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X_N01 League of A-Maze-ing Planeswalkers

Commander / EDH


Another thought experiment of mine - can someone create a commander-legal Maze's End deck that works via "super friends"? Short answer, yes. Long answer... well, it gets complicated, but they do synergize surprisingly well.

Planeswalkers in this deck largely replace the role of creatures... sort of. Creatures are still present in the deck, in small number, primarily for synergy with lands, for other effects (such as the good drawing engine that is Fathom Mage + Retreat to Kazandu ) or to help buy you enough time to use your planes walkers (thus defender cards such as Fog Bank and Wall of Denial . Ashaya, Soul of the Wild provides some creature support via allowing your land support to help creatures, though sadly it does not apply to tokens, which most of your creatures will be, so mostly it just helps your most important creatures - your tokens, thankfully, are readily expendable. Doubling Season was included to ensure that you should have strong enough planeswalkers and more than enough tokens to protect your flanks while preparing your victory. Another defense is, of course, Fog + Isochron Scepter , allowing you, if you need to, to decide that combat just never really happens.

[Maze's End] is the deck's primary win-con. Thanks to how powerful planeswalkers in general are, along with the support they are getting from The Chain Veil , it isn't a stretch to say that the deck can win through other means if it needs to. However, the primary goal should be to control the field long enough to pull a victory through [Maze's End]. There is some land find in the deck, such as [Open the Gates] and [Scout the Borders]. Unfortunately, most of the strongest printed land find cards specify "basic lands", which thus does not allow you to grab guildgates, which are what you need for victory. (And because of how many guildgates are needed, I saw fit to build this deck without any basic lands... well, sort of, as Ashaya, Soul of the Wild complicates things.) Retreat to Coralhelm + Retreat to Kazandu provide you with drawing and other support from your lands, Seed the Land and Zendikar's Roil give you chump blockers just by advancing your victory, and [Terra Eternal] prevents the enemy from destroying your valuable guildgates. Candelabra of Tawnos allows you to have far, far more mana, at least once you have enough guild double-lands (such as Azorius Chancery , Boros Garrison , and Dimir Aqueduct ), as you can use it to untap those lands, meaning you can use this to generate more mana. Crucible of Worlds ensures that even if your lands are somehow destroyed, they are still available to you, and Armageddon + Crucible of Worlds allows you to buy serious time if things begin going very poorly - while this move will set you back, you can recover from it, while most opponents cannot.


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