Baleful Ammit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Baleful Ammit

Creature — Crocodile

StarstormKK on Dark Shot Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

3 years ago

Thank you for upvoting my deck. We all work so hard on these things and its nice to have someone else show appreciation for it! I came here to return the favor. When I got here, I had to learn what Pioneer format was all about--I like that they are making time segments that are larger than they used to because I have always been more of a player than a collector.

This deck definitely accomplishes your goals-- it has an obvious theme and the cards are completely affordable. I have a couple of suggestions that would fit into this deck, but I am not sure if they would improve it...just some ideas (I made sure they were affordable as well). Also, I noticed the low number of creatures and wanted to see if I could persuade you into adding a few more. I recognize that the ratio of cards in the deck that caused the desired "life loss/gain effect" needs to be really high for the deck to be functional...finding that balance is likely the hardest part for the newer player.

  • Cryptolith Fragment  Flip : Seems to be right on theme with the life loss for opponents thing and could provide some ramp.
  • Multiform Wonder : Uses and provides energy as well. This could give the player a blocker and a little flexibility, at least if you are running 4 copies of Gonti's Machinations .
  • Ammit Eternal : Cheap CMC for a 5/5. Worst case scenario, the opponent is losing 3 life once. Best case scenario, you have a creature that swings every turn and applies pressure.
  • Baleful Ammit : Combos with the card above nicely, provides lifegain as well. Also Cheap CMC.
  • Bloodhunter Bat : Is one more mana than Sovereign's Bite , does the same thing and provides you with a flyer.
  • Bloodthirsty Aerialist : With there already being 50% of your deck causing you to gain life, this seems like an awesome option. They will grow to the point of ridiculousness very quickly. The price shown here is twice as high as it is when I looked it up, but it is still less than a dollar.

What is great is that there are so many available that I had absolutely no trouble finding some to fit into this theme...I only made it partway through the B's!

Great deck and good luck in your endeavors!


ihazpie on Hapatra The Snake Lord

5 years ago

what about Baleful Ammit ? He puts -1/-1 counter and he also has lifelink.

Force_of_Willb on Ob Nixilis Landfall

6 years ago

Top recommendations: Burnished Hart, sad robot-Solemn Simulacrum, and Liliana's Contract due to the number of demons your are running.

Undiscovered Paradise/Ghost Town - are ways to ensure land drops each turn

Other Ways to search for lands: Liliana's Shade, Armillary Sphere, Journeyer's Kite/Thaumatic Compass  Flip, Pilgrim's Eye, Surveyor's Scope, Thawing Glaciers, Field of Ruin

Keeping the demon subtheme I would suggest: Ammit Eternal, Baleful Ammit, Archfiend of Despair, Demon of Catastrophes, Demon of Dark Schemes, Demon of Wailing Agonies, Harvester of Souls, Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis, Reiver Demon

Demonlord Belzenlok/Kothophed, Soul Hoarder/Razaketh, the Foulblooded (these three + griselbrand hold liliana's contract very flavorful)

I would remove: Buried Alive (don't see strong graveyard recursion), Temporal Extortion/Dash Hopes (bc if its that important to your opponents they will pay the life), Grinning Demon/Minion of Leshrac (no upside), Gloom/Infernal Reckoning(unless this is a meta choice but its too situational), Sanguine Bond (do you gain that much life to be relevant?), Death's Approach (for hard removal) and Without Weakness

Pandaka on Razaketh's Demon Army

6 years ago

First, you will need a lot of ramp to get this deck going with all your demon and being able to maybe play multiple demons a turn making this deck able to sweep in with a win. You will also need more creatures that are to be sacrificed to Razaketh, the Foulblooded. Razaketh and Liliana's Contract will have you lose life so you will need some way to regain any lost life. Some cheap demons I've found are Ammit Eternal, Baleful Ammit, Demonic Taskmaster, Grinning Demon, Herald of Torment, Master of the Feast, Mindwrack Demon, Razorjaw Oni, Scourge of Numai, Soulcage Fiend, and Soulstinger.

stikmn33 on Zurg Attempt

6 years ago

You could also run Shock, Abrade or Lightning Strike with 4 Soul-Scar Mage. Also you should work your creature curve better ditch the Baleful Ammit for Ammit Eternal the eternal is just better. You can also ditch the Channeler Initiate for one more Exemplar of Strength. Go down to one Decimator Beetle for the two more Soul-Scar Mage the mages will be your whole engine once you put the burn spells in.

Corporal_Sparrow on Kaalia EDH

6 years ago

Regarding the creatures there are definitely quite a few that don't fit into the decks theme such as Sky Terror, Skittering Surveyor, Iron League Steed, Ammit Eternal, and Baleful Ammit. You should definitely replace them for lower drop creatures that can be effective early on in the game while you ramp up in order to drop your big threats.

There are also creatures that fit into the theme of the deck and have powerful abilities that more than likely wont be useful such as Archangel of Tithes, Aegis Angel, Reya Dawnbringer. Tithes because nobody should really be attacking the player who early on manages to have enormous flying angels and demons, Reya because its fairly unlikely you will have too many cards in the graveyard that can be pulled out and overall you wont get that much value from her, and Aegis could be replace with cards like Dauntless Bodyguard, or Darksteel Plate.

As for the rest of the deck there is a distinct lack of either card draw or tutors throughout the deck. The best cards don't matter if they never make it into your hand. Cards like Shock and Abrade while staples in Standard are fairly useless in EDH partly due to large life totals and multiple threats that often cannot be stopped with just 2-3 damage.

There needs to be more spot removal such as Anguished Unmaking, Swords to Plowshares, and Path to Exile.

In total there are only 3 board wipes in the entire deck which is sub optimal and two of those are creatures which require you to do combat damage to wipe the board so consider having more ways to clear the board.

As for lands you should definitely be running at least 38 since a majority of your creatures have high cmc's. While you are trying to cheat them into play using kaalia you should also be able to pay their full cost if the game runs long or if Kaalia is continuously targeted.

The last point I would make is Elspeth doesnt fit into the deck very well as most of your creatures already have flying so one of her abilities is fairly useless and only producing a single soldier token isn't great protection. However Elspeth, Sun's Champion produces 3 soldier tokens to better defend herself to get to her ultimate and her second ability is a board wipe that is almost 1 sided since most of your creatures are so large.

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