to win the game. Also, if you have Leyline Of Anticipation on the field you can win the game at you end step since all your nonland cards have flash. Other than Necropotence for draw you have Consecrated Sphinx, Mystic Remora, Rhystic Study and Phyrexian arena. You hardly ever cast Oloro since you don't have to cast him to gain life, but when you do cast him it's because you need a blocker, you need a draw engine, or you are winning the game with Pristine Talisman and him drawing you cards infinitely.

Upgrades: Obvious upgrades to this list would be Mana crypt, Mox diamond, Mana vault and all the other expensive mana rocks you can play in commander. Unfortunely do not have to money at the moment to put these cards in, but if you have them feels free to replace some of the cheaper rocks for them. You can also add in cards like Phyrexian Metamorph to copy mana rocks or any other good stuff on the board or Humility, so creatures aren't a problem for you. Then you can upgrade the mana base for all of the fetch lands and dual lands.


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94% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.23
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Manifest 2/2 C
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