Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way

Legendary Creature — Spirit

Whenever a legendary permanent other than Yomiji, Who Bars the Way is put into a graveyard from play, return that card to its owner's hand.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Redrock Sentinel
Rashka the Slayer
Reaping the Rewards
Chain of Silence
Apple of Eden, Isu Relic
Thran Weaponry

Coward_Token on [Yoshi and Roger] Legndawy Good Boi

8 months ago

Also, if you want a cooler (and much worse!) combo than Godo + Helm, there's Demonmail Hauberk/Fanatical Devotion + Yomiji, Who Bars the Way + both your commanders. Gives Yoshi infinitive counters.

libraryjoy on What strange old commanders do …

2 years ago

The oldest commander I've built and kept around is Asmira, Holy Avenger. It's probably due for a budget-y update as some of the cards are increasing in price and could probably be replaced with new cards (updates logged were just for editing description). We Who Are Going to Die Salute You - Asmira EDH and Asmira, Holy Avenger Budget Human EDH. At one time I had Kangee, Aerie Keeper, but no longer have a list for it.

I've built quite a few Kamigawa legends as well, including recently Patron of the Moon, Yomiji, Who Bars the Way, Celestial Kirin, and Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant  Flip

Idoneity on What strange old commanders do …

2 years ago

One of my very favourite things to do in a game of commander is to bash people with the antiquated. If they are to dree anything I impose, it shall be crouse and deadly. Brewing old legends, such as Hakim, Halfdane, and Yomiji, is a splendid reminder that the power creep of recent years cannot topple creativity.

Thus I must enquire, what weird wizened whoozies seem to have fun effects that just have not been replicated before? What have you done with them? And, to that end, what interesting stories are acquainted with these ravagers of the old?

Idoneity on Did I just solve white's …

3 years ago

This is a rather enticing methodology for mono-White to have card advantage. By the holy and numinous Colour Pie, it aligns quite well. In terms of gameplay standards, this could work.

I have had great success drawing cards in mono-White with my Yomiji commander deck. It loops baubles using a vast meiny of cards and ramp, thereupon being able to maintain pace with the table quite readily.

Shameless Plug

I like this. The cards are largely terrible, but I am aware that this is not the point. The mechanic is the cynosure, and this seems promising.

libraryjoy on Unique Commanders

3 years ago

Wydwen, the Biting Gale

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way

Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens

Skyfire Kirin or Bounteous Kirin

All of my suggestions (except the last) are decks I've built in the past that EDHREC has less than 100 decks on record for. I really enjoy Kamigawa stuff, and there's some room there to build really interesting things.

Idoneity on [Primer] I'm Darien you to hit me!

3 years ago

Ah, a fellow delver of Mono-White. I, too, have curated some cards for you.

I would just like to note that Wrath of God specifies that the creatures cannot be regenerated whilst Fanatical Devotion favours the ability to do so. Day of Judgment may be an embettered choice in this case, but having special versions of artwork can sway choice.

Selfless Squire seems a little counterintuitive with the strategy, given that you want to take damage to pump out idiots.

Have you seen the card Crackdown? It tends to deconstruct board states so that your deck dominates. Farewell, anyone else at the table.

Save for those, fantastic deck! I have a list in Yomiji, Who Bars the Way. It may be seen here, if you care.


acbooster on Interaction between Leyline of Singularity …

3 years ago

This came up in conversation when talking about my Spirit tribal decklist.

Yomiji, Who Bars the Way has a triggered ability that will return a legendary permanent card back to the hand from the graveyard if it enters the graveyard from the battlefield.

Leyline of Singularity makes all nonland permanents legendary.

Let's say my Rattlechains dies with both of these on the field. It's a legendary creature when it leaves the battlefield, so Yomiji sees a legendary. Does the card still go back to my hand, even though it's no longer legendary once it enters the graveyard?

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