Drake Umbra

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Drake Umbra

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +3/+3 and has flying.

Totem armor (If enchanted creature would be destroyed, instead remove all damage fromn it and destroy this Aura.)

Coward_Token on The Conquistadors of Hernán Cortés | Elenda EDH

4 years ago

Yeah, with some thinking I agree. Also good catch on the recursion possibility. Still unsure about the Bat tho, it feels a bit underwhelming for a conditional CMC 6 spell. I get that there's a pretty good package of Hero's Downfall and Drake Umbra (kinda), but the former gets kinda awkward when you ideally want to constantly keep it ready in your back pocket for instant speed reactionary removal, while the latter is something you want to bust out a bit earlier in preparation for wipes.

NEXTGener4tion on

5 years ago

Hi willarevalo_95, I really like your take on Tuvasa the Sunlit . To improve the deck you should be clear about your game plan and how you want to win. Obviously your budget is important for deck building as well. Additionally you should keep the meta in your playgroup in mind: Do they play creature heavy decks - throw in some boardwipes, do they tend to combo off in late game - play more countermagic and so on. With that said I'm going over the different card types in your deck.


Because your commander is based on enchantments I think the amount you run is fine, maybe throw in some more (looking at you Enchanted Evening ). But I would cut down Abundant Growth since it doesn't ramp you (put in Birds of Paradise instead, they will ramp into your commander) and put in one or two more Umbras to give your commander totem armor ( Octopus Umbra to boost your commanders P/T by 8(!) and Drake Umbra for some evasion). I would play Myth Unbound as well to reduce commander tax in case Tuvasa does get killed.

Here I would like to mention in the second ability of your commander. You get to draw for the first enchantment you play each turn so not only your own but on opponents as well. Thats why i would play some more cards with flash and cards that give your spells flash (e.g. Epic Proportions , Sigarda's Aid , Leyline of Anticipation , Alchemist's Refuge and maybe Vedalken Orrery ). Then you can maximize your draw.


Regarding lands, I would just add Alchemist's Refuge for flash and its up to you whether to cut a land and which kind.


Especially when you plan to play more with flash, your instants become much more valuable. Spot-removal ( Beast Within ), protection ( Heroic Intervention ), Countermagic ( Counterspell ) are some examples. But I think these are the moste flexible spots in your deck. Just pick what you think ist fitting.


I would at least play one more boardwipe, especially in white. Austere Command would be the best in your case because cou can choose to keep Tuvasa and kill all the fatties. Also blowing up all artifacts is just nice.


Cut Sol Ring , it doesn't ramp int your commander and just draws unnecessary hate on T1. Maybe put in Vedalken Orrery like i said, or go with the flavor and without artifacts ;)


Add your maybeboard for some blockers and early ramp. Cut some of your "put lands onto the battlefield" creatures to compensate for the cards I recommended. Also I would leave out Karametra, God of Harvests , maybe swap her for Kruphix, God of Horizons . You don't play that many creatures and don't need that much ramp as well. Kruphix is good for handsize, flash and leftover mana.

If you want to take a look at my Bant Enchantment List to get some additional inspiration, feel free: Estrid Enchantress

But keep the different commanders in mind, Estrid can play much more land auras and boardwipes due to her abilities.

I hope I was able to help you and I'd like to wish you a great day!

bomb_arie on Rafiq the Cultivator

6 years ago

Nice deck, your construction reminds me of my first version which was more Enchantress-draw based. Keep in mind that in those days not all cards in your deck where available. You can find that deck over here: [Rafiq 1.0] Enchantress Draw

Enchantments and Auras

There are a few enchantments i'd like to mention which I tried in my decks aswell and did not make it to the final cut (or at least the deck how I play it nowadays).

Ancestral Mask and Ethereal Armor I think these cards are too much dependent on having other enchantments on the board. And it does not give an 'unblockable' bonus for instance flying or trample.

Armadillo Cloak I used to run this and also Unflinching Courage but I dropped them because in my playgroup people tend to scoop when you strike them lethal so you don't get the advantage of the lifelink.

I think you should replace these cards with cards who give better 'unblockable' bonus for instance Infiltrator's Magemark or Spirit Mantle who have a low CMC. Or maybe Drake Umbra which cost more but also gives better bonus.


Further your creature base. I also have tried cards like Herald of the Pantheon but I rather use a general ramp card than an card that only affects your enchantments. Same for Kor Spiritdancer who only triggers on auras. I would consider Knight Exemplar and Umbra Mystic who both help protecting your Commander.

Also I am not a fan of the Legendary-Enchantment Creatures. Bestow cost are mainly too high to cast and I think there are better options available. But if you want to stick to that theme that's okay and then you might consider Thassa, God of the Sea.


I see no planeswalkers in your deck and Bant has a few which really juice this deck up. One I am allready playing myself and the other one is on my wants-list. I suggest to try Tamiyo, Field Researcher and Estrid, the Masked they can be smashing. And if you are adding planeswalkers Shalai, Voice of Plenty might be a nice add.

Surprise, Surprise

You really need to add this one: Hunter's Insight this is a crazy card drawer in your deck. And I like cards like: Vines of Vastwood, Invigorate and Might of the Nephilim for the surprise (aka lethal) hit. They are cheap to cast and speed up the game.

