Fire / Ice

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fire / Ice



Fire deals 2 damage divided as you choose among any number of one or two targets (creature, player or planeswalker).


Tap target permanent.

Draw a card.

Rhadamanthus on Can Niv-Mizzet, Supreme Cast one …

8 months ago

No, because the card Supply / Demand is three colors: . If it were something like Fire / Ice or Assure / Assemble then this would work. You would choose which half to cast.

Icbrgr on

1 year ago

I'm honestly not too sure about Teleportal... my only valid targets are Krovikan Mist which has flying anyway and Lord of the Unreal (honestly have grown frustrated with Illusory Angel and thats why its in my SB)... the overload cost is tempting though.

I use or at least in other decks have used Fire / Ice as a flex card that can either be nice removal to snipe threats like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer/Orcish Bowmasters or just tap down a would-be blocker/attacker or land plus cantrip.

I will playtest with it though... I own a bunch so why not give it a try?

Kcin on

1 year ago

Teleportal over Fire / Ice

Unblockable + hexproof across the board. And overload does not target so no sac triggers.

Splashing red makes this much more awesome.

sylvannos on Wilds of Eldraine

1 year ago

@Coward_Token: I'm pretty sure you're right. AFAIK it's also left R&D space to make adventure cards with the same name, but not count as your 4x copies, but could also be stopped by things like Meddling Mage. The Petty Theft part of Brazen Borrower could be printed on another card, for example, but you could still have 4x copies of Brazen Borrower and 4x copies of the new card.

They haven't done this yet, but if I remember right, they talked about it when the first Eldraine set was released. It's one of the differences between adventures and split cards (like Fire / Ice).

Icbrgr on Augur Skred

1 year ago

Would Fire / Ice be a good utility card here?... oooh I see it in your maybeboard now sorry anyway neat deck +1

msimcoe on Discardelves

1 year ago

So to flesh out the mana base, in essence I would recommend: - increasing the number of dual lands over basic lands and the quality of the dual lands, i.e. Verdant Catacombs, Woodland Cemetery and Nurturing Peatland. (Having perfect fixing often is the difference between winning and losing.) - and just bumping up the number of lands to something like 21, I know it would feel weird in a deck with so many mana dorks, but in the outlandish event you face a deck playing Fury or Fire / Ice, I think you'll be happy to have land-drop number four over mana dork number four.

Secondly, since you fancy playing Devoted Druid in the main deck, maybe you could take advantage of her combo potential or at least her synergies with cards like Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler especially in place of Tyvar Kell who I don't seeing being a very impactful four-drop. Or alternatively, you could just cut a few mana-dorks for a playset of Waste Nots who would help get you some advantage off of the opponent's discard. And while on the topic, I would suggest playing more just strict "target opponent discards a card" like Funeral Charm over the hand-hate like Inquisition of Kozilek and Dread Fugue since a.) you don't really care about hating on the opponents pieces as much as just making them discard, b.) instant speed discard is always better than sorcery speed and c.) it scales better into the late game.

As well, side note, Harmonize over Beast Whisperer just seems a little too low-impact for the modern format, sure it's a guaranteed one-for-three, but at four-mana it doesn't touch the board and beast whisperer is probably a better investment with all your small creatures that ramp you into more small creatures ramp imo.

Lastly, you asked for some sideboard suggestions, I might play one or two Crippling Fear as one-sided board wipes. As well, pioneer sideboard all-star Go Blank might be good in this shell with some more main-deck discard synergies. Also, just general good green and black sideboard cards are like Veil of Summer, Force of Vigor and Fatal Push

Thats all that I have for how I might build this list, and I hope this was even mildly helpful! Overall, this is an interesting list! A solid idea that I find very similar to The Rack strategies in modern!

