Commander's Insignia

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Commander's Insignia


Creatures you control get +1/+1 for each time you've cast your commander from the command zone this game.

Shaddaran on

1 year ago

This deck is not legal : Warping Wurm is of Simic Identity, Tsunami is of Green Identity, Spatial Binding is of Dimmir Identity and that deck is of Jeskai Identity.

That being said, the core mecanic of it seems to be a waiting game toying with phasing while stuff goes boom (Armageddon Clock, Time Bomb...), pushing opponents to forfeit by ruining their manabase or to voltron-ish out with Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker (Also, since phasing is neither a cast nor an ETB trigger, Commander's Insignia seems of poor value here).

There is a bunch of stuff that seems to have no interest whatsoever to further this deck agenda (such as Thran Lens, the Sphere of Duty and the other spheres, etc...) which could hold fairly more interesting cards instead. There is no particular synergy between the commander(s) and the deck in itself, questioning why those in specific.

It feels like the deck hopes to be annoying enough to get you to victory... I mean it's not illegal... (some even jackoff on that)... but then if that's the flavor of it, there is fairly better way to achieve that goal, so I'm wondering what's the core mecanic you intended ?

On a building note, I have a hard time believing a 3 colors deck working well with basic lands only, but I'm a heavy user of none basic, so... this deck feels like it never has been built, feels really theorical and not actually functional.

There is a bunch of stample of the phasing mecanic you missed, such as Teferi's Protection, Teferi's Isle, Out of Time... that could get great value... the combo from Hexi180 with Balancing Act if a clear finisher, since it doesn't exclude lands...

I don't comment often, I hope this will be taken in a way that helps you to possibly improve it, this has no intention to seems harsh but I know how written wordings can be. I've a good list of worked on deck and I wanted to help, I tend to try to give some "flavor" to them rather than just piling on powerful card... If you wanna chat about it and discuss more feel free to.

KBK7101 on Cards that getting stronger

3 years ago

Commander's Insignia seems like it would fit what you're looking for. Same with cards from the Storm cycle from C18 - Fury Storm, Echo Storm, Skull Storm, Genesis Storm and Empyrial Storm.

If any of these cards interest you, a really low cost commander like Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh would be a good fit.

I'm at a loss for anything else at the moment. Sorry!

colinboyden on Primal Genesis

3 years ago

Replacing Commander's Insignia with Mirari's Wake Replacing Tectonic Hellion with Armada Wurm Replacing Scaretiller with Rampant Growth Replacing Voice of Many with Garruk's Uprising Replacing Cliffside Rescuer with Swiftfoot Boots Replace Roc egg with one of these ghoofprints of the stag, luminarch ascension, moonsilver spear,seraphic greatsword, serra the benevolent, starnheim unleashed,

TypicalTimmy on Commander Deckbuilding Advice - A …

3 years ago

I build my decks to do 2 - 3 things max. Aside from ramp and draw, which every deck wants to have.

Let's look at Daxos the Returned. What does he want?

  • Enchantments
  • Tokens

Okay. Let's see. We know we want to get tokens out, and we see his activated ability is not a tap ability. So we should take advantage of this and have an immense amount of mana rocks. Yes these are artifacts, but what we want is to be able to activate his ability 3, 4 or even 5 times per turn. We need the mana, so we need the slots.

Next, we know we want enchantments. Let's look at what type of tokens he creates: They are both and tokens, so enchantments such as Bad Moon and Honor of the Pure work beautifully as early-game curve pieces, or late-game fast plays. Then you also have Righteous War which will hold synergy with both colors.

But an army of tokens isn't enough; You also want to stop opponents from interacting with you. Here, you can choose one of three routes:

  • Lay hard into prisons so that nobody can touch you
  • Lay hard into death & taxes to destroy plays
  • Mixture of both

This comes down to your personal meta. If your meta sees lots of heavy combat, prisons are best. If your meta sees lots of combos and big plays, D&T is best. If your meta sees both, mixed is best.

But all things should revolve around Daxos pumping up his tokens. True Conviction, Whip of Erebos, Ethereal Absolution, Brave the Sands, Commander's Insignia, Death Pit Offering (Wonderful after a wrath, or early game), Etchings of the Chosen will protect Daxos... and these are just pump spells. There's so much more you can have going on in there, such as: Anointed Procession, Divine Visitation, Song of the Worldsoul, Sigil of the Empty Throne... you can combo Conspiracy with Endless Ranks of the Dead... if you give them lifelink, through the plethora of enchantments that do so, you have Necropotence, Greed and Erebos, God of the Dead who all serve as draw engines...

So my Daxos deck would do the following:

  • Ramp INSANELY hard
  • Massive amounts of enchantment anthems
  • A mixture of prisons and stax effects

Go wide and tall at the same time while building offensive and defensive positions. No card you draw into will ever be a dud, because it'll always serve to strengthen your boardstate.

