Emergency Powers

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Emergency Powers


Each player shuffles their hand and graveyard into their library, then draws seven cards. Exile Emergency Powers.

Addendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may put a permanent card with converted mana cost 7 or less from your hand onto the battlefield.

Crow_Umbra on Welcome to art class, time to draw. (Suggestions)

1 year ago

In regards to cuts as a general rule of thumb, I'd recommend re-examining your cards above 6 cmc currently in your deck, and any cards with a heavy investment (3 or more pips) in a single color. You want to increase your likelihood of being able to play the stuff you draw into. I think of all your heavier cmc spells, Vanquish the Horde makes the cut and Emergency Powers is on the bubble, but the rest can likely be trimmed out. It's hard to justify the inclusion of some cards with both a steep cmc and heavy color investment in a 3 color deck.

I'd also generally suggest re-examining any cards that require you to jump through hoops for a potential pay-off.

Breena, the Demagogue can be an awesome draw option that your opponents will benefit from, but she will in turn get huge and can snipe people if not dealt with.

Mystic Remora is an excellent option for draw, and should be cheaper due to recent reprinting. Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, and Village Rites are all potential instant speed options that you could utilize, especially in response to someone trying to remove one of your creatures. Beat them to the punch, draw, then punish them for it.

You could also add some draw into your mana base with stuff like Silent Clearing, Geier Reach Sanitarium, and Mind Stone.

Lastly, I'd suggest reconsidering all of your copy enchantment effects. Cut 1-2 of them, since those are all dependent on having something else out worth copying. Otherwise, they just kinda sit in your hand doing nothing. That was something I discovered when I used to play Tuvasa the Sunlit lol.

Best of luck!


3 years ago

DadHumanPraetor on Planeswalker Anti-Defamation League Redux

3 years ago

Promise of Loyalty is good here. Nevinyrral's Disk kills everything except your walkers. I also run Jokulhaups but I know not everyone is cool with MLD. It does work nicely with your Smothering Tithe too. Combine with Boros Charm for a win ;)

Pramikon, Sky Rampart and Mystic Barrier help keep your walkers safe from attacks. I run Meekstone as well, but you have some big guys in your list so idk if youd want it. Karmic Justice is a nice deterrent for removal spells.

Narset Transcendent Chandra, Torch of Defiance Jace, Unraveler of Secrets Will Kenrith and Rowan Kenrith and Dovin Baan all have insane emblems.

The Wanderer Narset, Parter of Veils Teyo, the Shieldmage Tibalt, Rakish Instigator are all good obstacles to your opponents game plans.

I run Narset + Wheels, but that's another salty combo so it depends on your group. You have Emergency Powers so Day's Undoing Whirlpool Warrior or Windfall aren't too far off. Add in a Solve the Equation and a Drift of Phantasms to search up the combo.

Ajani Vengeant is another one that you should only run if your group is ok with land destruction.

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is obviously great but I know not everyone has the budget for him.

Tezzeret's Gambit is a flavorful draw spell for 3 generic and 2 life.

Just thoughts. I see you are doing more of a token theme. I personally focus more on wraths and resource denial to keep opponents from advancing their boards until I can get emblems. I admit that everyone HATES my version, but I love it lol. Cool deck.

Pastlebox on Varina's Zombie Knights! - 2022-06-08

3 years ago

"Replaced Merciless Eviction with Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant Reason: The instant speed removal potential of Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant and the several sacrifice outlets in the deck, plus being free with Rooftop Storm , makes this a better include. While the deck can recover from having it's perminants exiled, it isn't something I'm overly keen on rebuilding through.

Replaced Animate Dead with Necromancy Reason: Necromancy lets me return and sacrifice Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant during my oppponents' turns, which is awesome. It also gives Nev more flexibility at creating tapped 2/2 zombies following any of their own board wipes.

Replaced Liliana's Standard Bearer with Rhystic Study Reason: Liliana's Standard Bearer is just too situational. I've kept it in my sideboard to help depower the deck depending on the playgroup. I really like it and it does work well with Haakon.

Replaced Gilded Lotus with Ancient Tomb Reason: Having the fast land is better than a 5CMC artifact.

Replaced Mystical Tutor with Leyline of Anticipation Reason: There are too few instant and sorceries for me to be able to justify this. I've found that having the ability to generate infinite mana with Gravecrawler and Phyrexian Altar is much better. Or instant speed wraths with Damnation .

Replaced Scheming Symmetry with Intuition Reason: I wanted to reduce the number of tutor effects in the deck, though I've had a spare Intuition for some time and really wanted to find a home for it. It seems to work really well, especially with Sevinne's Reclamation

Replaced Silence with Trickbind Reason: Silence was there to help me secure the win if I need to go through the Dream Halls but the majority of the time, if I've managed to get down Notion Thief first and wheel, then it does the same effect. Trickbind does also give me protection against planeswalker abilities and most graveyard exile effects.

Replaced Dramatic Reversal with Mind Over Matter Reason: I had looked to play online, with one discord channel advising that I would need to remove the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo, as it would be too strong. They also told me to remove Mana Crypt , though this is partly a deck designed to use some of my more expensive cards and make Varina as optimized as possible while still keeping the zombie theme. Adding in Mind Over Matter was a lucky find. In order for the infinite loop, I need to discard my deck to my graveyard. I enjoy the 4 blue mana cost, as it's harder to reach that devotion. Thankfully, with the treasure tokens from Smothering Tithe and Replenish to cheat it back into play.

Replaced Isochron Scepter with Emergency Powers Reason: Removing the Scepter makes sense as it's not required for the infinite loop anymore. But I've found that adding a 3rd Timetwister effect means a higher chance of drawing into one following a previous instance, like Echo of Eons + Time Spiral . These work really nicely with Narset's Reversal and God-Eternal Kefnet , as both bypass the exile clause on a lot of these cards - in addition to Teferi's Protection . Being instant speed also gives me a layer of protection against graveyard exile effects."

jwatt154 on Jeremy Lincoln

5 years ago

You might want to look into Emergency Powers instead of Echo of Eons. It cost one more but if at sorcery speed you get a free play cmc7 or less also it could be used at instant speed

kamelyan on 'Tis the Season for Some Huggin'

5 years ago

My last game of 2019 ended in a five-player tie after a four-and-a-half hour match. Exquisite.

At one point, I had Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Anvil of Bogardan , and Walking Archive out on the field. Most of the board had been wiped by a "destroy all nonland, nonartifact permanents" spell (which was warranted, since I had basically my whole deck on board). With all the card draws I had, I also had over one hundred treasure tokens from the recently removed Smothering Tithe (great card, by the way; even better with Teferi's Puzzle Box ). I dumped it all into Walking Archive , now with twenty-six counters.

It looked like I was about to win; each of my opponents had less than thirty cards in the library (one even at seven). But in the true spirit of my deck, I cast Emergency Powers , effectively resetting the game.

To think, this all started because I wanted an excuse to run Haunted Angel .

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