Domesticated Hydra

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Domesticated Hydra

Creature — Hydra

Monstrosity X (If this creature isn't monstrous, put X +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.)

As long as Domesticated Hydra is monstrous, it has trample.

legendofa on Is Monstrous a retained effect …

1 year ago

Let's say I have Volrath, the Shapestealer in play, alongside a monstrous Domesticated Hydra. I change Volrath into a copy of D.Hydra and activate Volrath's new Monstrosity ability. I then change Volrath into a Skittering Crustacean. Will I have to activate Crustacean-Volrath's Monstrosity ability, or will it retain Monstrous from the Hydra ability?

GameDragon111 on Klauth, The Hydramancer

1 year ago

This seems to have a great structure, but there are a few things that may be improvable. Also, I'm not sure what your price range is, so some of these cards may be a bit too expensive.

Also, not sure if you noticed (I didn't at first when messing with hydras), but the mana from Klauth can only be used to cast spells, so the Hydra Broodmaster and Domesticated Hydra can't use their monstrosity from Klauth's ability, though they are still great cards.

the card Everflowing Chalice may help with what I stated above, and is good for producing large amounts of future mana.

You may want to add a doubling card such as Unbound Flourishing or Branching Evolution to help your creatures get stronger at an exponential rate with Klauth. The card Doubling Season also works, but it is much more expensive.

If you want to do some fast and instant damage with your creatures, Mage Slayer, Outmaneuver, and Warstorm Surge may be good in this deck.

Sorry if this is a bit long. Hope this helps

Apollo_Paladin on Budget-ish legacy elves

2 years ago

Looks a lot smoother, nice!

For Card Draw, I find Vanquisher's Banner to be one of the best for an Elf build. For one, getting the mana to play it out early isn't difficult at all, and for two -- Elf decks tend to be very creature heavy, thus increasing the chance of drawing another low-mana elf when you cast a creature. This can generally be repeated multiple times a turn, often multiple turns per game in fact. Particularly if you keep drawing/casting 1-mana elves.

I also can't think of a single better Card Drawer for Elves than Sylvan Messenger. I've often cast him with the Vanquisher Banner in play only to draw easily 3 or 4 more elves, and this allows you to just keep spam-playing quite early in the game. Plus, he has innate Trample, making him a prime target for buffing up. So long as you can just keep Drawing/Tutoring elves, you can just go non-stop for quite a while. This is also another reason I like Vitalize (kudos for including that underappreciated beauty); You can use Vitalize strategically with the Sylvan Messenger's effect and extend your time playing elves even longer by re-using your mana generating creatures.

Shamanic Revelation isn't a bad card by any means, but in a build like this I think I'd find it a bit slow. I could be way off the mark here because I have no idea what types of decks you're commonly up against, but a benefit of using the Vanquisher Banner/Sylvan Messenger for you card draw is that you're never drawing that many cards at once. The worst thing I can see happening is having a bunch of creatures in play, casting Revelation, and drawing so many cards that you're still forced to discard even after playing.

Without testing it myself, I fully admit that I'm just speculating here, but in general I don't favor drawing mass amounts of cards all at once unless you've got something included with "You have no maximum Hand size."

With you keeping the infinite mana combos with the staff, I think Domesticated Hydra doesn't really belong. I'm sure you just threw him in for his X-cost ability, but you already have Ezuri, Renegade Leader whom you could achieve a BETTER effect from (infinite mana, so infinite triggers). This will hit ALL elves instead of just one creature. Plus, the Hydra doesn't share an Elf type so he's not helping your Priest of Titanias or Elvish Archdruids, and he won't be hit by Tribal Unity OR Ezuri's global elf effect. As a general rule, with a strong tribal build like this, do not include anything which doesn't fit your desired creature type. All it ultimately does is reduce your overall deck synergy.

In any case though, MUCH more reliable looking build you have here. I'd be eager to hear from you how differently it's playing now.

