Estrid, the Masked
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Estrid, the Masked

Legendary Planeswalker — Estrid

+2: Untap each enchanted permanent you control.

-1: Create a white Aura enchantment token named Mask attached to another target permanent. The token has enchant permanent and totem armor.

-7: Put the top seven cards of your library into your graveyard. Return all non-Aura enchantment cards from your graveyard to the battlefield, then do the same for Aura cards.

Estrid, the Masked can be your commander.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Hot Springs
A Killer Among Us
Flowering Field
Elderwood Scion

tonylomas on Manlanditian

5 months ago

Morning ppl! as the title suggests...has anybody built a decent/succesful Estrid, the Masked manlands deck? and now with Preston Garvey, Minuteman he good enough to take the lead or is he a very good second to Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor ?

legendofa on Oathbreaker deckbuilding challenge

5 months ago

Made_Compleat How about The Masquerade is Over, with Estrid, the Masked and Wargate at the helm? It's far from tuned, but I think it's a respectable first draft--I don't have much Oathbreaker experience. I thought about Sarkhan Unbroken + Genesis Ultimatum, but this one started falling into place.

If I need to issue a challenge, it's to make a really bad deck. Overcosted and useless cards, sabotaging yourself, and generally not able to do anything. Inspired by the Nihilist format I learned about a couple of years ago from 99 Ways to lose (Nihilist), where you make a garbage deck, then switch with your opponent and try to win using the garbage deck they built. Nihilist: Too Angry to Think is my design. Bring that philosophy into Oathbreaker.

FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

So, by my count:

Sheesh. That's a load of my memory dumped. Ok, so for the challenge!

Since my favorite tri-color has been done, (Abzan ftw) I'll do my back up: Grixis!

Begard, Deceitful Beggar

Legendary Planeswalker - Begard

~ enters the battlefield under an opponent's control. At the beginning of ~'s controller's endstep, if they did not activate a loyalty ability of ~, they discard a card, lose 5 life, and sacrifice a non-land permanent other than ~.

0: ~'s owner creates a 1/1 Black Rogue creature token with deathtouch and "If this creature would deal damage to a planeswalker, instead, put an additional loyalty counter on it."

-1: ~'s owner draws 2 cards, and creates 2 Treasure Tokens.

-3: ~'s owner may search their library for a card and put it into their hand.

-9: ~'s owner gains control of all permanents ~'s controller owns. All creatures gain Haste until the end of the turn.


How do you get to that elusive -9? maybe some proliferate strategies? lol. Good pay off if you can get to it, or a great politic card I think!


king-saproling on Sven I don't think we're in Arendelle Anymore

1 year ago

lol good god Caribou Range is funny. Really cool deck. I could picture a commander deck helmed by Estrid, the Masked that could do some similar Caribou shenanigans

MooseMagic42 on Does Totem Armor Stack

2 years ago

If I play multiple forms of totem armor like Eel Umbra, Bear Umbra and Estrid, the Masked -1 ability, do their buffs stack, and when a creature is destroyed do I get to choose what get's removed or is it in a specific order? Thanks!

Argy on Mask Deck

2 years ago

In my opinion Tuvasa the Sunlit is a better Commander than Estrid, the Masked

That's what I use in the precon, and it's amazing.

DrukenReaps on First edh deck

2 years ago

Evasive Maneuver Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Mind Seize Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge

Adaptive Enchantment Estrid, the Masked

Subjective Reality Aminatou, the Fateshifter

Mystic Intellect Sevinne, the Chronoclasm

Faceless Menace Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer

Timeless Wisdom Gavi, Nest Warden

Symbiotic Swarm Kathril, Aspect Warper

Ruthless Regiment Jirina Kudro

Enhanced Evolution Otrimi, the Ever-Playful

Arcane Maelstrom Kalamax, the Stormsire

Aura of Courage Galea, Kindler of Hope

Dragonic Rage Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients

Dungeons of Death Sefris of the Hidden Ways

Planar Portal Prosper, Tome-Bound

Reap the Tide Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait

Eleven Empire Lathril, Blade of the Elves

Lorehold Legacies Osgir, the Reconstructor

Prismari Performance Zaffai, Thunder Conductor

Quantum Quandrix Adrix and Nev, Twincasters

Silverquill Statement Breena, the Demagogue

Witherbloom Witchcraft Willowdusk, Essence Seer

This should help some folks be more inclined to help you. I for one have no idea what the name of most of the decks are, it is just the commander(s) that I care about. What I would highly recommend is if you know your general preferred play style let us know and we can start pointing you in one direction or another.

