Cruel Edict

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cruel Edict


Target opponent sacrifices a creature.

EDH 18 / 1
No Mercy feature for Queen Tribal

Profet93 on Mono black, pauper, control, burn, and combat

11 months ago

I actually think you want some cheaper removal all around. I havent played Pauper in 5 years but back then the common decks were Aggro, Hexproof (boggles? Basically hexproof with enchantments), MBC, Mono blue control and others.

Cruel Edict/Diabolic Edict. Some people prefer the instant speed, others prefer flashback. Also note, Geth's Verdict

I would cut 1 drinker and 1 agent for 2x Phyrexian Rager to help you maintain gas in the late game. or 1x rager and 1x Gurmag Angler as a beater for late game.

Icbrgr on Is Grixis Control Weak/Bad in …

3 years ago

I for one have my hopes for prismari command and would love to see grixis do good things with it (what you said sounds pretty good to me)....the only other countermagic i highly recommend to people that you didnt mention is good ol' Mana Leak ... much like Condescend its super generic/mana base friendly and is an allstar early-mid game.... a newer sweeper that I came across while playing MTGA is Storm's Wrath ... the fact that it catches walkers too seems like it could be pretty good?... never thought of silumgar as an option but honestly that seems pretty legit!

Cruel Ultimatum is definitely too slow for Modern in any competitive environment.... Unless the meta became Naya Zoo for some reason and Grixis control could just do whatever it wanted... I just Run Ultimatum because its Cruel Edict + Three Tragedies + Lava Axe + Raise Dead + Concentrate + Soothing Balm + Exile opponents soul.... It's my favorite card and got the playmat to match ;)

I was just wondering why when I looked into what SERIOUS Grixis control looks like nowadays it hasn't topped any events in so many years... That kinda bugs/concerns me way more that Ultimatum being obsoleted.... unfortunatly it just sounds like + splash whatever other color is just a case of "anything grixis can do I can do better" from the sounds of this thread.... oh well maybe someday Grixis Control will get what it needs to be a presence in the competitive landscape.

Tzefick on None

3 years ago

Ah... so we're back with the Swords :)

If you feel like snooping on the last round, feel free to check it out link.

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rdean14 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago


Liliana's Scheme


Each opponent discards X cards and sacrifices X creatures. Search library for X cards, put those cards into your hand, then shuffle your library.

For 6 mana, this does Burglar Rat's ETB, Cruel Edict, and Demonic Tutor,

9 mana is a 6 - for- one with two tutors, two discards, and two sacrifices

12 mana is likely going to get you into winning position with three tutors and such a depletion of opponents' resources.


Green! (inevitably the most powerful simply due to the mana ramp available)

FGG on Volrath the Hated One

4 years ago

Nice deck. We love your name too! Sounds like you'd fit in perfectly with FatGuyGaming! About your deck; Lol you really are putting hate on the board! Overall, it sounds like you accomplish your goal. Bouncing, slowing things down, STEALING, and removing stuff straight from the deck. Really going to turn some heads and fists!

A couple suggestions.

I don't get Garruk Wildspeaker and Crucible of Worlds in the deck. They are powerful in their own right, but I think I'm missing the synergy they provide to the deck; other than their own utility.

Your Stax package seems to be unsupported by the deck. Except Garruk Wildspeaker , Seedborn Muse , Wilderness Reclamation , there really isn't an opportunity for you to capitalize or synergize the Stax. Particularly, running 14 creatures seems like a shallow amount to get value from Opposition .

Random note: I'd consider adding in Force of Negation to your counter-package.

zerowner on Liliana Tribal Zombie/Demon

5 years ago

Dedicated zombie tribal could be cool, and it seems you're already headed in that direction, so I'd check for any specific zombie lords you're missing ( Lord of the Undead for example) if you want to pursue that direction for your deck.

As for specific adds and subtracts;

Subtracts; Killing Wave (people will just pay the life for what they want to keep, I'd replace this with Torment of Hailfire or Exsanguinate or an actual board wipe). Bontu's Last Reckoning almost makes you skip your entire next turn just so you can cast Damnation for one less mana. I'd recommend Mutilate over it if anything. Cruel Edict is bad, Liliana's Triumph and various other cards are much better for this effect, probably including Innocent Blood . Liliana's Elite is probably mediocre most of the time, Liliana's Reaver is just bad. Graveyard Marshal isn't actually great for zombies, there are lots of better ways to make zombie tokens if you want. I wouldn't recommend him. Desecration Demon will probably never be useful in EDH so I wouldn't recommend him, if your opponents really can't just handle taking the 6 damage to the face in the air then they'll definitely just have a creature to sacrifice to stop it. Its not a good card in EDH at all unfortunately. I think Greed or Erebos, God of the Dead > Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip. Also, I wouldn't recommend some of your planeswalkers; i love liliana but some of those cards are downright useless in EDH (if you manage to do a single thing with Liliana, Death Wielder I'd be shocked).

Add; Dictate of Erebos ( Grave Pact with flash). Dark Prophecy , Midnight Reaper and various other similar effects to help you draw more (which I think your deck will want to do, and black has a million options for drawing cards, especially when things die). Definitely Corpse Augur and Graveborn Muse too. Toxic Deluge is also a better board wipe than most of your removal. I'd probably recommend Stitcher's Apprentice as well, to help you get some cards in your graveyard. I'll think of more if you want, there's such a wide variety of cards to use in black zombies.

Also, your deck has multiple tutors, but not really any obvious win conditions to look for. Can you tell me what you think you'll be tutoring for most of the time? I'd say Gray Merchant of Asphodel as its probably your strongest card, but you also don't have much reanimation to back it up a lot of the time.

BS-T on Lost - a challenge of …

5 years ago

OK so I'd not been active on TO for a little while and after clearing up a bunch of notifications I popped over to my list of decks to find.... this nonsense:

I'd titled the list: "Lost".

Now. I'm pretty sure I've only stuck a 5c commander into the list because I had to put something, however, I now have no memory or idea what I was thinking of or where this was going - any thoughts on what my connection was!!??

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