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Woodlurker Mimic
Creature — Shapeshifter
Whenever you play a spell that's both black and green, Woodlurker Mimic becomes 4/5 and gains wither until end of turn. (It deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters.)

xignited on
They Came From the Swamp
1 year ago
Wow I am so in love with what you are trying to do, I had to comment!
Creakwood Liege is my personal pet card so I can't tell you how good it feels to see it.
Some thoughts:
- I don't know your metta but if you ever consider taking out Force of Despair, I could see Witherbloom Command doing a lot of work for this deck as a very flexible spell that is cheaper and still triggers Woodlurker Mimic.
- Putrid Leech, Throwback is right, I love seeing that again. That being said have you considered experimenting with Grim Flayer in its place at all? Does a lot of the same work as Putrid Leech by quickly becoming a 4/4 and its Surveil 3 ability can do a lot of work to set you up for the win.
- I agree with the prior comment that Glissa Sunslayer is going to be better for you than Dreg Mangler. That being said I respect your commitment to your fast aggro approach, and as someone who used to run Dreg Mangler, I get it. It's better than most people give it credit for. I did find Sarulf, Realm Eater to be a strong replacement. Having a good removal package, like you do, you can count on it getting more counters and you can reset the board if you start to fall behind.
- Final note. if you do decide to add more legends I would squeeze in a Shizo, Death's Storehouse for the free damage.
Overall I really love what you are doing and I look forward to seeing how the deck evolves!
Darth_Savage on
Hapatra & Izoni.
6 years ago
One of the advantages of Modern is that you can access a large pool of cards and find the most efficient option, but as a newer player those cards won't be necessarily known to you. That being said you have slipped into one of the bad habbits that most new players have; you aren't running 4x of any card in your deck, this reduces the consitency of your play. It might seem more interesting to have lots of different cards, but in the long run it actually hurts your deck.
Now you happen to have chosen the theme of -1/-1 counters and these haven't actually played a major part of magic that often. One of the earlier sets to play around with them was Eventide, it featured: Twinblade Slasher, Quillspike, Woodlurker Mimic, Cauldron Haze, Noxious Hatchling, Soul Snuffers, Wickerbough Elder, Deity of Scars and finally Necroskitter. That is clearly a lot of cards, it isn't exaustive and I'm not suggesting you use them all, but I hope you can start to see the options in the Modern format.
Every deck wants to draw cards, well from Shadowmoor there are two obvios cards that help you do that Dusk Urchins and Scarscale Ritual. More up to date now, one card I was surprised you didn't include was Obelisk Spider, which strikes me as a good fit, then again another spider also struck me as a good fit, this time from Journey into Nyx, if you want tio utilise your graveyard Nyx Weaver. The biggest baddest -1/-1 spell though came from Mirrodin Besieged Black Sun's Zenith.
This is just the start though, to give you a taste of what earlier sets might offer your deck. For now try to work out which cards you want to see in every opening hand and run four of them, then build the deck around those core cards. Good luck and enjoy brewing your deck.
Icbrgr on Fun & budget friendly "Build-around-me" …
7 years ago
Have you have been in magic deck building limbo for awhile? Yknow that desire to build something new but dont exactly wanna net-deck nor have a very big budget? Well i have come across a card cycle that i have fallen in love with that i recommend checking out! The mimic/hatchling cycles from Eventide!
They are very easy to build around with lost of support given from Guildpact/Dissension/Return to Ravinca/Dragon Maze/Shadowmoor/Eventide sets because in these particular sets i noticed the use of the Hybrid mana in spells were quite abundant however; keep in mind that run of the mill multicolored spells also work as triggers.
I have built decks around Shorecrasher Mimic/Sturdy Hatchling and Riverfall Mimic/Shrewd Hatchling and find them both to be an absolute blast! Blood Moon is somthing i suggest as well if using /. With a bit of Digging on Gatherer searching the card lists of some of the sets i have suggested (or others) is pretty fun and easy to create a new semi-competitive yet budget friendly deck to play with in a casual environment.
Good luck out there and happy brewing!
IggmondVanre on
Modern Jund Hapatra -1/-1 Tokens
7 years ago
Some cards with wither might work well with this deck. Necroskitter, Oona's Gatewarden, Woodlurker Mimic are some that are cheap on CMC and actual money costs. Not sure on price but Plague Belcher is another solid contender. Baleful Ammit also seems pretty strong with lifelink.
I also think that the Obelisk Spider would be better as 4 of since you're putting -1/-1 counters on all kinds of stuff. Maybe cut down the Crocodile of the Crossing or Festering Mummy. These both seem lacking with the decks synergy.
For lands Woodland Cemetery or Llanowar Wastes could be alternatives to fetches and shocks.
I like the idea. Good luck!
sylvannos on None
7 years ago
Devoted Druid and Kitchen Finks seem like other good starting points. I'd also consider playing some of the infinite combos with Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Viscera Seer.
A lot of the creatures with Wither can also be useful. Boggart Ram-Gang comes to mind.
