
I wanted to try something new. Creatureless seemed neat, and Narset, Enlightened Master seemed like some good fun and value too. I originally envisioned this as some sort of value deck, casting lots of neat expensive spells off my Voltron'd [[Narset, Enlightened Master]. Then I read a token-generating list, and that seemed like a nice thing to have too. So I took some of A, some of B. The deck is slow, not accomplishing much of anything until Narset, Enlightened Master can get out and start swinging. I'm looking to pick up it's pace.


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I've had the chance to play this deck several times now. I've enjoyed it well enough, except the past few games it all rolls out the same way.

  1. Do nothing for the first 5-6 turns beyond play mana rocks or play out some equipment.

  2. Cast Narset. Hope she makes it around the board once.

  3. Voltron up Narset, start attacking for dat Value.

  4. Either I get such a large Value lead and boardstate off Narset's attacks that I can't be messed with, or Narset dies early and I stall to cast her again. Or she starts to kill off my opponents.

  5. Narset grows into a huge, nigh-unstoppable juggernaut, everyone teams up on me right away. I took most of the interactive cards out of the deck, so I just have to sit there while they make complicated plans to deal with Narset.

Either way, I end up sitting a lot and not really playing much Magic. Narset just sorta auto-attacks each turn, and I either win or lose. No real choices.

So, I think when Fate Reforged gets released, I'm going to switch from a creatureless Narset deck to a fun WUR deck with Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest at the helm. Narset will be in the 100, however, and I can play all these great Boros, Izzet, and Azorius creatures I have lying around.

Anyway, here's the changes to this deck I made over the past few months.

Countermagic is really eh in the deck, mostly dead if flipped with Narset. Helix was just okay, so I replaced it with Path to Exile. Basilisk Collar was fine, but Narset is rarely, rarely blocked or blockable, so out it went. Slayer's Stronghold never got used because I'm pretty tight on Mana if Narset dies. So recasting her for 8 PLUS another 3 to give her +2/0 and Vigilance and Haste never really happens ever.

Overburden is just a neat, annoying card for other decks to deal with, and Dragon Breath is a bit weak. BUT it's a haste source which this deck badly needed (No Swiftfoot boots, no need for Hexproof). Also it comes right back to the battlefield attached to Narset when she is recasted, if she somehow gets removed. The Firebreathing is just gravy.

I put the painlands in because I STILL have some slight mana color issues at times, and this deck usually gains so much life that the painlands shouldn't ever, ever matter.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.65
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Goblin 1/1 R, Pegasus 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 RW
Folders Retired decks
Ignored suggestions
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