Shifting Shadow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shifting Shadow

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature has haste and "At the beginning of your upkeep, destroy this creature. Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Put that card onto the battlefield and attach this to it, then put all other cards revealed this way on the bottom of your library in a random order.

king-saproling on "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

4 months ago

Man this commander is so crazy. Seems like you'll need a lot of dry-erase cards to write up aura tokens haha. Anyway these would be my swaps:

Grim Reaper's Sprint -> Hope Against Hope
Reconnaissance -> Born to Drive
Swiftfoot Boots -> Mantle of Leadership
Armored Skyhunter -> Cartouche of Solidarity
Nomad Mythmaker -> Nurturing Presence
Mesa Enchantress -> Valor of the Worthy
Wyleth, Soul of Steel -> Squire's Devotion
Tiana, Ship's Caretaker -> Archon of Sun's Grace
Sphere of Safety -> Ajani's Chosen
Unquenchable Fury -> Boon of the Spirit Realm
Sigarda's Aid -> Forgeborn Oreads
Angelic Destiny -> Pious Wayfarer
Court of Ardenvale -> Knight of Doves
Kellan, the Fae-Blooded -> Akki Ember-Keeper
Cass, Hand of Vengeance -> Gift of Wrath
Danitha Capashen, Paragon -> Breath of Fury

Here are some other considerations: Shifting Shadow, Gift of Immortality, Splinter Twin, Soul-Strike Technique

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Kellan Kombos?

10 months ago

You could do fun stuff things with Shifting Shadow. Just put out a token (easy in Boros), use Kellan to search for Shadow, enchant the token and simply flip into whatever colossal thing you might have. You'd need a way to get rid of shadow, but that isn't impossible.

ArtistaFeo on Chishiro Precon 1

1 year ago

Easy Cuts

Old-Growth Troll, Walking Skyscraper, Smoke Spirits' Aid, Vastwood Surge, Sword of Vengeance, Unquenchable Fury, One with the Kami, Elemental Mastery,

Ox of Agonas (Swap for Inspiring Call), Ulvenwald Oddity  Flip (switch for Primal Rage), Spearbreaker Behemoth (Swap for Heroic Intervention I have a copy of this card to give you.), Ascendant Acolyte - maybe cut? good card but i think you can do better.

Shifting Shadow, only keep if you have a lot of creatures with ETB effects. By a lot I mean at least 10.

Blackblade Reforged, Bonehoard, andFireshrieker can be upgraded for more synergistic equipment or auras. For example Bone Sabres, Fractal Harness, and Luxior, Giada's Gift. Search scryfall for equipment with counter keywords, then do the same for auras. You should absolutely play Sword of Truth and Justice

Search scryfall for cards with "evolve" for early game creatures that are growers, not showers. I highly recommend Experiment One and Gyre Sage! Gyre is 100% better than either spell I talk about below. vv

Most ramp spells in your deck should cost 2 or less CMC. 3 is fine. But you want to play them early game rather than late game. Cards like Tanuki Transplanter are very good ramp spells, but you only want 1 or 2 ramp spells that cost 4 or greater in your deck. I would keep this card in your deck depending on what the rest of your ramp looks like. Rampant Rejuvenator is another 4 cmc ramp. it does synergies with your counter theme, but its less dependable ramp because it has to die and your deck isn't playing sac outlets like Phyrexian Alter. on the plus side it is nice to beef it up and wait for that pending board wipe to slingshot your land base past the rest of the table. These are the tough decisions we are faced with. You should cut one of these cards. Keep Bear Umbra, it is better than both above mentioned and has the same CMC.

I would cut most lands that enter the battlefield tapped, they really f*ck up your early game. its ok to have a few, but they better be worth it.

Last_Laugh on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

StopShot - Vengeful Dreams looks awesome. White has been getting a lot of card draw options lately... I need to try this out.

DrukenReaps - Shifting Shadow is a fun card. I hate to sound like a broken record... but this this is arguably better than Sneak Attack in Marchesa.

FormOverFunction - Roiling Vortex seems amazing in a meta with commanders like Narset and Etali.

GoldenAgeBatman - Yeah, in the right deck Archfiend of Ifnir will pull in some work.

griffstick Thank you for a reminder this card exists. I used to have a foil... but I need to toss this in my Alela deck now.

