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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Thopter


When Skyscanner enters the battlefield, draw a card.

bobbyboo on Abdel: Blink and You Miss Him.

2 years ago

Changes to be made:

Aviation Pioneer for Aspiring Aeronaut : Same effect for lower CMC. Flying blockers can be a weak point for this deck.

Burdened Aerialist for Wall of Runes : Trading filtering for treasure production, adding another potential combo piece to the mix.

Inspiring Overseer for Skyscanner : Same effect for same CMC with lifegain attached.

Mulldrifter for Search Party Captain : Better digging option with the upside of being able to be evoked if in a pinch. SPC being dependent on attackers is good for when Abdel has made enough tokens, not great in your opening hand though.

Soul's Attendant for Dwarven Priest : Better long term lifegain option with a lower CMC.

Stonehorn Dignitary for Watertrap Weaver : Why tap an opponents creature when you can stop them from attacking at all? Yes they will be able to use their remaining creatures as blockers, No Abdel doesn't care when he attacks with 100x 10/10 soldiers.

Watcher for Tomorrow for Augur of Bolas : Better digging option with less chance to whiff.

Pristine Talisman for Manalith : Can give infinite lifegain when Abdel is in a blinking loop, and this deck doesn't necessarily need the mana fixing.

Ephemerate for Teferi's Time Twist : Far better value, lower CMC, and returns Abdel immediately rather than at the end of the turn.

Settle Beyond Reality for Voidwielder : Another blink loop option with a hard exile mode for opponents creatures, better all around for the same CMC.

Reality Acid for AEthersnipe : Hard removal for less mana.

Fellwar Stone and other two cmc rocks will replace the three cmc ones over time to lower the curve even further.

plakjekaas on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

2 years ago

No, she doesn't shut down shocklands. Paying life for your shockland is not a trigger. It does not use the stack, you cannot react to it, just like you can't react to the creature type being named with a Cavern of Souls. Because the oracle text says "As ... enters the battlefield" not "When ... enters the battlefield".

It looks like the people defending her never played with Tocatli Honor Guard, Hushbringer, Torpor Orb or Hushwing Gryff and have no idea what the oracle text actually means. And Norn is worse, since it's every permanent entering the battlefield, not just creatures. Like Strict Proctor.

TypicalTimmy I looked at your Miirym deck, here's the "occasional benefits" Elesh Norn is actually going to shut down or interfere with:

Astral Dragon

Bramble Sovereign

Ganax, Astral Hunter

Nesting Dragon

Patron of the Arts

Purphoros, God of the Forge

Rapacious Dragon

Red Dragon

Scourge of Valkas

Skyline Despot

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire

Terror of the Peaks

Dragon's Hoard

Spinerock Knoll

Dragon Tempest

Flameshadow Conjuring

Garruk's Uprising

Guardian Project

Impact Tremors

Kindred Discovery

Temur Ascendancy

Warstorm Surge

That's a lot of synergy, ramp, carddraw and wincons shut down by a commander. About 1/3rd of all your nonland cards. And that deck is going to have a hard time removing her too, by the looks of it.

Now there are a few cards that get better playing against Norn: bouncelands like Boros Garrison don't return lands to hand anymore, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger doesn't need to sacrifice itself, but effects like those are not enough to catch up with the Norn player.

What's this "no game-winning effects in white" everyone is talking about? Cathars' Crusade will end the game in a hurry, especially if you pair it up with something like Blessed Sanctuary. Double up on every O-ring effect. Stonehorn Dignitary will keep you alive, especially if you play Teleportation Circle and Conjurer's Closet, as one definitely will in this deck. Felidar Retreat and Emeria Shepherd with all your Land Tax effects will snowball into an enormous boardstate easily. Solitude will rule the table. Sun Titan is still one of the most played white creatures for a reason. For carddraw that white wasn't supposed to have, Spirited Companion, Carrier Pigeons, Combat Thresher, Farsight Adept, Inspiring Overseer, Mentor of the Meek, Priest of Ancient Lore, Resistance Squad, Roving Harper, Rumor Gatherer, Search Party Captain, Skyscanner, Thraben Inspector, Wall of Omens all double up with Norn. Because everyone memed that white is a bad colour, nobody seems to know what the color has to offer. It could already hold its own without such a saltmine of a card for the command zone, and if you need this middle finger to half the popular deck archetypes to even consider building it, you do you, but prepare to be avoided.

deadmans_head on Are these Goblin Welder oder …

2 years ago


I would see the Dross Scorpion route as 3 card combo, in an Osgir, the Reconstructor deck youre gonna have an artifact in your yard and on the battlefield, even its only an Ancient Den

so any ETB artifact gives you infinite value, even a Skyscanner, Ichor Wellspring or similar ones draw you infinite cards, Solemn Simulacrum draws you infinite Cards and gets all your basics, Meteor Golem/Duplicant destroys/exiles every other non-land permanent/creature, Myr Battlesphere makes infinite 1/1 Myrs, Triplicate Titan/Phyrexian Triniform/Wurmcoil Engine makes infinite larger tokens

So its very hard to imagine a situation where you assemble this combo and not win on the spot or at least get such an advantage, that your not gonna loose as long as nobody can disrupt it, especially considering that this deck has several ways to give its creatures/artifacts haste

of course its not the main win condition, but its three pieces that are good for the deck anyway, that go infinite together, which is very nice

Chaotic_Justice on Teshar cEDH

3 years ago

I got two suggestions for you that can be abused by multiple cards in your deck already.

Emancipation Angel needs to be in here. It's another piece for infinite mana. Sack it into either of the altars for mana. Drop a 0 drop onto the field then return the angel with the commanders ability bouncing the 0 drop back to hand. Rinse and repeat until your heart's content. Any of your other ETB affects is a good target for the angel once you have infinite mana. With your mana-reducers, it turns Skyscanner into another one of your eggs to dig out Walking Ballista. I would also consider adding in Aetherflux Reservoir to be an alternate win-con. Even if you don't go infinite mana and just have enough to get infinite casts with a 0 or 1 drop, Aetherflux will get the job done.

Another recommendation is Rings of Brighthearth. Once you have infinite mana, you now have infinite draw with the rings and Sensei's Divining Top. You can use this to draw into any one of your game finishers. The rings will also create infinite mana with Basalt Monolith. You need two mana up to start it, but you'll tap the basalt for 3 going to 5 mana, use 3 to untap the basalt, but activate the rings so you activate the untap ability twice. Let the first resolve and tap the monolith for 3 mana, then let the second resolve. You'll net +1 colorless each iteration.

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