Wrenn and Six

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wrenn and Six

Legendary Planeswalker — Wrenn

+1: Return up to one target land card from your graveyard to your hand.

-1: Wrenn and Six deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

-7: You get an emblem with "Instant and sorcery cards in your graveyard have retrace. (You may cast that card from your graveyard by discarding a land card in addition to paying its other costs.)"

sylvannos on MH3 Elves

23 hours ago

@Icbrgr: Summoner's Pact because you can often win the turn you would want to cast it. I'd also back it up with 3~4 Lead the Stampede. I've found Collected Company and other stuff that dumps elves into play just not worth it when you're only getting 1 and 2 CMC dorks.

I've played elves in Modern before:

U/G C-c-c-combo Elves!

Modern sylvannos


My conclusion wasn't speed or consistency, but just how badly you lose to any deck with red in it. Lightning Bolt on Elvish Archdruid on turn two ends the game. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer flipping a mana dork for them to cast ends the game. Wrenn and Six sniping a creature each turn ends the game. And God have mercy on you if your opponent casts a Pyroclasm or Anger of the Gods or Kozilek's Return.

The good news is Fury was banned. The bad news is not much else has changed. Priest of Titania is still going to die to burn spells and there's nothing to be done about it.

tl;dr--only play elves if your meta has no red decks.

wallisface on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

The word "balanced" is quite subjective here, because at face-value these cards are doing fair 1-for-1 interactions. However, these cards are obviously absurdly powerful, and there's a reason Wasteland is in 60% of legacy decks (and would never ever be printed into Modern, Pioneer, Standard etc).

The big reason why these effects are very powerful is because the owning player has agency over abusing them:

  • The Wasteland player has no inherent reason to trigger the ability if they themselves require mana. However, if they are fine with their own mana-resources, they can cripple the opponents if they have limited options. Because lands are almost always required to play the game, these effects can quickly lock the opponent out of being able to play the game at all.

  • You could compare the effect to something like Blood Moon or Back to Basics, where at face-value the card appears to hit all players equally. But realistically if someone is running one of these cards, they're intending to be entirely unaffected by these effects while preventing their opponent being able to play the game. Wasteland similarly might read like a 1-for-1 at face value, but realistically people play this card with the intention of preventing their opponents from being able to play the game.

  • Wasteland is very quickly abusable with recursion effects like Wrenn and Six's +1.

I think overall though, the cards are technically "balanced" - they are doing clean 1-for-1 trades with on-board resources. However, practically speaking, they are played only with the intention create a locked boardstate - one where the opponent doesn't have the resources to cast the cards in their hand.

There is a big reason Wasteland is the most-played land in Legacy, and why it will never be printed into any newer format - but this is more to it being very, very powerful, as opposed to it being "unbalanced". I would say that in multiplayer formats like Commander, Wasteland is entirely fair in insolation, as the player is losing one of their resources to 1-for-1 trade with only one of their three opponents.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

5 months ago

jethstriker yeah i could see it being a potential local-meta-call for a particularly rough matchup.

UG infect hasn’t existed in a competitive meta since Wrenn and Six & Lava Dart got printed, and I can’t even remember seeing RG tron - but if you local meta has specific problems only a niche card can answer, then it’s always the correct choice to include it.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

5 months ago

9-lives if you're asking which brew you built is more competitive for modern burn, then it's going to be whichever list more-closely resembles the established list, which was you're Boros list.

I'm aware of what these red-green cards can do, I still don't think they're anywhere-near remotely playable, particularly in burn, and I've already detailed on why these cards feel unideal. But I'll give some further detail below:

  • Questing Druid is just a much slower Monastery Swiftspear. Yes the stat-buffs are permanent, but its at the cost of double the mana, no haste, and an initial toughness of 1, making it far too vulnerable to the abundant number of cards that deal 1 damage (Orcish Bowmasters, Wrenn and Six, Lava Dart, etc). The card is much better suited for longer, grindier games where its adventure and stat-buffs become more relevant - it's not useful in an archetype that's hoping for the game to be over on turn-4.

