Putrid Leech

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Putrid Leech

Creature — Zombie Leech

Pay 2 life: Putrid Leech gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Activate this ability only once each turn.

xignited on They Came From the Swamp

1 year ago

Wow I am so in love with what you are trying to do, I had to comment!

Creakwood Liege is my personal pet card so I can't tell you how good it feels to see it.

Some thoughts:

  • I don't know your metta but if you ever consider taking out Force of Despair, I could see Witherbloom Command doing a lot of work for this deck as a very flexible spell that is cheaper and still triggers Woodlurker Mimic.
  • Putrid Leech, Throwback is right, I love seeing that again. That being said have you considered experimenting with Grim Flayer in its place at all? Does a lot of the same work as Putrid Leech by quickly becoming a 4/4 and its Surveil 3 ability can do a lot of work to set you up for the win.
  • I agree with the prior comment that Glissa Sunslayer is going to be better for you than Dreg Mangler. That being said I respect your commitment to your fast aggro approach, and as someone who used to run Dreg Mangler, I get it. It's better than most people give it credit for. I did find Sarulf, Realm Eater to be a strong replacement. Having a good removal package, like you do, you can count on it getting more counters and you can reset the board if you start to fall behind.
  • Final note. if you do decide to add more legends I would squeeze in a Shizo, Death's Storehouse for the free damage.

Overall I really love what you are doing and I look forward to seeing how the deck evolves!

Coward_Token on Wilds of Eldraine

1 year ago

Kellan: Ano'thr, Equipment Commander. Anyway, still pretty neat; leans into stuff like Anduril, Flame of the West and Cathar's Call

Agatha: AFAIK she gives a discount on her own ability.

Stroke of Midnight: surprised they're going on with Generous Gift variants but I'm all for it. (I don't really get Ash's flavor tho.)

Rowan/Will: Both are neat, although I think Rowan goes into much more interesting design space, even if she has a serious case of PTSD.

Ruby: So uh she never actually used a crossbow in the story right? Just threw stuff and eventually got an ice sword?

Troyan: The most chill vedalken since Putrid Leech's buddies?

Hylda/Sharae: feels kinda weird to have these two in the same set

Greta: does making Food:s into Clues really require you to lose life?

Johann: compare the cost of Melek, Izzet Paragon. Not bad for an uncommon commander

Goose Mother: feels kinda weird that it wants you to eat its eggs

Syr Ginger: meh, kinda underwhelming? At least the anti-planeswalker ability is funny. Could have granted indestructible.

Alela: meh, goading at most one creature per opponent (well, two with double strike) is kinda underwhelming.

Cursed Courtier: you know, Splendor Mare wasn't that long ago? Oh well, enchantments/auras matters I guess. I actually hope this kind of designed gets used more, if with a bit better base P/T for the cost.

SpammyV on None

2 years ago

For Commander, Volrath, the Shapestealer. The original idea was just silly. If I keep turning into a Putrid Leech I can keep pumping and get around the limitation. And then I started looking at more creatures and clone effects and realized Volrath can just be busted. Like turning into Nacatl War-Pride and then into an unblockable creature so your opponent has to block a swarm of 7/5s.

In Modern, honestly, Hard Evidence and Dwarven Mine. It turns out making a Ragavan-blocking body AND a piece of cardboard that gets targeted by Creativity or draws you a card is just... kinda good? And once you jump through the hoops of activating Mine, being able to fetch a 1/1 on demand is also just really good.

amicdeep on The Impossible Deck

3 years ago

It's a solid start, but there are a couple of changes I would make, first, drop damnation, it's about 35% of your budget and only so, so in this deck. Next I would have a look at your removal packages (over the last year standard has done wanders for budget options)

I would seriously consider Bonecrusher Giant as a solid body and nice removal. It's a really nice hit by bloodbraid due to its duel nature

And Vraska, Golgari Queen it's a card draw engin late game and normally 2 abrupt decays. Which is always welcome.

I would also consider 2 copy's of Chevill, Bane of Monsters as he's solid card advantage and your offen going to be killing stuff.

As your not running dark confident or goyf your probably should be running 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang as it's a solid mid game beater and late game card advantage engin.

Stone rain is ok but far from ideal in this deck, offen it's a do nothing card.

