Edge of Autumn

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Edge of Autumn


If you control four or fewer lands, search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Cycling—Sacrifice a land. (Sacrifice a land, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Curse of the Were-Rabbit

1 year ago

As Kaheera costs 3 mana, you should add multiple MV1 ramp cards, so Llanowar Elves, Avacyn's Pilgrim etc. seem important. That way, you'll often be able to cast your commander on turn 2. Besides that, Rampant Growth, Edge of Autumn and Selesnya Signet are great cards. Cultivate and Kodama's Reach still are other powerful options in Mono-.

Niko9 on Mirror Maniac

2 years ago

Ha, nice, I also definitely play Edge of Autumn just because it's an awesome card. And yeah, it looks like a fun take on the lab man playstyle. I really like that it's not just powering out the combo as fast as possible and you are packing a lot of interaction. It can sometimes feel rough to play against combo-or-die decks, but when someone is progressing, assembling, and interacting, it just feels like you are playing against a deck rather than playing against a card. Heh, long way around, but that's what makes this deck look fun : )

Monomanamaniac on Warweaver's Chant

2 years ago

Hey, this deck is neat, but it's not really my area of expertise, so I'll just say Farseek is great, especially if you decide to upgrade your lands, maybe with those dual type snow lands. Obscuring Haze seems excellent in this deck, it gives you a free block and your commander gets bigger still. It's by far the most underrated free spell. I'd maybe swap them out for Warden of the Woods, and Edge of Autumn. Anyways I like what you're doing, it seems really mean, watch out for Voltron lol.

Silly-Go-Round on But I wanna play Hydras [Help Needed]

2 years ago

Stuff I'd consider in no particular order.

Nature's Lore

Voracious Hydra

Steelbane Hydra - this one in particular has what you're looking for in enchantment hate, but I'll have a section specifically for that too.

Curse of the Swine

Hydroid Krasis - a little above your price range, but a fantastic hydra.

Elementalist's Palette

Lifeblood Hydra - just under 10 bucks, definitely a solid upgrade.

Vorel of the Hull Clade

Evolution Sage

Death Denied

Three Visits

Skyshroud Claim

Explosive Vegetation

Exponential Growth

Greater Good

Unbound Flourishing

I'd also consider looking up all the different duals that show up in sultai and picking up some of the cheaper ones? I google "word for the color identity of the deck I'm playing and dual lands" and theres a few sites there generally with prices. Also going up like, 3/4 more lands since 33 seems slim and you don't have a lot of mana rocks/dorks to shore that up.

enchantment removal I've used/like/I think would be good here.

Krosan Grip

Gaze of Granite

Pest Infestation

Sultai Charm

Maelstrom Pulse


Windgrace's Judgment

As for stuff I'd cut.

Edge of Autumn - theres better ramp cards and I suggested a few above

Grow from the Ashes - see above

Font of Fertility - see above

Frontier Siege - this seems kinda medium if all were doing with it is adding 2 extra mana, I like that it's modal but you're never going to pick that mode since we don't have a lot of flyers in hydras.

Icy Blast - I see where you're coming from with this, and I think it could definitely put in work, but I also feel like theres probably either hard removal that you could play for the same amount of mana that would make this useful, or something similar.

Personally I'd also cut the counter spells for more stuff that draws/removes but I understand why they're here.

I hope this helps, sorry if it's long winded, and good luck with the list!!

sergiodelrio on The Tour de Boros

2 years ago

Street Wraith is always a good choice if cycling matters.

A little more fringe, but Edge of Autumn + Flagstones of Trokair could be a cool combo in your deck.

+1 for novelty!

DetiraWhoForgotPassword on

3 years ago

Hello, thanks for your feedback klaudiohmm I really appreciate it

  • The World Tree is going to be tutored out with Golos, Tireless Pilgrim , so I don't believe I should be using others tutors that will generally slow my gameplan

  • Harrow puts 2 untapped lands into play, whereas Roiling Regrowth taps them. Let's say on turn 3, I have Harrow and 2 mana ramp in my hand, I can cast both in the same turn. With Roiling Regrowth it would be impossible

  • I put all 2 mana ramps into this, so there is no better (faster) option, other than Edge of Autumn , left

  • Migration Path puts 2 lands into play, the end. While Verdant Mastery also puts one into my hand for the same mana value, as my plan is to end the game by turn 5,6 and this is not cEDH, at least not yet, I don't care about one of opponent's getting 1 additional land

  • Yea, almost all lands are basics, that might be the problem, I'll watch after it, I'm not used to tapped lands tho, and these are only snow that come into play untapped..

  • Recursion of Gods doesn't fit the gameplan as this is OTK, when I crack The World Tree it will be over

  • As mentioned once already, Golos, Tireless Pilgrim will be tutoring The World Tree and if I cast it second time it will target Petrified Field so I can return The World Tree from graveyard in case it gets destroyed

  • Some of them are there for body value, making them look bad in comparison to others, yes. But that doesn't mean that they aren't more than necessary to make the deck work. Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded especially, it is the essential part of the combo as it gives haste to everything I put into play

Thank you for your feedback so much, I cannot express my gratitude well enough (:

klaudiohmm on

3 years ago

Hey! I have some suggestions, hope they'll help:

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