Risen Reef

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Risen Reef

Creature — Elemental

Whenever Risen Reef or another Elemental enters the battlefield under your control, look at the top card of your library. If it's a land card, you may put it onto the battlefield tapped. If you don't put the card onto the battlefield, put it into your hand.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

4 months ago

Unkillable feels like a digital/Arena ability. (That's not a bad thing.)

Gavadey, Chaos Charger

Legendary Creature - Elemental Warrior

Flying, haste


When Gavadey, Chaos Charger enters, draft a card from Gavadey's spellbook.


(Spellbook: Disperse, Fire / Ice, Flame Discharge, Fog, Frost Breath, Giant Growth, Hydrosurge, Lightning Bolt, Pit Fight, Pyroclasm, Windstorm, Creeping Trailblazer, Lightning Stormkin, Risen Reef, Song of Creation)

Create a Giant in a color pair that doesn't have a Giant.

Theasus7 on Horde of Notions

1 year ago

Looking good! I think you might enjoy having a little more card draw in the deck. Just to make sure that you are drawing all the cool elements and ramp you need to play. Mulldrifter is a great start.

Vanquisher's Banner, Omnath, Locus of the Roil, Risen Reef, Distant Melody, Soul of the Harvest

zapyourtumor on Esper-Reanimator

2 years ago

I'd say neither Growth nor Oath is playable in this deck after Yorion ban. If you want to run Risen Reef you definitely need to lean towards a higher density of elemental creatures and away from the full control versions, which probably means 3-4 Fury.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

2 years ago

Hey, it sucks when opponents gang up on you, Disk and Deed unfortunately have that negative effect. At least you got to see Urza eliminated before you lost :)

If playing Disk and Deed then think of everything else in your deck as expendable, doesn't matter if all your stuff dies because all opponents will too. Muldrotha gives you this flexibility and by adding totem armor effects then Muldrotha can be saved from Disk or Deed if she's enchanted before they pop.

You're slowly removing Elementals making your deck Elementals in flavor, but not much else for the tribe or game play. Risen Reef is the only reason here be Elemental tribal and while it's a good card, it's not good enough to stick to Elementals.

  • Cavalier of Night, Cavalier of Gales, Cavalier of Thorns
  • Risen Reef
  • Mulldrifter, Foundation Breaker, Shriekmaw

These Elementals are good because for what they do there's not other better budget cards that are not an Elemental that could replace them. Playing an Elemental because it's an Elemental instead of a better budget card is not worth it when you don't have much Elemental tribal synergy. Some examples:

Sac outlets are how you can abuse Muldrotha ability with creatures, casting the same creature from your graveyard over many turns. Sac outlets can do more for Muldrotha strategy then some Elementals.

If you're against Eldrazi Titans then consider an exile creature effect because indestructible doesn't stop it and the Titan is gone for good, doesn't ever enter the graveyard after it's removed.

These are three options, Tear is best because kicked it can exile any nonland permanent. Resculpt and Shift are only two mana to exile a creature. The drawback of your opponent getting a creature afterwards is minimal because you'll be removing something much better. Pair any of these instants with Eternal Witness for a repeatable effect with Muldrotha. Either one of these could replace Return to Nature?

Another budget way to deal with an Eldrazi Titan is to it steal from your opponent and then wreck that player with annihilator. Steal a player's Commander and keep control it until Sower is removed. Stealing Sheoldred can be nasty since reanimation is quite good with Muldrotha. Sower is better because with any sac outlet that can sac a creature you can sac your opponent's creature you stole, it dies goes back to that player's graveyard or Command Zone and then you can sac Sower to repeat with Muldrotha. Sower could replace Forgotten Ancient?

Fauna adds a creature toolbox repeatable effect that can also fuel graveyard strategies for Muldrotha. The toolbox can be helpful because you have several creatures who are much better than the others. Fuana is also good with Wonder and Brawn as creatures to discard who want to be in your graveyard. Fauna could replace Icon of Ancestry?

Really consider cutting some basic Forests for more budget dual lands that have interaction with Forests or lots of basic lands? The allied Check lands have been reprinted in latest set Dominaria Remastered, now is the best time to get them since each are down to less than $4.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

2 years ago

Hey, just saw your update. Something to think about for gameplay, is it more important to you to have Muldrotha on the battlefield or many Elementals? Having both is asking too much because Muldrotha requires much setup and Elementals don't provide that setup. Muldrotha is a go-tall Commander, but you're playing as go-wide with many small Elementals. This conflict of what Muldrotha wants and what the rest of your deck is doing is most likely hindering gameplay.

Your deck is not built to go-wide with Elementals because you don't have any Elemental tribal lords, anthem effects and no early game Elemental token sources to flood the battlefield with Elementals. Lords are needed to make little Elementals actual good attackers so that you can swarm opponent. You're best attackers other than Muldrotha when it has evasion are the Elementals who can grow themselves. These Elementals are go-tall strategy not go-wide, having a large power/toughness Elemental for an attacker, instead of many little Elementals.