The same goes for Infect. Glistener Elf, Phyrexian Vatmother, Ichorclaw Myr, Inkmoth Nexus, Phyrexian Crusader, Flensermite, and Phyrexian Hydra are probably the ones on-curve. I'd be wary of Infect, though, because it means you're trying to win via both poison counters and regular damage. You could also fall into the trap of being just a really bad Infect deck. Glistening Oil might offset this to some degree, but it's not very good on its own compared to just jamming in more creatures.
Other things include Crumbling Ashes, Dusk Urchins, Everlasting Torment, Blowfly Infestation, Fume Spitter, Scarscale Ritual, Serrated Arrows, and Woodlurker Mimic.
Lord_Grimm on
Hissy Fit
7 years ago
I copied and tweaked the build on my account. Ended up swapping Dismember for Hero's Downfall as your -1/-1's will deal with indestructible and give better versatility with large creatures/walkers. Tweaked the creature base, mostly removing Trestle Troll, Scavenging Ooze and Vhati il-Dal and adding Channeler Initiate and Deity of Scars. Dropped Putrefy and Tablet of the Guilds. Swapped Garruk, Apex Predator for the new 7 drop Lily (as she fits better with your -1/-1 theme) and bumped up your fixing/reducing the number of basics. In testing it was MUCH more consistent and most of the time really powerful on curve, Woodlurker Mimic was surprisingly good! Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons with either Channeler Initiate or Deity of Scars was very good (forget having multiples or having even a single Creakwood Liege on he board). I hope you playtest and find what works best for you. Let me know how you make out.
Lord_Grimm on
Hissy Fit
7 years ago
Trestle Troll seems out of place. Maybe put 2 Deity of Scars. Woodlurker Mimic is a good add but maybe run 2 or 3? Putrefy feels too slow, esp since you have a fair amt of removal plus the added wither. How about Channeler Initiate? Fits your -1/-1 theme and ramps you to your 4/5 drops. Depending on how you work that, it could shrink you by 4 cards as well.
lagotripha on
B/G Eldrazi Saproling tokens
7 years ago
Nice, simple idea for modern. I think the secret to running budget black decks are a lot of hand disruption and a stable manabase. If you can find some of the more budget b/g lands, that will help. Llanowar Wastes, that sort of thing. Scythe Leopard, Gatecreeper Vine and Liliana's Elite are likely to underperform compared to some other dirt-cheap options.
General advice- go heavy on one colour so that you can pack your deck with cards of that colour then leave the other for later in the game, where you can afford to be paying mana with lands that come into play tapped.
This means either early game black (hand/board disruption) or early game green (Elves of Deep Shadow/Sakura-Tribe Elder). What you choose to focus on can then inform the cmc and gamplan for the rest of your cards. Either way, lots of 1 and 2 drops will help you survive.
I'll start with disruption options- Vendetta, Victim of Night, Smother, Geth's Verdict Bile Blight etc for creature removal, Duress, Black Cat, Ravenous Rats, Rotting Rats, Nezumi Bone-Reader and Thoughtpicker Witch for hand disrution are all solid choices that match your game plan.
Card advantage options- Night's Whisper/Sign in Blood Dark Prophecy/Fecundity/Grim Haruspex
Interesting or efficient creature options Rot Shambler/Mortician Beetle (growing threats), Zulaport Cutthroat/Blood Artist (lifedrain and victory without attacks with a sacrifice outlet), Dross Harvester (bolt and path resistance), Ogre Slumlord for rat tribal combo , Pawn of Ulamog/Sifter of Skulls for more tokens, Quirion Dryad/Vinelasher Kudzu for growing threats Bloodthrone Vampire/Indulgent Aristocrat/Carrier Thrall for vamp tribal, Nest Invader for more token/ramp, Boneyard Wurm/Satyr Wayfinder/Graveblade Marauder/Nighthowler/Splinterfright/Gnarlwood Dryad are all fairly functional for a more graveyard-reliant setup, and Svogthos, the Restless Tomb is a cheap and functional manland.
Green stall so you can increase cmc- Druid's Deliverance, Jaddi Offshoot, Brindle Boar, Dark Heart of the Wood, Feed the Clan
Useful tools Grisly Salvage, Golgari Charm,
Sideboard options Elvish Eulogist(in an elf heavy list) Elvish Hexhunter Vampire Hexmage Bottle Gnomes Dryad Militant Delirium Skeins etc. There is a lot out there in these colours.If a lot of cards are ending up in the graveyard as the game draws out, spells like Hooting Mandrills, Gurmag Angler or Become Immense start becoming more valuable.
Less favourable cards that didn't quite cut it in are also good to look for- Putrid Leech/Rakshasa Deathdealer/Woodlurker Mimic beatdown for example.
Sacrifice creatures for card advantage is a solid archetype that has had a lot of support printed over the years, from No Rest for the Wicked to Korozda Guildmage.
The question is always going to be what is my opponents plan, and how do I stop that- are my opponents playing Rest in Peace or smilar to deal with graveyard shenanigans, will they kill me before I kill them as every card in their deck is effectively Lightning Bolt, or will they be able to Remand all my spells while they hit me with Delver of Secrets Flip. Things that disrupt their plan are usually good, especially when they help your plan.
There are a lot of cards to much around with and play- I'd reccomend testing online before going hunting for things specific, focus on a single strategy when picking cards and if you choose to go less-budget, focus on lands first. Reliably casting spells is the core of the game.
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