this is just a list. Not a finished Deck! Please read first paragraph
A list of things that would be legal in Sisay, Weatherlight Captain with Jegantha, the Wellspring as the Companion (not as 99).
i know that current Sissay lists are better, this is more a Theory of Mind. Since its fun and since later new cards might give this deck more Toys.
If you think of clever ways to make potential Combos in Sideboard Work: Congratulations !!!
(Example: Some Legendary-Tutor would be awesome Wizards PLS
Eladamris Call + Murderous Redcap + Grumgully + Judith = Infinite Drain, could also work with other Persist + Grim Grin as legendary Sac Outlet)
You get the Idea?
Start brewing ^^
Actual Combo:
Always consider getting Teferi, Time Raveler before comboing. The only sweet Planeswalker we did not loose from War of the Spark by going COMPANION. The Combos lack Protection without him.
The Baseline: which gets all 5 Colors and a 7/7 Sisay
Assuming/Starting with Elk Thing (Haste/Not Summoning Sick), cast Sisay.
Use Elk mana to find Derevi. Sisay is a 6/6.
you could now find Aminatou to flicker Derevi. End with Untapped Elk = 1 more Sisay Activation.
If you assembled this everything that Untaps the Companion, or flickers Derevi=untapping the Companion is just free! If you have Oath Planeswalkers that can untap/flicker (depending on their loyalty!!) might be able to net you Mana. Therefore going for more complicated / Multi Activation Lines. Most notably Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner (WAR), allowing 2 Untaps. If you use Second Aminatou to Flicker Kiora you can go up to 3 Activation.
Also turns out Ral Zarek is better than just untapper, since in Loop his Minus is also the Win Condition.
So thats cool.
actually used Version of this: Show
It is similar to present-day sisay where you can use Derevi to chain Activations by untaping Cradle / Bloom Tender / Faeburrow Elder / (if you have the Colors).
(Ending with Oath + Aminatou + Bolas Loop normally, but Bolas is outruled for this Companion)
Back to possible Combos:
Najeela is also good to find, but we cant insta win from here. ATM / with above setup
Elk Thing (not Summoning Sick) + Sisay: find: Derevi - Aminatuo - Oath of Teferi - samut (use samut to untap the elk, needs W) - find Vannifar. (Haste from Samut) Use her to pod Sisay and find felidar. (now perma 2 Aminatou Activations + Felidar Loop) and you can Tutor ex Vela, or Omnath, or Saheli Rai for Infinite Cats -- WIN!
Ty to Cedh TV Discord Server for taking my idea and CedhTV/Mons for insta replying with a workable version of it.
You could skip Aminatou and Oath of Teferi and just get Samut (W for untap) and Vannifar + Felidar (blinking Derevi). for same Result as above.
Chain probably not perfectly clean.
Start from baseline. Get Kiora Behemoth Beckoner. look above Aminatou, Kiora + Oath of Teferi for correct usage of Aminatou.
3x Tutors Grabbing: Saffi Eriksdotter. Gerard, Weatherlight Hero, Grimgrin, Corpse-born.
Now Sac Saffi Targeting Gerard, Sac Derevi to Grimgrin, Sac Gerard.
Stack Triggers Gerard first, Saffi after. Saffi Trigger resolves brings back Jerard.
Gerard brings back Derevi and Saffi. With Derevi Untap ELK again.
Fetch Judith
Loop Saffi and Gerard. Profit.
Ty BTJ from a Discord for this one:
"Tsunami not that hard isnt it, just need derevi, aminatou, oath of teferi, another pw to untap (kiora/ral/gideon/etc) and 5 mana teferi to reset aminatou."
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria
Checked it out an BTJ is correct, you can use this to loop Aminatou (blinking Teferi + Kiora Behemoth Beckoner).
With baseline, and Kiora. Tutor for Teferi. Teferi tucks Aminatou. You use Second Kiora activation to once again tutor for Aminatou. And your back at the Start.
And then either draw your entire deck with second teferi Activation. Win with Lab Man or some random non legendary combopiece you can now cast (Felidar + Altar of the Brood...).