Potvuurka on Jhoira of the GG no re

1 year ago

To remove any issues with your suspend cards being countered I would suggest running some counterspells. Preferably Spell Pierce, Miscast, Swan Song, Dispel. Since you don't have a way how to defend yourself I would play 8 of them at least in any combination. Perhaps Unsummon might be a good addition either at some point.

As someone suggested above Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug and Fury Charm are not good.

Cryptic Command is a great multipurpose thing.

For the lands, if you wish to stay budget you can use something like Shivan Reef, Swiftwater Cliffs. For the non budget of yourse Steam Vents and Scalding Tarn.

If you would use Unsummon or any other similiar effect cards, you might be interested in playing Braids, Conjurer Adept. She's slow but fun, and works without suspend.

Mainly, better threats for opponent. Something like Inkwell Leviathan, Pathrazer of Ulamog. Using suspend even Emrakul, the Aeons Torn could prove useful.

Then of course more your own card control / draw - Serum Visions, Opt, Fire / Ice

Khurgar on Modern Lands

1 year ago

Allright, so here's the "how the fk does it work?" part.

The deck is a prett slow one that takes some time before it really activates, so several cards both in the main deck and side board are there to mitigate the pressure that we might suffer from early plays. Lightning Bolt, Fire / Ice and Arboreal Grazer fills these slots in the main deck.

What the deck wants to do is generally to discard lands with Seismic Assault to deal damage to the enemy, then use cards such as Wrenn and Six, Life from the Loam and Slogurk, the Overslime to recur those lands to your hand again.

Trade Routes is used for 3 reasons. The first is pretty straight forwards, use your land cards in hand to generate new cards. Second use is to be able to play your channel lands early in the game to give mana while being able to pick them up later in the game to use their channel effect. And the third one is to make Slogurk, the Overslime to grow rapidly. If you discard a land and opt to dredge a Life from the Loam, Slogurk, the Overslime can grow anywhere between +1 to +4 +1/+1 counters for a single mana, ontop of digging for utility lands that you can return later.

Sadly I have not had a lot of time playtesting it, and I think that the sideboard needs a lot of work. First and foremost I feel like I have doubled down a bit too hard on artifact hate, albeit with a lot of cards with multi purpose.

Anyways, the rundown of why I included the cards are as follows: Damping Sphere was included to stop decks such as tron and titan, and it also works well versus decks such as breach or storm or other more jank combos such as neobrand.

Pithing Needle and Relic of Progenitus dont need explaining.

Brotherhood's End was included to deal with asmo decks, affinity, prison tron, goblins, merfolk and other similar decks to these.

Force of Vigor is in the deck solely because I have no way to stop a turn 2 kill from hammer, other than blocking with an Arboreal Grazer. I am strongly considering cutting it though.

Haywire Mite is included to stop Kaldra Compleat, but will probably see play in the same games that my other artifact and enchantment hate cards.

Otawara, Soaring City is just so that you are more likely to draw them, especially in matchups where they run pithing needle to stop Boseiju, Who Endures, but is also really good for returning combo pieces to hand, or just big beaters like murktide. Its also really good vs tokens.

Boseiju, Who Endures just a really solid card, deals with most problems the deck faces, such as graveyard hate and blood moon effects.

Bojuka Bog is a fantastic card in this deck. With this card and Trade Routes you can exile your opponents graveyard every turn if you'd like, although it is only in sorcery speed.

Cards that I would like to experiment with: Expressive Iteration is a card that I am gonna experiment with in place of Fire / Ice. I think that Fire / Ice is much better at stalling out the game, but expressive is such a valuable card to have in the mid game.

Academy Ruins and Buried Ruin to be able to get artifacts back from the graveyard.

Shadowspear to deal with agressive matchups where the opponent have no good way of dealing with my constructs or Slogurk, the Overslime.

Orvar, the All-Form versus decks that enjoy discarding your hand, so generally versus decks that runs archong or liliana.

I hope you enjoyed the read, give me some thoughts in the comments if you have any =)

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