SquishyIsMe on Extus and the blood avatar

3 years ago

Lots of this is what I would put in this deck, a few swap outs for creatures could be more ETB creatures that way if you cast Extus for his front you can get double value out of them. Stuff like Plaguecrafter Shriekmaw and Slum Reaper are just a few of those examples. Also doubling on Extus's ability might prove useful so stuff like Ravos, Soultender and Sheoldred, Whispering One would also make great additions. Since The back side cares about sacrificing creatures tokens are an easy way to get things to sac for the sorcery side so doubling up with Anointed Procession is a good idea. If we cast the Sorcery side a bunch of times we can also get a lot of value out of cards like Empyrial Storm Skull Storm and Fury Storm allows us to copy those spells in multiple instances as well as a Commander's Insignia may prove useful if you want to swing with creatures/tokens. Swap kill spells and throw in spells that make your opponents sacrifice as the Sorcery side already does that and throw in a Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip to get more benefit (Had to fix my first comment mb)

ezio2907 on

4 years ago

You want to be left alone until you can cast your angels. Cards like Thalia, Heretic Cathar & Kambal, Consul of Allocation can help while the other players are going to hate you more. Making it a little harder in the mid/late game. I would defiantly skip Thalia, Heretic Cathar for that reason. Kambal, Consul of Allocation can at least deal damage and gain your life.

Lives are a resource for sure. Just watch out with Vona, Butcher of Magan that he will not suck you dry. That is a woman's job XD.

Killing Wave you want to cast for x is high. Do really want to pay that much life for all your creatures? I would skip this and play a real board wipe.

I think that you will not use Obzedat's Aid very well. You can get back an artifact (mostly ramp in your case) == bad. You can get back a planeswalker (if they got it away once, they can it again if you spent your turn on returning it) == (in my opinion) bad. You can get an enchantment back == good (in some cases). Most of the enchantment won't reach the graveyard. But it can good. You can get back a creature == good for less mana. There are a lot of better regeneration spells. They can be used more or for less.

That is why I would suggest not to play Obzedat's Aid. It is not mana efficient enough versus versatility.

From Reign of the Pit & Syphon Flesh you get a creature(s). But would it not better to choose for them? Just killing everything?

Your creatures will not always be the biggest on the table. But why do you use Ethereal Absolution instead of the cheaper options? Glorious Anthem, Always Watching, Commander's Insignia, Force of Virtue or Spear of Heliod. Graveyard hate is a benefit. But I think you can spend your mana better than that.

True Conviction is good but watch that one. Ask yourself "Do I want to play it? Or do I prefer something else? When is this good and when is it bad?". I think that it is bad in most cases and too late when you need it.

I understand that you want the lifegain and ping from Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord. But know that the -x you can use it on 9 creatures (for now) on the turn it enters the game. Also, remember that the lifegain is only for during your turn. Is it worth it?

I don't think that Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath can give you a lot of value. It can be me but I don't like this card.

Why Elspeth, Sun's Champion? You get tokens for 6 mana or destroy all your creatures and some of the opponent creatures. Is that worth it? Or do you play it because you have it lying around?

For Aetherflux Reservoir you probably will never be high enough with this on the board. You don't cast a lot of spells in a turn so you must be happy if you gain 3 lives in a round from it. This is not the deck for it.

Moonlight Bargain is 5 mana + 10 lives for draw 5. Promise of Power is the better version of it. It is on sorcery speed, but cost 5 lives less and you can also get a big beater from it if you pay extra.

For now I think that you are not using enough instant speed tricks that require you to hold up mana. That makes that when you hold up mana for Batwing Brume there is a big chance that you don't need it now and want to cast it later instead. Making you not spend some mana in the round. I would skip this card.

If I look at the curve then I would think about playing 36/37/38 lands. You need a lot of mana for your creatures and you miss green to ramp well. You can use cards like Hagra Mauling  Flip & Ondu Inversion  Flip to make it a little easier.

sub780lime on Rin and Seri

4 years ago

I really like Oketra's Monument in here. I would probably drop Fiery Emancipation (this may move too far away from your commander's activated ability being a primary strategy) and go with an anthem strategy overall as you acquire cards to slot in. Glorious Anthem, Gaea's Anthem, Dictate of Heliod, and, Beastmaster Ascension would all be solid in here. Other targets for removal for me would be Commander's Insignia and True Conviction. True Conviction can be great, but it seems a bit win more as opposed to just going wide and pumping through anthems. Beyond those, if you do lean into the anthem strategy, consider Mirari's Wake, Force of Virtue (can be a fun free play), Collective Blessing, and Spear of Heliod. You might even consider Intangible Virtue.

Have you considered Strionic Resonator to copy your commander's triggers?

Consider Blasphemous Act to replace Chain Reaction.

Consider Shared Animosity in place of Volatile Claws.

I see Heroic Intervention. I think I would also want Teferi's Protection. As a budget replacement, Eerie Interlude can still save a big junk of your board.

Card draw seems light. Just some various options: Runic Armasaur, Mind's Eye, The Immortal Sun (anthem as well), Shamanic Revelation or Collective Unconscious, and, if you want to play in further on tokens, Ulvenwald Mysteries.

I agree on getting the token doublers in here and I also agree they are pricey :). A more budget option would be Second Harvest.

For win-cons, if you decide to switch to a Timmy approach, Craterhoof Behemoth is an obvious choice, and Thunderfoot Baloth would also fit nicely. With all your anthems (assuming you go that route), Humility would certainly be fun. Doesn't see much play, but a janky win con requiring setup is pairing Touch of the Eternal with enchantment destruction on the last end step before your turn, plus you usually want some protection in there. Like I said, a lot of setup :).

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