Spirit of the Labyrinth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Spirit of the Labyrinth

Enchantment Creature — Spirit

Each player can't draw more than one card each turn.

DreadKhan on Need Help With A Solitary …

7 months ago

I've fiddled around with Solitary Confinement in another Zur list, that one uses Spirit of the Labyrinth and Teferi's Puzzle Box to get rid of everyone else's hand (I skip mine with Solitary and/or Necropotence), this gives you an awfully long time to win via whatever means you prefer. If you use Chains of Mephistopheles you technically get a Spirit effect that comes with a big upside as it'll mill your opponents, but it's more than $1000, so I mention Spirit. None of this is Casual, but it'd be hard to make a Solitary Confinement list and have it qualify as Casual.

scottbaker91 on Zur the Enchanter Stax

11 months ago

Some of my favorite Zur Combos are: Teferi, Hero of Dominaria + Stasis // Solitary Confinement + Necropotence // Rest in Peace + Energy Field // Stasis + Azor's Elocutors // Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact // Winter Orb + Mind Over Matter

Sunder, Armageddon, Death Cloud will send your opponents back to the stone age while you fish out more enchants and punch them to death with Zur

Mana Breach, Mana Vortex, Oppression, Overburden are must have stax cards for Zur. The enchantments / creatures that keep your opponents from drawing or casting more than 1 spell per turn are really solid for stax ex: Arcane Laboratory, Spirit of the Labyrinth. Notion Thief + wheels will leave your opponent with 0 cards

Spellskite, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Steel of the Godhead, Mind Over Matter are all S tier for Zur

Approach of the Second Sun for another easy win con

Have fun crushing your opponents soul

SufferFromEDHD on Zurtron

1 year ago

This is a brutal list. You are clearly going for competitive consistency but you might be able to cut some rocks. Your mana base is A+. Only thing I can think of is Hall of the Bandit Lord.

Dovin's Veto/No More Lies potential counters.

Vanishing Verse/Anguished Unmaking potential removal.

Spirit of the Labyrinth very unique "can't" tax

legendofa on Do you think The One …

1 year ago

Possible answers, non-exhaustive and in no particular order:

Exiling: Shattering Blow, Cast into the Fire, Tear Asunder, Resculpt, Anguished Unmaking, Despark, Prismatic Ending, Rite of Oblivion

Countering and discard, the usual array

Draw prevention and punishment: Narset, Parter of Veils, Maralen of the Mornsong, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Orcish Bowmasters, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

Most of these are sideboard material at best, but some are general enough to hold up in a fringe deck, or specific enough to be in most sideboards. (What an insightful comment. Some of the possible answers are bad, some are okay, and some are pretty good. Watch out, analysts, here I come.)

So I would say that if The One Ring takes over, Esper Control might wander back into the upper ranks (while using The Ring itself), Burn and Hammer just kind of ignore it and work around the turn of protection, and Raggy-Reggie-Ragey decks might slip a little bit.

I haven't faced or used The One Ring in action yet, so this is me eyeballing and speculating, but I'm leaning toward not banworthy. The One Ring is two-thirds of a control deck in a single card, with the protection and draw, but control could use a hand. And it looks like Omnath is already locking it in. Which will get banned first, The One Ring or Omnath-4? It'll fill in a few more decks, maybe become the centerpiece of its own deck with Voltaic Key turbo-draw or Escape Protocol perma-protection, but it's not going to explode Modern unless something happens in Caves of Ixalan or whatever.

And if I'm wrong, it's another card for my banlist-only deck, so there.

thefiresoflurve on Sounds About White to Me

2 years ago

If you're looking for help making cuts, the first step I would take is to look at your symmetrical stax pieces and see which ones hurt you the most:

Deafening Silence, Grafdigger's Cage, Containment Priest, Ethersworn Canonist, Hushbringer, Kataki, War's Wage, Leonin Arbiter, Rest in Peace, Sphere of Resistance, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Trinisphere, Sanctum Prelate, Rule of Law, Thorn of Amethyst, whew I think that's all.