Archaeosis on The prismatic bridge to friendship

3 years ago

Mana base: I see you're running a lot of modal lands, I'd recommend switching these out for basic lands or more named lands (Forest, Plains etc). The modal lands aren't searchable off of your ramp spells like Spoils of Victory or Farseek. I really like having a named land focus in Esika's mana base - shock lands ( Overgrown Tomb , Sacred Foundry etc.) should replace the snow dual lands if your budget allows for them. If not (understandable, shock lands for a 5 colour deck eat your wallet) then I'd play all 5 Triomes, and all 5 named lands that enter untapped if you control 2 or more basic lands ( Prairie Stream , Smoldering Marsh etc.) along with 2-4 of each basic land and some basic land ramp alongside your named land ramp such as Rampant Growth , Cultivate & Kodama's Reach . Land Tax is also a solid option if you run at least a couple of each basic land as it can colour fix you very early on so you can play The Prismatic Bridge asap. I know you're running counter increasers like Vorinclex, but I'd also remove the 2 counter based lands you have as well, without something like Vorinclex or Doubling Season out they're sub-optimal.

I'd take out the mana rocks you have in there, and replace them with more ramp sorceries like Three Visits , Ranger's Path , Skyshroud Claim , and Nature's Lore . Yes, they search specifically for Forests, but with enough named dual lands or Triomes they'll still allow you to search for the colour you need. If you didn't want to add in more ramp sorceries, low cmc legendary creatures that you can tap for mana via Esika's ability are viable (this would require you to have cards that allow you to bounce Esika back to hand ideally so you could cast her enchantment side when needed). Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy is an absolute beast in this deck, even if you whiff on his ability a lot being able to tap any legendary creature for 2 mana of any colour from turn 2 onwards is dummy strong. If you go down this route untap cards like Derevi, Empyrial Tactician , Dramatic Reversal , Samut, Voice of Dissent and Kiora's Follower can help to give you buckets of mana each turn.

Planeswalkers/counter generation: Unless you decide to add flicker/sac & reanimate/ability copyers, I'd cut Deepglow Skate as it's a one-time-only version of Doubling Season for the same mana cost. Pir, Imaginative Rascal is brilliant in this kind of deck as his ability a) increases both starting loyalty and uptick loyalty gain and b) stacks with Vorinclex & Doubling Season. Having Pir & either Doubling Season or Vorinclex out will turn a +1 uptick into +4, a starting loyalty count of 5 becomes 12. Inexorable Tide & Contagion Engine are worth considering too, I can understand not adding Tide as you're free-dropping a good chunk of your Planesalkers/creatures with The Prismatic Bridge rather than casting them, but Contagion Engine is non-targeted creature removal as well 2 instances of proliferate per turn (Pir & proliferate = happy Planeswalker noises). Estrid, the Masked , Oath of Jace & Sphere of Safety would be a good group of cards to add - Estrid allows you to untap any enchanted permanent, her second ability will let you enchant any permanent (not just creatures) and increase your enchantment count for Sphere of Safety, and her ult is one of your only ways of recurring enchantments should they get destroyed (this won't allow you to recur The Prismatic Bridge though). Oath of Jace is great for filtering through your topdeck during your upkeep to choose your Bridge targets. Kaya the Inexorable is incredible in a superfriends deck - with your counter generation you'll have no problem getting her ult off straight away, which will allow you to free cast any legendary card once a turn, so if people kill (or even exile) your Planeswalkers or important legendary cards like Vorinclex/Chain Veil etc. you can always get them back. She also has removal, and recursion for your creatures. Samut, the Tested . Samut, the Tested . Samut, the Tested . For the love of all that is holy, play Samut because dropping her with Doubling Season or Vorinclex out can end games there and then. I have a combo in my Esika deck that will guarantee you first place unless Samut gets countered on the stack. Lithoform Engine , Strionic Resonator & Rings of Brighthearth will help you capitalize on important abilities like Planeswalker ults, The Prismatic Bridge and proliferate. Getting off an emblem and then going Lithoform Engine > Rings of Brighthearth to get 3 of those emblems instead of one is pretty explosive.

Creatures: Captain Sisay would work quite well here as she can search any legendary card in your deck which is invaluable in Esika and isn't as pricey/colour dependant as Sisay, Weatherlight Captain (I'm not saying cut her, but 2 Sisays are better than one). Kodama of the East Tree will let you chuck out Planeswalkers like nobody's business, The Prismatic Bridge now doubles its usefulness per turn. Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a great tutor in Esika as he's cheap, he can swing without tapping due to Esika giving him Vigilance, search something using his boast ability and put it on top of your library (something something Prismatic Bridge shenanigans) and then tap for mana in your 2nd main phase.

I hope what I've said helps, I love building Superfriends and all the whacky stuff you can do with it

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