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Dungrove Elder
Creature — Treefolk
Hexproof (This creature can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)
Dungrove Elder's power and toughness are each equal to the number of Forests you control.
_Delta_ on Simic Lands
2 years ago
Also Rites of Flourishing or Teferi's Ageless Insight would be a decent swap for Staff of Nin. There are a lot of better effects for drawing cards.
Consider a few creatures like Dungrove Elder, Centaur Vinecrasher, Awakened Amalgam, Beanstalk Giant, as well as perhaps some more spells to take better advantage of all the mana you should be able to generate.
Drestlin on G/W +1/+1 counters exile
2 years ago
Oh wow the cost of that card, not for me XD I have a set of rishka, Prema renegade, missing the others. I hadn't considered ramping on opponents turns, that does sound pretty nice.
I need some giant €cheap creatures to dump on the table. On the other hand, Vizier of Remedies + Devoted Druid and you have infinite way faster than fishing or other forms of ramping. By turn 4, possibly even before with some other ramping shenanigans I can't think of right now. Maybe it's the rest of the combo to fish out all the lands. At that point one might want some stuff like Dungrove Elder or an old Ivy Elemental. Just need to keep it alive for a turn or give it trample.
Drestlin on Hexproof ramp n pump
2 years ago
I've found that having that +3 +4 +5 from Primal Bellow and Blanchwood Armor sinergizes nicely with Dungrove Elder; they are also a nice pump to have against -something/-something in case i don't happen to have a vines to keep a Talara's Battalion down Harrow is also another way to put down Talara's Battalion on turn 3. Always loved the fact that you put lands untapped. Tried to use Cultivate but it's definitely not the same - lmk what i could change it for!
Fog has been a recent addition that i actually have not tested yet (but wanted to post the latest "version" of the deck here), so i could ditch it. i was running 3x Sylvan Caryatid but found them kinda useless both as defense and/or for mana.
Basically, i have run 3x Sylvan Caryatid instead of 3x Silhana Ledgewalker and 1 extra of Rancor Vines of Vastwood and Primal Bellow instead of the 3x Fog. Also a single Fertile Ground for an Abundant Harvest but i feel like the second ones are more useful and flexible. Found that often i have extra Rancor in my hand and that feels meh but agreen Fog might be on the useless side.
What would you change those cards for instead?
Maxcoh on Yeva - Mono Green
3 years ago
Some New Additions, not going to say what was removed but in most cases the cards that came out were underperforming cards that were either just big threats like Dungrove Elder or worse versions of cards that got added such as Garruk's Horde:
Elvish Mystic - I tried to not put in just a 1/1 mana dork for as long as I could but honestly there's no reason not too. Especially now with the extra card draw/play from the top of the deck it is not a dead card late so it becomes so much better.
Outland Liberator Flip - So this actually is something that I thought would be good to talk about. Krosan Grip was actually the card that came out here. In a sense, I'm trading split second for the fact that it's a creature card so that I can cast it off the top of the deck or as an instant. It's also cool because the werewolf cards from the new Innistrad pair SUPER well with Yeva since you can just pass your turn a lot of the time to flip them and then cast your creatures on their turns. I'll keep an eye out for other of the new wolves that would fit in well (or maybe even some old ones depending).
Tireless Tracker - So yeah. Card is just nuts. Card draw engine that turns itself into a threat. I added A LOT of more ramp in this version as well so this guy can benefit a lot from some of the other new cards. This also gives me the idea to look at some other landfall cards in the future as well, right now it's just this and Baru, Fist of Krosa that really benefit but we'll see.
Vizier of the Menagerie - Yeah so this is just a 4 CMC Garruk's Horde. Not much else to say. Also doesn't make you reveal which is also pretty nice.
Kodama's Reach, Nature's Lore, Skyshroud Claim, Khalni Heart Expedition - These all fill into the "really good ramp spells" category so yeah they all came in. Kodama's might be on the chopping block if I need to cut a ramp spell first, or maybe Ranger's Path.