Of these, you want to look at the ones which most hamper what you want to do, or have negative synergies with other cards you run. You have a few cards that say "draw", so Spirit of the Labyrinth is IMO the very first cut you should make.

Another negative synergy I saw is Hushbringer and Authority of the Consuls. I like Authority a lot better since it synergizes with Heliod.

The next ones I'd cut could take one of two routes: so, I'm thinking of cards like Ethersworn Canonist and Sphere of Resistance. These kind of innately have negative synergy - if people are paying more for spells, they're less likely to be able to cast multiple spells in the first place, meaning the Canonist's ability is wasted. You should consider going for one type of effect or the other, not both. (I wouldn't run either symmetrically in mono-white, personally).

Council's Judgment can probably be cut - you have great enough removal without running it.

kataki definitely needs to go with how many artifacts you're running.

DreadKhan on Zur Necropotence Combo

2 years ago

It's a bit new and I've never tried it, but in theory Black Market Connections + Stasis are both fetchable and will soft-lock the board for you, with Black Market Connections paying for Stasis for 1 life per turn. This is a pretty salty move IMHO, so I wouldn't do this outside of cEDH or groups where people are playing very powerful decks (which I'm guessing you tend to play against). You can't sustain it forever unless you can find a way to gain life, but Zur can technically find Heliod, Sun-Crowned or another Lifelink source, as well as buff his power, so it's not like this is a tough lock to set up/use. In fact, I worry this might be the thing that finally gets Zur banned, it's too easy to set up for friendly play, and it's really annoying to break out of Stasis if you didn't see it coming and are tapped out. Puzzle Lock is stronger (and with Chains of Mephistopheles over Spirit of the Labyrinth it can actually win by itself), but it's harder to set up by far, and it's the same for all the other Zur combos that I know of. This one is dumb and easy enough that even if you eventually lose, you probably gained a huge advantage from the Stasis Lock you had going that you've killed off one or more opponents, and have a big edge over the other, if an opponent isn't doing a lot for even a couple turns, Zur can very easily go from nuisance to critical danger. Oh, and Zur can find fun stuff like Greater Auramancy to protect all of that combo/pile of Auras on Zur, and you can just copy that so people need a wipe.

For more (mostly) Zur oriented combos, you could look at Salt Miner (Rule of Law cEDH), which is my Zur Combo deck. It uses Zur as it's main way to win, for better or worse.

Ojallday on Getting into cEDH

2 years ago

The_War_Mammoth Simic or blue/green have a lot of low cost synergies and combos that go for easy wins like taking turns or Birthing Pod strategies. But if you enjoy stax and control then I highly recommend Urza, Lord High Artificer he has strong synergy with cards like Winter Orb, Static Orb, Trinisphere and Back to Basics. To win with him you assemble infinate mana through a couple different options Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter , Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth , Grim Monolith + Power Artifact or Basalt Monolith this let's you draw your deck with his ability and traditionally you use Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac to end it. Being in blue also gives you access to counterspells which is where most of you control will come from. Some of the artifacts and combo pieces may be expensive for him though, but another option though in 3 colors is Zur the Enchanter he let's you play a spell for free when he hits letting you grab Stasis, Rule of Law or Spirit of the Labyrinth to punish opponents winning involves swinging zur until you kill each opponent with coleander damage. Also you can run Necropotence to draw your deck out and win via Thassa's Oracle, obviously he is in blue so counter spells will go a long way to control your opponents.

AstroAA on

2 years ago

As people in the thread said, if you really wanted your playgroup to hate you, things like Armageddon, Null Rod, Deafening Silence, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Rule of Law, Archon of Emeria, Angel of Jubilation, Thorn of Amethyst, Sphere of Resistance, Winter Orb, and Smokestack are all super fun cards you can run.

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