Putrid Leech , Mortality Spear , Terminate Are all cards I would consider

Also if your running blighting I'm a big fan of Chandra, Acolyte of Flame as she's basically a 2 snap casters mages. (She dose need some help for teh double red mana but it's with the range of workability)

On the subject of plainswalkers apart fro vraska (which is your best budget option) your other solid options are Domri, Anarch of Bolas , ramps, protects against control lists, it pumps and it removes stuff. He's probably the best option. After that there's also Liliana, Waker of the Dead (as close to lilly of veil as where going to get) and Nissa of Shadowed Boughs who is deceptively good over a long Grindy match, bringing back your best creature with counters, and being triggered twice a turn but evolving wilds.

Lastly I would also run a few utility lands. With Ifnir Deadlands , Hissing Quagmire , Raging Ravine and Treetop Village being the best options on a budget.

Hope some of this helps.

Dete on First Serious Mid-Range Deck

3 years ago

if its a casual deck you can do anything without a worry, if you want it to be a competitive list you would need to see at cards like Inquisition of Kozilek , Duress , Thoughtseize , Agonizing Remorse , Collective Brutality for hand disruption, Smallpox maybe probably not, for creature removal you would want to go low as well like Fatal Push , Dismember , Deadly Brew . you mostly would want to drop the avarage cmc of the deck, cards that dont help your game plan or wont do anything till 3 turn after cast will just hinder you, eg: Descent into Madness . cards that you could change that fit better that cards you already have are: Driven , Infuse with Vitality creatures that are good by themselves and cheap and could give you access to other game plans are: Putrid Leech , Lotleth Troll , idk Sarulf, Realm Eater ?

mostly focus on droping the cmc, after that go for cheaper removal and creatures, modern is a fast format for the most part.

Snips500 on Festerdance: Morbid Obsession

4 years ago

Cool deck but might I suggest Carrion Feeder or Viscera Seer for a more reliable sac outlet and possibly Mortician Beetle or Bloodbriar for some more value. When I goldfished a few times I would draw into a morbid creature but have no way of triggering morbid.

I found that Putrid Leech is just not that good in most situations. Face value you have a 2 mana 2/2 that each turn can become a 4/4 for a price.

4x Festerhide Boar seems like a bit much seeing as its cmc 4. I would include it as a 3 of.

Might I also suggest Cast Down or Vendetta for some more efficient removal (you will get the morbid trigger to matter if your or their creature died)

I also think that the 4x Ash Barrens is too much. Most of the time they will just slow you down. I would go to 2x ash barrens and replace them with a basic of each type.

I would also replace Wakedancer with Doomed Dissenter. Doomed also gets you the two bodies but for less mana and you will have an easier time getting full value.

SpoopieGhost on Vraska's Triple D's

4 years ago

I don't usually do sideboards for my homebrew Pauper Decks as they're more for me and my friend's casual games. But I would definitely fun some Relic of Progenitus, Naturalize, maybe a Doom Blade or two, perhaps more Gurmag Angler or Greater Mossdog you have to be careful though because playing this deck I've learned that if you get too greedy with the graveyard filling you will have nothing but Stinkweed Imp to cast, and they unfortunately make the problem worse. This deck could use some more cards with flashback Gnaw to the Bone could be great for sideboards, or simply just more ways to refill the hand. possibly Grim Discovery or Disentomb. I personally love Macabre Waltz, but it does have a CMC of two. Disentomb can hit two zombies which is perfect for both Putrid Leech and Gurmag Angler.

multimedia on Scourge of Pestilence

4 years ago

I agree, Gift of the Deity doesn't seem very good for a five drop and risky to enchant since none of your creatures have hexproof. Cutting down 4 ofs into 2 ofs is not what you want to be doing in a deck that doesn't have tutors or card draw. You want the consistency of 4 ofs without draw. Lots of 2 ofs is not helping consistency.

Creakwood Liege is the best causal part of your deck. Consider building more around the Liege? Some good interactions are Worm Harvest with Life from the Loam to fuel Harvest both ways and Elemental Bond for ridiculous card draw. With Liege, 1/1 black/green Worms ETB as 3/3 creatures which triggers Bond. The same is true of any other black/green creature such as another copy of Liege or even Deathrite Shaman.

Grisly Salvage can help to find Liege or a land as well as fuel for the graveyard. Llanowar Dead is a 4/4 mana dork with Liege. Nice to have ramp for Liege that also has interaction with it. Putrid Leech is a 4/4 with Liege and can be a 6/6 attacking two drop. With tokens and graveyard strategies Dread Return is good reanimation for Liege.

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