Brightclimb Pathway


Grimclimb Pathway  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brightclimb Pathway


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kamarupa on Tripwire

1 month ago

While I think this deck has a lot of places that can be improved on, one thing you've done well is keep most of your spells to 3 or less mana to cast. Your mana curve looks pretty good - well done!

Now, on to some broad stroke places for possible improvements:

I think you should add "Budget" and "Casual" to your listed hubs.

I'm not sure what your reason for so many singletons is - are you constrained by what you have in paper? Or basing this off a Commander build? I'd strongly recommend reducing your singletons as much as possible by focusing on 3-5 creatures that are your strongest, most synergized. This will improve the deck's consistency and that makes it win faster and more often. It can also help allow for a more effective sideboard. You seem to have the most Vampires, so perhaps going for a Vampire tribal build? If you do go for Vampires, you might consider dropping white altogether. That would make your mana-base a lot cheaper to make consistent and help you cast the spells that require two or more black mana.

I notice you also have 67 spells here. I suggest reducing the deck by 7 to hit the minimum, as this, like narrowing which creatures you include, will drastically improve consistency.

Finally, if you keep the deck b/w, I'd suggest trying to improve your land base by incorporating some dual lands. While it's never great to slow down a deck with lands that enter tapped, it's even worse to not have the right color mana to cast spells. I lean toward the scry lands (Temple of Silence) as being the most valuable trade off for entering tapped, though you might prefer the life gain lands (Scoured Barrens) to fit your lifegain theme. Or conversely, if you gain enough life, a pain land might fit well (Caves of Koilos). If you can swing the money, the path lands are pretty nice (Brightclimb Pathway  Flip) or fast lands (Concealed Courtyard). I don't like the check lands (Isolated Chapel) or reveal lands (Shineshadow Snarl) because they work best with the always expensive shock lands (Godless Shrinefoil) and I don't have the kind of money.

I hope that helps!

nuperokaso on Orzhov Sacrifice Clerics

1 year ago

Don't play Karoo, Sunlit Marsh, Goldmire Bridge and The Fair Basilica.

Instead play Shambling Vent, Isolated Chapel, Caves of Koilos, Silverquill Campus, Shineshadow Snarl, Orzhov Basilica, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, Fetid Heath.

Shaile, Dean of Radiance  Flip has no real synergy with your deck. Replace it with Bygone Bishop, which is a good Cleric

This type of decks is usually called "Aristocrats". If you really want to be a sacrifice deck, you should add additional cards that trigger whenever a creature dies, such as Sanguinary Priest, Rotlung Reanimator, Blood Artist or Cruel Celebrant.

legendofa on Deck Crisis

2 years ago

Welcome to the club, Morgothman! Do you have a preferred color set or strategy? Is there a special card or combo you want to include?

Broadly speaking, if you can get a budget mana base, the rest of the deck will follow, and the mana base is often the most expensive part. Lands like Yavimaya Coast, Shadowblood Ridge, and Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, artifacts like Izzet Signet and Sol Ring, and spells like Spoils of Victory and Farhaven Elf can help deliver reliability on the cheap.

Here's a deck I've been tinkering with recently, specifically intended to be under $100. Early tests are promising. (The description isn't fully fleshed out yet, my apologies.)

The Vampire Grave Eater!

Commander / EDH legendofa


lhetrick13 on Modern Doran Company

2 years ago

Been a while since I have seen this deck cycled! How have the changes been playing out? Feeling like the deck has got its competitive edge back yet?

My only suggestion with the changes would be maybe dropping something else in for Caves of Koilos. I mean, you are running fetch, shock, and triome lands so I am surprised to see that in there. I would think Silent Clearing being a similar pain land but with draw potential or a filter land like Fetid Heath would be better choices. Another option would be to add in a pathway land like Brightclimb Pathway  Flip as Caves of Koilos are not fetchable anyways. That would reduce the amount of pain lands you are running which may be a good idea.

rambunctiousOrator on it's a deck alright

2 years ago

Hey, sweet deck. Let's take a look at win conditions and lands. I've identified a problem with your deck: You aggressively want to control the board with your 1-3 drops. While other players are playing 6 mana bombs every turn your are trying to eke out board advantage with 3 or 4 creatures a turn.

  • You don't need board wipes in this deck, they actively go against your game-plan, and in no way help you win.
  • Less removal in general. I counted 18 pieces of removal in your instants and sorceries. Keep Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Damn and get rid of the rest. You ARE the threat, if your deck is running slowly to the point that you feel like you need removal, you need better creatures.

As for lands, use this mana base.


How would I change your win condition...well you are trying to do knight tribal...

Consider these cards:

Remove these cards:

-15 pieces of removal from instants and sorceries, keep Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Damn

Good luck, and happy hunting. Let me know if you want to continue the conversation or have questions

magicbike on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

2 years ago

1xInspiring Vantage 1XConcealed Courtyard 1xBrightclimb Pathway  Flip 1XBlightstep Pathway  Flip 1xNeedleverge Pathway  Flip 1xRugged Prairie 1xFetid Heath 1xGraven Cairns

haha hey i did it markt te cards lets gooo learning

i bought these can you guys help me with looking for witch one to take out first

AstroAA on How Many Dual Lands Should …

2 years ago

In regard to your question of Silent Clearing and War Room - card draw wins games, and you can never have too much of it unless you kill yourself with it. I would definitely run Silent Clearing, and possibly War Room.

If I were to build a Black/White deck, my base for lands that tap for either color would look something like this:

Then, depending on if you feel like you need more, you could run the following:

I tend to stay away from lands that have a condition where they either entered tapped or untapped, and I straight up avoid lands that enter tapped. The Battlebond cycle, (Vault of Champions), is an exception because if you are playing commander, then they will enter untapped as you probably are playing multiplayer. Lands like Isolated Chapel more than likely will enter untapped, but there is a nonzero possibility of a situation like them being in your opening hand and you only have lands like Reliquary Tower or Command Tower in it as well, causing it to more than likely enter tapped.

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