Or Tutor every legendary because you gain activations by using Aminatou to blink Kiora + Teferi (reseting Aminatou again)
You could alao consider the chain below:
The elk as companion in Sisay give her a huge upgrade in the competitive side. Complementing the yesterday video, you can consistently win on turn 2-3 by using the elk to search with sisay for Derevi (untap Elk) > Samut, Voice of dissent (W to untap Elk) > Najeela - attack with Derevi, Sisay and Najeela (get a warrior), and if you connect with at least 1 creature, you get the Derevi untap trigger to untap Elk and get additional combat steps with Najeela. ???? so excited to try out the consistency of it!
Thought of by: (as far as i know)
Diogo Matias, Statien
Extra Thoughts from me:
Turn 3 seems goldfishing .deck, but this was always meant as Brainstorming opportunity and not perfection.
Mulligan aggressivly, plan is hit Mana Crypt + GW Land + Dork (which produces or a second land in addition that produces W) i guess.
Actually works if you Mulligan to any Hand that provides 4 mana+G/R turn 2 (casting Companion). (ex. Crypt, 2 lands, dork). But you also need access to WW for turn 3 to cast Sisay and use Samut. Carpet seems interesting, makes it easier, but depends on OPs a lot.
Having both needed Pieces in Command+Companion Zone is nice (= Indepent from Mulligan, always "in Hand").
But you have to resolve both + make Elk survive a turn cycle. If you aggressively mulligan for this, the chance of extra protection is even less.
Also pretty sure if you put Vannifar+Felidar you can just go Win without using Combat Untaps + Najeela. Not sure. (maybe you would need to add a Win Outlet to blink).
3 Pieces if somehow combat comboing won't work - as a Backup Line.
- Ral + Chain of Smog
Ral, Storm Conduit and Chain of Smog (targeting yourself) is infinite. Sadly you loose your hand in the process, so Teferi to protect would be good
Other Ideas:
i was trying to get Persist or Reanimation to infinite Loops, but could not find something that works.
We just do not have a legendary that tutors ex. Persist / Karmic Guide / Reveilark (Saffi+Kroxa) / Sharuum.
Also thinking about Zur Lines (since we have a bunch of stuff that allows haste, and it could find Freed from the Real, Intruder Alarm or Aggrevated Assault), but it isnt terribly exciting.
Maybe Heliod Ballista Combo?, since we have legendary lands that tutor artifacts / Colorless cards.
Ok Ballista (XX Cost) does not work. Triskelion does though.
- Possibility Godo Helm is also easy. It is also possible to fetch Nazhan and grab Hammer of Nazhan. Then resolve Godo Trigger. Or Use Godo to get Hammer of Nazahn, then blink Godo with Aminatou fetching Helm of the Host with Autoequip.
At some point just started adding all good / potentially combo-pieces i could find, that are legendary and fit the no-double-mana-Symbols Rule. So Maybeboard is a bit clustered.
Also added some of the needed non-Legendary Combo Pieces.
Lucca would be fun consideration for Sissay, but has RR so not usable in this build.
Other Bad Combos i looked up today:
Zirda, the Dawnwaker combos with Grim Monolith, Basalt Monolith = good (him as commander is easiest, sadly tutors are bad.)
Bad Zirda Combos Show
And now Bad Combos with it, they all need creatures + Haste and more pieces:
Companion of the Trials (needs Gideon + Creature that taps for White + More)
Gauntlets of Light: again W+More Mana
Retrofitter Foundry + Ashnods Altar + Token Doubler OR Death Trigger
Staff of Domination: now infinite if Creature generates 3 mana (also not restricted to Colors)
Candelabra of Tanos: just makes 2 free Land untaps (you still ned to pay 1 i think, so X=3 or greater)
Voltaic Construct + Palladium Myr (infinite colorless, if you got other Myrs out you can funnel into other stuff, or if you got Artifact Animatiors, think Karn)
Pili-Pala + Paradise Mantel