ClockworkSwordfish on Sachi, Extreme Sub $14 Budget EDH

4 years ago

Do you find you actually have enough uses for all that mana you will be generating? You could dump it all into something like Domesticated Hydra , Feral Hydra or Kazandu Tuskcaller as a win condition. Urza's Blueprints and/or Arcane Encyclopedia are likewise affordable card draw pieces that don't interfere with your land drops the way Mercadian Atlas does.

I also doubt Blanchwood Armor is much more expensive than Aspect of Wolf, or Whirlwind more than Crosswinds - just some ideas for upgrades!

Monti_Jones on Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant Combo (EDH)

5 years ago

Hi there!

Always nice to find another Sasaya player! This deck is a hard nut to crack but I think you are on the absolute right track. I will try to share what works for me. As you surely know the deck plays vastly differently with and without a fliped Sasaya, so I will give you my thoughts for each part, as well as a few general things I found useful.

Pre-flip: This is the part where every mana spent counts. Spells you want to cast here should be as cheap as possible and make flipping easier. It seems kinda obvious but: to have 7 lands in hand, you have to have at least 7 cards in hand! Keeping your card count high while playing spells and lands is key for a fast flip. Continuous card draw like Howling Mine works great for this, top deck manipulation with Sensei's Divining Top is also nice. Spells like Gatecreeper Vine are essentially a land in your hand while providing a blocker too. Ramunap Excavator and Crucible of Worlds let you play fetch lands or cycle lands from your graveyard keeping your stock in hand high. For that same reason Cultivate , Kodama's Reach , Peregrination and Khalni Gem are the best ramp spells you can get. Renegade Map , Traveler's Amulet and Wanderer's Twig push you over the threshold right before the turn you need it. Yes, they erode your hand size at first but that's right when Gaea's Bounty and the likes come in.

Post-flip: Great, you got 7 lands in hand and can flip! But what else? City of Solitude would be another Dosan to protect you, but the real problem is finding a payoff card in a deck that is almost 70% setup. As you already play the Portal and the Ring, I guess you'll like Skyship Weatherlight too. You'll run out of life before you run out of mana with Book of Rass . Personally I prefer cards I can play pre-flip and can activate post-flip. Domesticated Hydra or Unyaro Bees look stupid when you play them, but finish off the most dangerous opponent quickly. Temur Sabertooth can be used in too many ways to count. Polukranos, World Eater is a boardwipe (together with Khamal, a landwipe too) and finishes off whoever can't play a blocker fast enough. Realm Seekers are huge or can get a new set of lands, in case someone removes Sasaya.

My personal favorite: Oath of Druids ! You wouldn't think it works, but it simply does. It is a fast way to find Life, hitting a payoff creature means you don't have to cast it and the overall confusion when something big jumps out of another deck is a great distraction. Everytime I play it, the game is a blast!

General thoughts: A few things, that come to mind, because they work for me. Please see this as constructive critique you can ignore too, if you think your deck works for you. Because every extra land drop lowers your card count I really don't like additional land drops. While they are great for ramping pre-flip, they postpone the flip and become almost negligible post-flip. Essentially they are rituals and I only consider Summer Bloom worth the slot. I see you don't play any utility lands, but I think Glacial Chasm is just too good to pass up. While we're on the topic of utility lands, I really think you should reconsider on playing cards that give no maximum hand size too. To reiterate: you can only reveal 7 lands if you have at least 7 cards in hand. Having the leeway of more cards beside your lands is what makes the effect a must have in my opinion. Library of Leng and Thought Vessel are worth their slots for me, next to the Tower. You not playing this effect creates a spiral: you still have to get up to 7 lands but you can never not consider what to do at your cleanup, suddenly searching for multiple lands becomes worse, then you have less food for spell mastery or delirium. Everything together is costing you at least 1 turn pre-flip. Especially if you chose not to play "no maximum hand size"-cards, but also in general, playing lands from your graveyard is always a good way to preserve your hand size. You state the the wave chain as your best win condition and you are absolutely right, it is the best. Still I don't like the Memorial just for how useless it is pre-flip. Let's be honest if the first Wave hits an E-Wit, you can Wave for the whole deck. What you win the game with in the end doesn't really matter. I like Goblin Canon because it can still work pre-flip in a pinch and still works in the wave.