You're not going to like my next suggestions, but now that you've seen that your deck is struggling, some changes could help? My advice is build your deck first to maximize Muldrotha and second add in Elementals after doing so? Cut the weaker Elementals for more Muldrotha synergy especially draw/self-mill, ramp, protection and removal? Just play the better Elementals? I'm not suggesting to change your deck strategies, keep Elementals, +1/+1 counters and proliferate, but tone them down in favor of Muldrotha?

An example of a streamline Elemental base using current Elementals (by CMC):

I left Slitherwisp off the list because you don't have any other cards with flash? Without other cards with flash, Slitherwisp isn't worth a deck spot. Now you could add cards to give spells flash, but even so Muldrotha doesn't work with flash since you can only during your turn cast permanents from your graveyard.

Flash doesn't get around this Muldrotha restriction. You can flash at any point during your turn, but not on opponent's turns which defeats the purpose of flash. Spending your mana in the early turns for ramp, evoke Elementals, self-mill and draw is better to setup Muldrotha then having many Elementals on the battlefield.

Just adding a small package of nonElemental budget creatures that have excellent interaction with Muldrotha and Cavalier of Night could help gameplay.

plakjekaas on Omnath: Rage or Roil?

2 years ago

Omnath, Locus of Rage is the overt, "look at me being dangerous" commander.

Omnath, Locus of the Roil is a value engine that adds blue to your color identity. Mystic Sanctuary loops, tricksy stuff like Avenger of Zendikar with Mystic Reflection, loops with Walking Atlas and Retreat to Coralhelm, maybe Roil Elemental, blue really adds a lot to landfall decks that Gruul just can't provide. Or you could be Oneshotting people with Sylvan Awakening, turning 25 lands into elementals, playing your commander and sending the ETB trigger to someone's face.

Gruul and Temur Omnath just will not result in the same decks, the same way that the average OG Omnath, Locus of Mana deck won't look much like the Gruul Omnath deck. Just try and see if the blue additions fit your playstyle, and save a decklists for the Gruul build, in case it doesn't.

I will say that Omnath, Locus of Rage does belong in the 99 of Omnath, Locus of the Roil, because Risen Reef is one hell of an elemental.

rambunctiousOrator on Animar - Power Level 8.5/A

2 years ago

An 8 or a 9 is hard. I think a distinguishing feature of a 7 is that the deck will aggressively win if left unchecked. Aside from a few problems with your deck running out of gas and having to play one spell a turn, I'd say with some lucky draws you are winning by turn 5 or 6 regularly; i.e. a 7. When I think of an 8 or a 9, I think that this deck will guarantee a win unless someone designed their deck to beat yours. This pushes past normal levels of competitiveness into something more. Some decks can never be an 8 or 9 because the strategy isn't inherently unfair enough. You may be able to get to an 8, I doubt this strategy can ever be a 9.

That being said, we can squeeze more out of your current strategy. there are a lot of inefficient creatures, inefficient ramp, and room for other non-creature spells here.


Those are just a few examples of cards, in general you want to smooth out your early game, and both tireless do that with either card draw or treasure. I feel like you could seriously improve your 6+ roster. Get rid of any 6+ cards that you feel like don't lead to winning the game the next turn. Let me know if you want to continue, have any questions, etc.

mach56gs on I haven't the faintest Notion...

3 years ago

You may have noticed I've liked elementals. Anyhow....

What's the catch?

Morophon, the Boundless + Fist of Suns = All Elements in Hand Free-Cast

Morophon(Moro) + Fist of Suns(Fos)+ Yarok, the Desecrated/Panharmonicon(Double ETB) + AEthersnipe (Bounce) = Bounce all permanents, OR infinitely play any elemental spell on hand/field = enabling unlimited ETB effects.


Moro + Fos + Double ETB + Bounce + Risen Reef/Cloudkin Seer/Cavalier of Thorns = Draw/Mill all cards in deck for self mill. Note, not actually a wincon yet. Consider Jace, Wielder of Mysteries? Feels more win-more, though. Any of these milling processes will probably lead to the following loops:

Moro + Fos + Double ETB + Bounce + Foundation Breaker = I hate artifacts + enchantments, grr!

Moro + Fos + Double ETB + Bounce + Avenger of Zendikar/Scampering Scorcher = Infinite Plants or 1/1 hasty elementals

Moro + Fos + Double ETB + Bounce + Blasting Station/Omnath, Locus of the Roil/Warstorm Surge = Ping enemies to death

Moro + Fos + Double ETB + Muldrotha + Bounce = All Elements (and lands) in Hand + Graveyard Castable

General Gameplan:

Have a number of 4fun cascade cards to help cheat creatures + churn through the deck and get out expensive bodies. Horde of Notions acts as a great toolbox and helps set up some of these combos.

Thinking of: Yarok's Wavecrasher to provide another piece to enable the infinite loop.

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