Borrowed Time

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Borrowed Time


When this enters the battlefield, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls until this leaves the battlefield.

TheOfficialCreator on Equip

2 months ago

You need Hammer of Nazahn, Grafted Exoskeleton, Shadowspear and Open the Armory. Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Mox Opal if possible.


Adaptive Automaton (clunky, what are you choosing??)

Benalish Marshal (too mana intensive for so little impact)

Bladegraft Aspirant (same)

Burnished Hart (too slow)

Chief of the Foundry (too much mana for so little impact)

Eivor, Battle-Ready (way too expensive)

Kassandra, Eagle Bearer (not really cost efficient since you don't have the spear)

Militia Bugler (not good)

Mother of Runes -> Giver of Runes

Novice Knight (not good)

Thraben Inspector (not really refined for your game plan)

Darksteel Plate -> Mithril Coat

Explorer's Scope (not good)

Haunted Plate Mail (not good)

Ring of Thune (not good)

Sword of Hours (not good)

Sword of the Paruns (not very good)

Hieromancer's Cage -> Borrowed Time

Pacifism (not good)

Stasis Snare -> Grasp of Fate

Council's Judgment (this card sucks)

Visions of Ruin -> Vandalblast

wallisface on U/B control

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • You're running a LOT of cards as 1-ofs and 2-ofs. This will lead to a really inconsistent (and overall weaker) deck. I'd suggest aiming for more playsets of the things that matter.

  • You have a lot of nonbos here. For example, while Solemnity is out, The Birth of Meletis does nothing, and Wedding Announcement  Flip will never flip.

  • Adding to the above, there's a bunch of cards here that don't make a lot of sense. I can't see what benefits you're getting from Solemnity (its application is very narrow and there will be lots of games its doing nothing), Wedding Announcement  Flip (its a bad card, and you have too few creatures to make any use of it), Urza's Sylex (games seldom go long enough for this to ever be able to do anything. The land destruction is irrelevant in a format where 99% the cards cost 0-3 mana).

  • Your mana curve feels waay off. Generally speaking, Modern decks can't justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this. You've got a whopping 12 cards costing 4-or-more, but even worse is that most of those cards cost 6-8 mana... that's a really unrealistic cost to pay unless you have a LOT of dedicated control in your deck (which, you don't).

  • This whole situation above becomes a lot worse by the comparably tiny quantity of 1 and 2 mana spells you're running... I think a lot of games you're not going to be doing anything until turn 3, which is effectively starting 2 full turns behind your opponent (a really dangerous place to be).

  • Some of these cards seem really suboptimal. Borrowed Time and Minimus Containment feel awkward when Prismatic Ending exists. Authority of the Consuls probably hurts you more than helps you (in that its just giving yourself card disadvantage and while it may annoy the opponent, it's not buying you much time). All these 6 and 8 mana cards are just not castable. Melding Urza, Lord Protector  Meld needs a really strong plan to be viable, and you don't have anything to support that being successful. It feels like you're relying on Farewell to survive, but no game will go long enough to reach 6 lands - and there are just better options in Day of Judgment or Wrath of God. Even playing those more optimal board wipes, I don't think you can rely on them.

I think my general thought here is that the deck doesn't really have a plan of what it wants to do. I think you need a clearer vision for what you're wanting it to achieve, and then run a realistic (much lower) mana curve towards making that goal happen.

legendofa on borrowed time VS a commander

1 year ago

Borrowed Time does exile the permanent it targets. You can choose to move your commander to the command zone as Borrowed Time would exile it, but then you would have to re-cast it. It would not return to the battlefield automatically if Borrowed Time leaves the battlefield.

Orange+ on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

Hi, H-E-N-R-Y

Cool deck you've got going here :)

I have made a Sythis deck myself, but to be honest, Im not completely into what people usually play with Sythis. I could however provide some initial thoughts I have based on your decklist.

First of I would recommend that you structure your deck with categories. I know a lot of people on tappedout doesnt use them, but they are very useful when building decks or providing feedback.

You play a lot of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but as a two color deck containing green, Im not sure if you need to. Some of them might be handy, like Path of Ancestry and Temple of Plenty which gives scry. But I dont think you need the rest, and could swap them out with lands that dont enter tapped (like just basics). The lands are: Arctic Treeline, Blossoming Sands, Graypelt Refuge, Path of Ancestry, Scattered Groves, Selesnya Guildgate, Selesnya Sanctuary, Temple of Plenty, Thriving Grove, Vivid Grove, and Vivid Meadow

I've tried to play Crystal Chimes myself, and didnt like it that much. If I were you, I would probably take out both the chimes and the Cloud Key. They seem slow. Cards like the chimes and Resurgent Belief are very telegraphed, meaning your opponents will know what you can do before you do them, this is often quite a disadvantage.

Otherwise I think your composition is pretty nice with lots of good cards. But it might get better if you cut some of the larger mana cost cards. If you get to draw a lot from your commander, you might as well play a lot of cards. And if that is the case, mana is what is holding you back. I think cards like Celestial Mantle, Eldrazi Conscription, Epic Proportions, Gigantiform, Indrik Umbra, Martyr's Bond, and Prodigious Growth are a bit too mana expensive. (However, if you treat some of these as wincon, you should keep those)

As I mentioned, Im not quite sure what is common to play with Sythis, but as you have many spells with mana cost 3 or less, you could try Sun Titan. Otherwise, enchantment recursion is really nice in these kinds of decks (against bordwipes and such). Cards like Replenish, Retether, and Brilliant Restoration.

Finally, as mentioned by others commenters, I think removal is really important. I think Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are natural fits, but if you want play more enchatments, you could also try Journey to Nowhere, Borrowed Time, or Oblivion Ring. My deck Riders on the Storm has a removal category if you want to take another look.