  • As stated earlier, burn decks never need more than 2 mana. By the time you can cast Black Market Tycoon, you already have all the mana you need to play the game. This card wastes a turn not dealing damage to the opponent, but also takes 2 full turns to create enough treasure to regain the mana you lost casting it to begin with. Burn has never had an issue with needing more than 2 lands, and so gaining treasure is largely pointless. Added to this, making treasure means this card isn't dealing damage, which means it's putting you further behind for achieving a turn-4 win.

  • Atarka's Command is situationally useful in some decks, which is why it's occasionally in some sideboards - however it needs to be stressed that the card isn't particularly useful for aggressive strategies. 99% of the time if you're putting this in a burn deck, you're either doing modes 1&2 (so, just a Skullcrack), or modes 2&4 (which is probably just doing 4 damage, so a Boros Charm). Remember that competitive burn is already not running Skullcrack at the moment, so that option isn't particularly powerful. The card isn't bad, but its not particularly strong when it means splashing green instead of the much-more capable white.

At the end of the day, you've already said you're playing a deck for being creative and having fun, and so if winning isn't a factor, then play whatever you want and don't worry about it. But if you are trying to make the deck stronger, then the correct option will always be to make changes which get the list closer to the established competitive list. In that vein, changing the deck from BW to BG will have made the overall deck weaker - not having options like Lightning Helix means you'll lose any burn-vs-burn matchups, as well as a lot of other aggro-races, and not having Boros Charm means missing out on one of burns biggest damage-dealing spells.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

6 months ago

9-lives While having some variance to a deck from the established meta can be useful/powerful, your deck doesn’t need to go more off-script, it needs to be reigned-in closer to the meta-list. It would be unhelpful & actively-harmful suggesting more cards that deter you even further from what burn is supposed to look like, because it’s just going to worsen a list that already has a lot of issues.

Satyr Firedancer is not “really useful” in burn, it is actively a detriment to the deck. It’s going to cost you more games than help you:

  • it immediately dies to either Orcish Bowmasters, Wrenn and Six, and the various other cards that can prey on X/1s. Bowmasters in particular are in 35% of decks and’ll just immediately dunk on this card.

  • ever nonland card in burn needs to deal at least 3 damage to justify this card is never reliably doing that - and even if it can accrue 3 damage, the earliest it can do so it turn-5, which is already longer into the game than burn wants to be.

  • spending turn-2 casting this card and only this cards puts zero-pressure on your opponent and gives them a LOT of breathing room to establish their gameplan. This card being 2 mana makes it very slow in terms of burn.

  • burn has never really had an issue with creatures, as they already have Searing Blaze main and access to Searing Blood sideboard (note, there’s a reason they don’t bother running both main - it’s unnecessary).

This card is a prime example of something which will lead it to underperform, and a prime example of why the deck is top-slow.

Chasmolinker on [Primer] - Jund Midrange

1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback MTWEmperor!

Banefire was added as a mana sink late game where you just need to get the few last points of damage through. It is great against grindy control match-ups since it can't be countered at X=5+. It can kill bigger threats than lightning bolt in a pinch. And on top of all of that, it's only 1 damage when Bob flips it. The deck tends to get a lot of lands in play especially with Wrenn and Six so it fits well as a late game Win-Con.

Delphen7 on Our First Battle Card Has …

1 year ago

My fear is WotC will try so hard to balance battles that they will be nigh unplayable or one will be so powerful WotC will have to tame every future one they may print to the point where no other is playable.

On the flip side though, we've come a long way from Venser, the Sojourner (cough Wrenn and Six cough), so maybe Battles will get better as time goes on and WotC figures out how they want to explore it given initial play.

Daveslab2022 on Modern Benevolence

1 year ago

9-lives Spell pierce is necessary due to the prevalence of Wrenn and Six and other 2-3 mana non-creature spells.

Being on the draw this gives you an opportunity to counter a T2 Wrenn when you only have 1 land.

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