Time Walk

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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Time Walk


Take an extra turn after this one.

Niko9 on Has Anyone Tried a Multi …

5 months ago

jethstriker That is very cool with the shadow and reanimator swap : ) I guess I meant more of trying games in modern or something where both players have 2 decks and they can start with either one or switch between games, but both players know the decklists of their opponent, and maybe with a stipulation that the two decks you are playing can have no nonland cards in common.

I'm just thinking of it as a way to both spice up games by adding a, which deck did the players start with, and how do they switch to counter each other.

It may not be the best solution either, just kinda throwing out ideas, but a problem I see sometimes is that side decking devolves to, make a good proactive deck and side in specific answers, then you win if you draw them or don't if you don't.

The big problem I'm thinking about is how rough it is to actually watch competitive play right now. Between Thoughtseize and Grief and The One Ring being a worse Time Walk plus a slow Ancestral Recall is that interaction feels like it's at an all time low because of hand knowledge, ring loops, and cascade or tron being able to break their playstyles by having tons of ways to stall until they explode.

So, my thought was, what if players had two decks they could switch in, but they also had the limitation of nonland cards can only be in one of the two. Could it create more interaction in games? I really have no idea : ) I'm sure someone has tried it.

ToastedBagl on The Saga of Tom Bombadil

6 months ago

Barbara Wright provides some skip-ability for your sagas. Blink offers some pseudo removal. Displaced Dinosaurs makes your sagas 7/7 dinos. Ian Chesterton will let you dump excess mana into saga copies. The Fourth Doctorfoil will let you play sagas from the top of your library. The Sixth Doctor copies your sagas. Traverse Eternity is a reliable and psuedo-discounted Time Walk.

sergiodelrio on burn deck help to refurbish

7 months ago

"The red Time Walk"


nuperokaso on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

7 months ago

nbarry223 on $10 EDH Deck - Taniwha

8 months ago

Yes the solo blue commander needs to be played politically, where you only counter big things to not make too many enemies.

Especially since this one is so weak otherwise. I mainly used this as a deck everyone underestimates until it is too late.

Your commander literally Time Walks you every other turn, so it can’t even be played unless you have a combo piece, and even then if they remove that piece, you are still kind of screwed. That’s why I put a decent amount of ramp and card draw/selection in the deck as well.

Only counter spells the other players will thank you for countering. Never counter someone’s ramp or something like that.

wpnmstr23 on What is Your Opinion of …

1 year ago

The more decks I build, the more against proxies I become. I used to be wholly in favor of them, but the more effort and money I put into the hobby, proxies feel like a slap in the face. I worked hard to obtain legitimate copies of what all I have. No one should be able to print off the same thing for pennies. I don't care if they're a $0.01 card or a $1,000 card. Stop being lazy, WORK for what you have, and get the actual card. I sacrificed and saved for every last original dual land I have, every Time Walk, every Moxen, all of them are the result of hard work and sacrifice. Stop allowing handouts like proxies.

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

@FireMind42: Yeah in that case, you'll want to go for Underworld Breach or Paradoxical Outcome (or something weird with both). I'd lean more towards Paradoxical Outcome because it lends itself better to straight U/R Storm. Not to mention, it opens up Displacer Kitten + Coveted Jewel shenanigans. Then you won't have to rely on rituals so much (Desperate Ritual, Goblin Electromancer, and Seething Song are especially awkward). You can then fit more artifact mana and draw spells.

You'll still want Bolas's Citadel because you're never going to actually spend black mana to cast it and the card is just the nuts in Storm. Memory Jar is always fun with Hullbreacher and Narset, Parter of Veils, but Bolas's Citadel is like Yawgmoth's Will and Yawgmoth's Bargain in one card that can be Tinker'd for (especially with Sensei's Divining Top, Brainstorm, and Ponder). You'll still need Sphinx of the Steel Wind in your sideboard, which is another card you're never going to actually cast.

Since you don't want Monastery Mentor, you'll have to get by with Laelia, the Blade Reforged. Sometimes you'll want to Grapeshot. Sometimes you'll want to Brain Freeze. Sometimes you'll want to Empty the Warrens. Other times, you need something that can get big quick and an easy way to do that is Laelia, the Blade Reforged, Treasure Cruise, and Dig Through Time. She's mostly for Underworld Breach, but I'm not sure you'll need that with Paradoxical Outcome.

I also don't know how I forgot to mention Mind's Desire in my original post. That's the reason to play pure U/R Storm in Vintage LOL. Personal Tutor may also have a potential spot somewhere in this list. It grabs Tinker, Grapeshot, Time Walk, Mind's Desire, and draw 7s. I'd even consider it over the second copies of Past in Flames and Grapeshot.

legendofa on Destroying $1,000 proxies on camera

1 year ago

Daveslab2022 My position is that attention brings consumers. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that some, or many, or most of the purchased packs were picked up by an investor or two who don't know a Time Walk from a Swamp, but saw phrases like "limited release," "controversial," and "collector's items" and thought they could make something out of it. I understand that the M:tG has largely rejected it, but what communities has this loud dismissal attracted? How much of a profit did WotC make from people who don't care about Magic and never will?

To paraphrase Samuel Goldwyn, don't pay any attention to the cards--don't even ignore them. If I see it for sale, I will pass it over. If someone forces a pack into my hand, if I can't give it back, I will do as I said above, and either quietly leave them in a box or use them as the decorative paper that they are.

Outrage and controversy bring interest, and interest brings consumers. If the greater collector community can be shown that there is no demand for or interest in this product, it can wither away and become a minor footnote in the book of failures. As it is, I suspect that people bringing attention to it have, well, brought attention to it. Not every consumer of M:tG has the best interests of the M:tG community at heart.

I'm not going to stand up and yell, "Do not buy this rare luxury product! Do not resell it for lots of money! If you treat it as a profitable investment, it will become a profitable investment! And that's bad!" I encourage people to not buy it, to walk past it, to refuse it if offered. Don't advertise it, even to show how bad it is. Don't say that people are willing to pay $1,000 for it.

Telling WotC directly how badly they messed up is a good move. Telling the world that there's a rare and limited collectible available, but that you shouldn't buy it, isn't a good move, in my opinion.

I guess in the end, denial is denial, whether it's angry or apathetic, and I think (hope) that WotC got the message. I just worry that the product and surrounding events attracted the wrong crowd.

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