Gleeock/Suns_Champion - I like a lot on both those lists. I've eyeballed Prosperous Partnership but haven't found a spot for it. Generator Servant was the only creature I ran in my Narset deck.

Tyrant-Thanatos - I always liked Deglamer. I didn't even know their was a functional reprint.

Anyways, keep em coming. Remember, a little context on who you run it in and why go a long way though.

DrukenReaps on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

I only quickly perused EDHrec but pretty sure none of the following came up on the pages of the commanders I use them with. Each has done some impressive work at my table. I used sorting by Card Kingdom price on this website to find sub $2.

In Olivia, Crimson Bride I have Shifting Shadow. Since Olivia's attack reanimates Shifting Shadow ends up just giving me free creatures at effectively no cost to me. In a way it actually fuels the deck's plan.

In Ayara, First of Locthwain I have Aetherworks Marvel and Mimic Vat. This deck just loves getting more and more creatures into play. Both of the artifacts assist in doing that over and over again. Sometimes Aetherworks even drops in Plague of Vermin too, a finisher in that deck.

In Mairsil, the Pretender I have Captivating Crew, Chandra, Flamecaller, and Xathrid Gorgon. Seems to be a rare cheap commander to begin with... lol. Xathrid typically turns commanders off, highly effective card against the likes of Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Zacama, Primal Calamity. Chandra does an amazing job of filling up my graveyard. Every turn a new hand +1. Captivating Crew lets me "borrow" some pretty sweet attackers and other effects, there are instant versions of this effect but not on a stick to my knowledge. 1 or 2 activations often opens someone up to attacks too.

Forkbeard on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

2 years ago

Oh this is a lot to process, ha. Here's some thoughts around the suggestions.

  • Genesis Wave - love the card, definitely tempted as another 'sneak into play' option.
  • Equilibrium - also love this card and use it to great effect in my simic elf deck, but I'm not sure that I can justify it in here due to the already hefty casting costs on all these dragons. More on that later...
  • Sylvan Library & Mana Vault - undeniably amazing cards, I just don't have spares laying around just now. Our play group allows proxies but we have specific rules around them; a maximum of 3 nonland proxies per deck and you have to own a real copy of it. I've opted for Doubling Season, Parallel Lives & The Great Henge for those slots. I'm already running Worldly Tutor in here.
  • Shifting Shadow - this is a VERY interesting card, I've never seen it before! I wouldn't play it without Miirym on the table but I do think this card is neat.
  • Mana Echoes - an awesome card and I've used it to great effect in mass token swarm decks + sliver combos, but I'm not convinced it's a great call in a dragon brew. Might be worth trying but I'm not sure what I'd cut for it.
  • Rhythm of the Wild - another beaut of a card and I had it in here, but having played the deck a few times now I absolutely want/need my tokens to have haste as well.
  • Spectacular Showdown - in my experience with the deck so far, win-more stuff like this isn't needed. The dragons _are_ the finishers.

  • Alright so about the hefty casting cost problem of dragons in general. Yeah. Now that I've had a chance to play the deck a bit, I'm running into the same problems I had with Atarka. With so much ramp + treasure support (treasures are particularly rampant in my playgroup), Commander in general is so fast these days and this deck had a very difficult time keeping up. I really like the brew I have here, but I need to consistently ramp to have any hope of getting this battlecruiser off the ground. I need to start thinking about fast mana (Ancient Tomb, Mana Crypt etc) because I'm finding that some games don't go beyond 5 turns these days. Dark times for a Timmy like me.

    griffstick on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

    2 years ago

    One more thing. Shifting Shadow would be really good here when your cmdr is out

    TheNinjaPhoenix on Zabaz, Zabam!

    2 years ago

    king-saproling Cauldron of Souls is an amazing idea, thanks! I also love Treasure Nabber and Grateful Apparition. Teshar is already on my list of cards to grab for the deck, absolutely fantastic card for this deck.

    I'm tentative about Faith's Reward and Second Sunrise only because they're single-use bursts, but I'll consider them for sure. Shifting Shadow is also an incredibly fun-looking card for this deck.

    Thanks for your suggestions!

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