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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.

Craeter on Standing Stones | Archelos, Lagoon Mystic

2 months ago

Wow great job with the story, the imagery is absolutely stellar. And the characters seem unique and described vividly, very impressive for such a short story. Kudos for that and this deck construction.

It's cool to see you've included Calming Verse, I remember you mentioning that on my Arcades deck.

I see that Landfall / Ramp is the main premise to the deck, curious how does that tie into the Commander? I'm probably just not seeing the interaction, but wouldn't you want to include some cards like Opposition to manipulate Archelos and the battlefield? Does Verity Circle work with this Commander? I'm guessing not since it says "become tapped" and the Commander makes them ETB already tapped, but it would be cool if it worked.

Also do you know about Conduit of Worlds? It's very similar to Crucible of Worlds, but it allows for recursion and redundancy with Crucible. Druid Class is also super good for decks like this. Maybe Lifegift as well

Craeter on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

4 months ago

Druid Class, Lifegift, Ovinomancer, Conduit of Worlds would make good potential additions here, I run these in my Legacy Land Deck

flapjackwars on Twilight Sparkle Lifegain

1 year ago

IMO the most efficient lifegain cards are Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, and Essence Warden, followed by Leonin Elder, Spectrum Sentinel, Profane Memento, The Meathook Massacre, Auriok Champion, and Lifegift. They all scale absurdly well with multiple opponents.

Hardhitta7 on Enter the Random Combo Deck …

3 years ago

Random Combo Deck Build-Off

We are having a build-off with a random combo generated from Commander Spellbook.

If you wish to enter go to Commander Spellbook and hit “Random Combo” below the search bar. Comment below that you wish to enter and which combo you got. I’ll add you to the Participants list.

There are no prizes, this is just a fun challenge to help improve your deck building prowess.

Building time ends 5/23/2021 @ 12:00am PT.

Flagellum on Steep Price to Pay (Dina, Soul Steeper)

3 years ago

Powerleech : would be great

Quiet Disrepair , Retreat to Hagra , Retreat to Kazandu , Jaddi Offshoot , Grazing Gladehart , Kazandu Nectarpot , Lifegift : Landfall and upkeep triggers. Run a land ramp package thanks to green to capitalize on these effects. Very budget friendly options

Zuran Orb / Dark Heart of the Wood : Eat the lands you accrued through the game. Throw in Splendid Reclamation for lolz and sac them all again

klaudiohmm on

3 years ago

Hey! I think that this deck should use Miren, the Moaning Well . It's a way of regaining life with a creature that will die because of some effect. It makes you gain a lot of life and increases the effect of Willowdusk's ability.

About the untap effects outside of blue, you can use Thousand-Year Elixir or Magewright's Stone . About combos... well, if you use sacrifice effects (e.g. Ashnod's Altar ), you could try the Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion -like combos (actually, these two work alone, but some combos needs a sac outlet). Depending of other cards, loops with Mikaeus, sacrifice outlets and creatures with Persist could also work.

An artifact like Eternity Vessel can reset your life (if I remember well, having your life total become some value counts as lifegain).

Maybe creatures like Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper or Reyhan, Last of the Abzan works well inside this deck. As instants or sorceries... the only one that came to my mind now is Weather the Storm , which can be very interesting in some situations.

Why use cards like Jaddi Offshoot (gains you only one life), Dash Hopes (I think that's an unreliable counterspell and the 5 life is a low cost in EDH), Blunt the Assault (I think that this card is pretty bad, maybe a card like Gray Merchant of Asphodel gains you much more life while drains your opponents) or Lifegift (it won't make you gain a lot of life on the same turn)?

Profet93 on Azusa, Lost But Seeking Fun (EDH Primer)

4 years ago


Roots of Life - What's the point of this exactly, how does lifegain help you in a more competitive meta? Its nice with urborg, perhaps I'm missing something? Same question with Lifegift.

Seedborn Muse > Wilderness Reclamation? - Is the 1 mana more a deterrent or the fact that its blown up as a creature? I like how you can tutor for it since it's a creature

Tempt with Discovery - One of my favs but in a more competitive meta, don't they usually just strip mine whatever you tutor for?

How does Gravediggers cage and G-wave interact? Do you get the creatures from G-Wave or not? I know it's anti-synergy with Finale, but some of that is expected in a stax build.

Have you considered adding more interaction in the form of Kenrith's Transformation? It replaces itself, is cheap and shuts down commanders who cant interact with enchantments.

Nylea's Intervention - Not that you need even more anti-flying, but the land tutoring is nice. X=2-3 is a good mode and is fairly costed IMO. Helps you turn of field of the dead more consistently.

Replacing 8 forests with 8 snow-covered forests helps field of the dead turn online more quickly as well.

Yavimaya Hollow > Radiant Fountain

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