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Derevi, Empyrial Reanimator Stax

Commander / EDH Combo GWU (Bant)


This deck, like many edh decks, is a work in progress. I would love any card suggestions, especially ones that cost less than $5.

After lots of testing and playing, I found that the most efficient/successful variation on Derevi in my playgroup is a hybrid stax/reanimator. Boonweaver Combo is incredibly strong and has made Karador a tier one commander, so I had decided to use it as my wincon, but with some hands it can even be the primary goal of the deck, stax is also incredibly strong with many of the reanimator cards, as not needing to cast creatures, or creatures that generate more value with other cards, tend to be incredibly strong. Stax cards are a necessity in any Derevi deck, as they can single-handedly win you the game, preventing your opponents from answering your board, and allowing you to steal the win through superior mana and card advantage.

This is more-or-less (some cards I still need to pick up, but I have the money/cards to trade set aside) current state of my current IRL EDH deck. My lowest priority in it is the mana base, so cope :P, but I think I will get an Amulet of Vigor and call it a combo. But what is a decent priority is getting more tutors, and more h8bears

If you wanted to try this deck, I would recommend lots of test games, the interactions between the cards are quite strong, but the very nature of Derevi's abilities makes it hard to play optimally. My recommendation is to always lead on Derevi to draw out removal, and focus on keeping her in play, as she tends to act as an enabler, as if to further strengthen the combo, sac outlets are incredibly strong with derevi, allowing you to tap and untap multiple permanents you/opponents control.

Gameplan: Make someone else a target, slowly build up your board, pause the game with a stax card while you're winning, infinite combo and win with some boonweaver/reanimator combo.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

33 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.58
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elephant 3-3 G, Servo 1/1 C
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