Too many cards to suggest but I hope there are some cards you want to try out. If you have questions I'll gladly follow up. Cheers!

nordic_shadow on Angry Omnath

5 years ago


Borderland Explorer (unless you have a reason to discard)

Domesticated Hydra (just a big body, you can do better)

Both Embodiments (put your lands at risk for removal spells and dont add too much power overall unless you have a full awakening synergy)

Tunneling Geopede (too small of an effect unless you have a way to truly abuse it)

Hammer of Purphoros (what aspect are you trying to abuse with it?)

Ground Assault (Try to find instant speed removal)

Lay of the Land (in two color deck, not really needed)

Font of Fertility (not great ramp, if you want something that could be played for 1 or 3, look for search for tomorrow)

Retreat to Kazandu (again, a very small effect, unless you want to run more fertilid effects [that is a cool synergy if you want to go that way])

Retreat to Valakut (just too small, need more widespread effects, especially at 3 mana)

Searing Blaze (doesnt hit too much and better to try unconditional kills)

DemonDragonJ on Iconic Masters Announced

7 years ago

Eladamri's Call and Cromat have never been reprinted, so I would like to see them reprinted in this set, and Worldly Tutor also should be here, as well, since it was left out of Eternal Masters in favor of Green Sun's Zenith.

As for iconic creatures, my predictions are as follows:

Angels: it is very safe to presume that both Serra Angel and Akroma, Angel of Wrath shall be in this set, hopefully, with new artwork for both, and I also would like to see Angelic Arbiter, Shepherd of the Lost, Angel of Jubilation, Pristine Angel, Iridescent Angel, Crypt Angel, Desolation Angel, Angel of Despair, Empyrial Archangel, and Archangel of Thune.

Demons: Lord of the Pit is one of the most iconic demons in the game, but some other excellent choices are Abyssal Persecutor, Archfiend of Depravity, Bloodgift Demon, Butcher of the Horde, Grinning Demon, Havoc Demon, Herald of Torment, Kagemaro, First to Suffer, Kuro, Pitlord, Lord of the Void, and Xathrid Demon.

Sphinxes: it was not until recently that sphinxes started to become powerful and efficient, but, thankfully, there ave been a number of excellent sphinxes made, recently, including Consecrated Sphinx, Conundrum Sphinx, Goliath Sphinx, Guardian of Tazeem, Medomai the Ageless, Sharuum the Hegemon, Sphinx of Jwar Isle, Sphinx of Magosi, Sphinx of the Steel Wind, and Sphinx of Uthuun.

Hydras: as with sphinxes, hydras only recently have been well-designed creatures, so some hydras that I would like to see in this set are Apocalypse Hydra, Domesticated Hydra, Genesis Hydra, Hydra Broodmaster, Hydra Omnivore, Kalonian Hydra, Khalni Hydra, Managorger Hydra, Primordial Hydra, Savageborn Hydra, Ulasht, the Hate Seed, and Vastwood Hydra.

Dragons: there are too many dragons for me too list all of them, but it is safe to presume that Shivan Dragon shall be in this set, hopefully with new artwork, and some of my top choices are Moonveil Dragon, Balefire Dragon, Dragon Tyrant, Ebon Dragon, Mirrorwing Dragon, Moltensteel Dragon, Scourge of Valkas, Stormbreath Dragon, Two-Headed Dragon, Utvara Hellkite, Vampiric Dragon, Viashivan Dragon, and Hellkite Overlord.

Wow, I certainly typed many card names in this post: I hope that I did not miss any. enter image description here

MrHighscore on Dehydrated Hydras

7 years ago

Notes for a revision, and some replies

There are some really good suggestions to the deck, but I know I am going to have a hard time cutting for them.







I should also make room for / consider


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