Well this is all for now. I might review your deck later again. Maybe you can review mine in the latest version: [Rafiq 2.0] To Serve & Protect [cEDH]

Ravenrose on Enchanting Shitstorm

6 years ago

You wanted some advice on this deck; I do check the Commander app now and again. It is a solid deck idea but you are missing a few key pieces. Counterspells for one. Aura of Silence could also be a consideration. Another consideration is a favourite of mine: Umbra Mystic. She gives all Auras totem armour. Fable of the Wolf and Owl, Idyllic Tutor and Enlightened Tutor are worthy considerations. Snake Umbra, Hyena Umbra and Drake Umbra are on par with their sister umbra the Bear Umbra. It is a good deck idea though.

Garresh on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

6 years ago

Two things I think are out of place. The first is Hakim, Loreweaver. The second is Vorosh, the Hunter.

Full disclosure, I don't have a Vorosh deck, but I've been theory crafting and looking into it. Hakim is one of my main decks. Please factor this accordingly.

In the case of Vorosh, I think people underestimate that color combination substantially. It has access to cards like Vanishing or Diplomatic Immunity allowing it to dodge and preserve counters, as well as counterspells and tutors. Black and blue have a ton of ways to make creatures unblockable, as well as ways to deal with threats. I would by no means call a Vorosh deck fast. But with ramp and a good set of answers I wouldn't call it tier 5 either. After it lands an attack once, it can drop any player within 2 turns via unblockable commander. And again, it's color combo lends itself well to biding its time and riding out threats. Not to mention a late Beacon of Tomorrows or Time Stretch is a guaranteed kill if cast at the right time.

Hakim is definitely one I personally use so pls no bully. But the ability to recur enchantments without having to expose yourself by attacking means you can make a resilient one man control platform. All the pieces it needs to come online and become a threat are recurrable. Enchants due to his ability, and equipment due to being able to be fetched from the graveyard by blue. Charisma, Psionic Gift, Neko-Te, Vanishing, Grafted Exoskeleton, Pemmin's Aura, Quietus Spike, Drake Umbra and other totems, Freed from the Real, Eldrazi Conscription, Illusionist's Bracers, Hermetic Study, Diplomatic Immunity, Sword of Kaldra, Corrupted Conscience, Blight Sickle, Sigil of Sleep, Oracle's Insight. The overlapping cards fulfilling the same role combined with the fact you can comfortably dump to graveyard(by overdrawing or other effects) means you can quickly dig for what you need. It's somewhat mana greedy but once it spools up its very hard to deal with. You've gotta get past counterspells, phasing out to dodge, recurring umbras, and hexproof. Usually multiple of those are online by like turn 7 or 8. And once it is online you can start trading mana 1 for 1 to get devastating effects. 1 blue mana can get you: destroy or exile target creature, put a poison counter on target player, "permanently" tap target creature, gain control of target creature, half target player's life, draw a card, etc. And if bumped up with helm of the gods or enchant stacking buffs all of this can be done while going full aggro on someone to proc annihilator or punch their face for damage. Finally, he can use recurring mass sacrifice effects to wear down enemies. Smokestack presents a somewhat mana inefficient option lategame to limit enemy's board state. For example, if you have a pemmin's aura, psionic gift, Diplomatic immunity combo online, you can run a smokestack at 3 charges indefinitely. Sacrifice the 3 Enchants during your upkeep, then pay 6 blue to rebuild them leaving the rest open for counterspells. Enemies are losing 3 permanents a turn while you keep enough mana open to counterspell or ping as needed. If brought online lategame after a board wipe your enemies will be completely unable to rebuild while you can continue building up your combo pieces.

In the case of both of these decks, they lend themselves to a decently strong voltron option. But they also both have access to some of the best ways to keep a creature alive through board wipes and preserve their bonuses they've been accruing.

With Vorosh, in theory a bit of biding your time combined with an Unblockable enchant(of which blue has tons) can build up to a time walk effect wherein you kill a player before they can even react. With Hakim, he turns into a controltron that is highly resistant to most answers against voltron decks, while also being able to rebuild extremely fast unless someone can punch through those multiple lines of defense AND wipe the graveyard out quickly.

Keep in mind, I HAVE NOT USED VOROSH, but I do play decks that operate in a similar manner. In theory Vorosh has a great deal of potential as a lategame sweeper with low time to kill aided by time walk effects.

I DO HAVE A HAKIM DECK AND AM THEREFORE BIASED. But hakim is(after some costly spool up) an absurdly efficient controltron commander. He can singlehandedly kill multiple players in a single turn via poison counters and Illusionist's bracers. Or permanently detain an entire board. And the fact all of these are instant speed means he can save his effects til end of turn on his enemy's turn leaving mana open to counterspell threats he can't deal with.

Krymsin_Zombie on Bruna, Light of Alabaster - Voltron

7 years ago

I'd add a few more Umbras just incase you don't hit Umbra Mystic. i.e. Hyena Umbra, Felidar Umbra, Mammoth Umbra, and Drake Umbra.

General EDH advice I found helpful was run at least 4 board wipes.Supreme Verdict, Wrath of God, Cyclonic Rift, and Phyrexian Rebirth. Because of your Totem armor sub theme don't fear board wipes. If you can find any more in WU run them.

I hope this helps, let me know how this goes!

xoxoxo on Rayne

7 years ago

Drake Umbra -> Winter Orb

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