Lifecrafter's Bestiary - One of those "just belongs in green creature deck cards". Turns things into card draw for extra mana, smooths out your draws just by existing. Great card.
Thought Vessel - Just honestly a small good mana rock with minor benefit. Just testing this out, could also be replaced pretty easily.
Helix Pinnacle - Probably the card I'm most excited about trying in the deck. With all these untap land effects, mana doubling, instant speed cards, this seems like a reallllllly good way to win. It's cheap, efficient and you can definitely pump out 100 mana in a turn cycle with this deck.
Autumn's Veil - Worse Veil of Summer is probably still worth it.
Hunter's Insight - This is maybe good card draw? Honestly just checking on it, probably at this point it could just get taken out but we'll see.
Thoughts about the deck: The deck now functions how I think it should pretty consistently. You ramp and then hold up mana to play threats and draw a bunch of cards. Newer cards added a lot of depth and trickiness to the deck and I'm going to continue in that direction.
Next steps - Craterhoof Behemoth and Avenger of Zendikar are cards I'm looking at just because that just ends the game. Tooth and Nail in addition to those two maybe but I'll have to get and test them first to see how it plays.
mx439 on Volo's Legion
3 years ago
Update 10/29/21:
Major changes have been made.
Out: Snow-Covered Island, Beast Whisperer, Crash of Rhino Beetles, Dungrove Elder, Neverwinter Hydra, Omnath, Locus of Mana, Reclamation Sage, Seedborn Muse, Deepglow Skate, Icebreaker Kraken, Rite of Replication.
In: Halimar Depths, Rampant Growth, Migratory Greathorn, Majestic Myriarch, Gemrazer, Sky Diamond, Simic Signet, Clone, Serum Visions, Telling Time, Whelming Wave.
STARMOTHER on Budget Treefolk
3 years ago
Hey NonetheWeisser thanks for the suggestion. I didn't put it in because I have quite a few cards like Dauntless Dourbark and Dungrove Elder which already have same power and toughness. Also the activated ability is not super useful because I have no defenders anyway. Maybe I just don't understand the use of Assault Formation? Let me know if you have other thoughts!
dannecticut on
3 years ago
Yorvo feels pretty meh to me. No haste, no trample, no removal resistance. Just a big body that has to stick and then can still be chump blocked. Not a top tier 3-drop for us IMO.
Sylvan Anthem looks tempting, but it requires a bunch of other cards to be on the battlefield in order to be good. I think the question is: What is it better than that you would take out in order to include it? For me the answer is nothing.
I think I see your point about Lair of the Hydra , but I'm still not sold on it. I still bring this version of Stompy to my LGS: Hexdrinker Stompy, and I haven't run into much board-wipe there so on turns when I am attacking with Treetop Village I have found that I also want mana for Hexdrinker or Aspect of Hydra or Blossoming Defense or Scavenging Ooze or sideboard tech or something other than just one big mana sink. It's rare for me to have more than 4 or 5 lands out, so there's only so big I think I'd be able to make it anyway. But I could see the argument for Lair if I was running this version with mana dorks and an extra Forest, and if there was more control in my meta.
I'm definitely open to Oath not being the best choice. I do like how it smooths out draws though. This list seems more picky about what is in its opening hand than a more traditional list loaded with more or less interchangeable aggressive 1 and 2-drops would be. Here, any hand that doesn't have a mana dork, a 3-drop, and sufficient land feels bad. Oath can help with all of those pieces. Being able to dig a bit in grindy games seems useful too. I could see cutting down to 3 for a Dungrove Elder for sure though.
dannecticut on
3 years ago
AttackDude, Werewolf Pack Leader is definitely in. In fact, my preorder just shipped today, so I'm excited to try her out soon!
Your Treefolk deck reminded me of Dungrove Elder . Could be a good card to add too. Maybe split 2:2 with Groundbreaker .
I'm not sure about Lair of the Hydra . It's cool that it can come in untapped sometimes, but it takes 4 mana to become a worse creature than Treetop Village becomes for only 2 mana, so I don't think it's as good.
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