Profane Transfusion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Profane Transfusion


Two target players exchange life totals. You create an X/X colorless Horror artifact creature token, where X is the difference between those players' life totals.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

1 year ago

Profet93 the devil is in the details as they say and magic is no exception.

As of now I have only used Peer into the Abyss on myself, though the dream is there to combo with bowmasters. Orcish Bowmasters has been a great include as it provides consistent board presence (which is extremely effective offensivly and defensively) and incremental damage throughout the game. In similar ways Ophiomancer functions in a similar role.

As for the removal of Platinum Angel, it happened to me recently and it was honestly a pretty fun moment with my buddies. When it happened, I did have an alternate path for Phage but did not choose to go that way. Reflecting on the game made me recognize the fragility of Platinum Angel and the importance of knowing your opponent's deck and board state. This leads to one of the things I love about the deck, the precision in timing needed for so many pieces of the deck.

I find that having multiple effects like Soul Conduit are helpful with consistency with so many life as a resource effects in the deck. I find people will often counter the flashy spell Profane Transfusion but would let Soul Conduit resolve knkwing it's mana investment. Additionally the benefit of repeatable use and the ability to exchange two opponent's life total has shown itself to be quite useful at times.

Arthursb on MonoBlack - Devotion Control

1 year ago

Hello SufferFromEDHD and Profet93, thank you for the comments!

I have tried some of suggested cards, maybe it's worth to share the insights:

Having said all that, in the next update I'll add more creatures and Whip of Erebos in this deck to have more blockers and lifegain. I'm having issues to deal with voltron decks where the commanders reaches high power before I'm able to turn Erebos into a creature.

Profet93 on MonoBlack - Devotion Control

1 year ago

Arthursb +1

Overall nice deck. You don't have enough lifegain to balance out your lifeloss. You might want to consider adding more to offset it. Perhaps something as simple as a basilisk color?

Imp's Mischief - Speaking of lifeloss, this card is my favorite. Redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention it can "counter" counterspells. Highly versatile card with the ability to bluff with 2 open mana is strong.

Insidious dreams is one of the worst black tutors and is prime for cutting. You don't get the cards in hand, they are susceptible to mill, and most importantly, discarding cards is additional cost to cast. With all of blacks amazing tutors, this should be swapped IMO.

Given you're basically playing mono black suicide, have you considered Profane Transfusion? It works quite well with your strategy, not to mention great synergy with Necropotence.

Another card that might be worth considering is Rings of Brighthearth. Coffers + Deserted temple + rings + swamps/urborg = infinite black mana. On it's own, it synergizes with your commander, top and villis to draw additional card exchanging mana in place of life. Moreover with top, it allows you to draw based purely on mana. Furthermore, with top and fetchlands you can set up your draws.

What is your answer to artifacts and enchantments? You might want to consider an Oblivion Stone or nev disk. I understand 20% of your deck are enchantments but sometimes the board just needs to go boom. With your commander you should be able to break parity and rebuild more easily.

Another way to potentially answer pesky problems is Worst Fears. It's another pet card of mine but it has huge potential. Make them keep their commander in exile, use their removal on themselves (or another opponent), provide you info of their hand + deck. If its 1v1 after 2 others have died, then you effectively skip their turn by making them tap out and then you can securely go for the win. It's expensive mana wise but it packs quite a punch. The higher cmc also works well with Twilight Prophet

Profet93 on Shauku, End-the-game-bringer

1 year ago

For cabal stronghold, you need 4 basics swamps to net you 1 extra mana and 5 basics swamps to net you 2 extra mana. Assuming you actually draw cabal stronghold and nothing but basics, its a nice little bump. But the cost of the slot in your deck vs. the actual benefit is too much IMO. How often one would reliably actually get just stronghold and nothing but swamps in the early game? Seems unlikely.

Regarding Lili, I see your point. On paper, it seems like a solid card to add. You said you got the shell down, have you had any games in your meta? Would love to know her actual impact on games, times she was clutch, a waste, something in between, etc....

Eon Hub - This was super interesting the moment I saw this card many years ago. I get the point, bypass losing 3 life. You have atleast 4 cards that are anti synergy and 1 or 2 that are direct synergy, so I'm a bit mixed.

Profane Transfusion > Soul Conduit. More cost up front but can't be telegraphed, although the token might be an issue, or a benefit depending on the situation.

Necro + Venser's journal - Nice. I do wonder if it's worth adding venser solely for that synergy alone, especially given you don't run a lot of card draw. Syphon Mind is worth considering. Cheap $ and mana for you to draw 3 cards and each opponent discard 1. Another card draw spell to consider is Peer into the Abyss. Given you are already suicide black so to speak, this might be worth considering. Even more fun to use a soul conduit or profane transfusion after.

I notice crucible of worlds and no fetchlands, I'm assuming that's due to life loss and/or $. You are playing black, so I'm surprised you don't add more big black mana. Swapping out Dust Bowl for Thespian's Stage would be helpful to copy coffers, opposing utility land, cathedral of war, deserted temple, etc... (Also unrelated note: Deserted Temple + Rings + Coffers = Infinite black mana). If you do end up removing dust bowl, crucible should go with it, thus freeing more slots. Speaking of big black mana, Bubbling Muck might be worth considering. Do be careful playing this with urborg.

Damnation - Cheaper boardwipe, is there a specific reason why your using deadly tempest and killing wave over damnation? Another board wipe that might be up your alley is The Meathook Massacre. It removes creatures, pings them and heals you.

Deliver Unto Evil - Not needed but I like it. Politics. Bring you back a combo piece, a draw spell, removal, utility, etc.... Black has many ways to recur creatures, few to return non-creature cards. Speaking of creatures, if you are interested in more recursion (aside from Yawgmoth's Will), Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed works lovely with corpse dance. Not an entirely serious suggestion but worth noting.

My apologies for the wall of text, can't wait to hear your thoughts. I love discussing deck card choices and maximizing value/efficiency when possible. Your deck seems lovely. Most people will do a double take at your commander which is nice, love playing more older, unique commanders :)

Mazera on Horrifying Nightmares

1 year ago

Hey! Made_Compleat I actually just got a Ashiok, Dream Render from my local store since they had the chibi secret lair version but wasn't exactly sure where to slot them till you said Runo Stromkirk  Flip being kind of iffy, I just slapped him in because I already had him and he sort of fit the bill but he'll get the replaced by this. I really like Chainer, Dementia Master but I proxied him just to test it out and he gets sacked almost immediately every time because my group noticed the drawback. Chainer's Torment was really cool; in the first draft of this deck I had that with Profane Transfusion to get 2 FAT horrors on the field but the mana cost was too much to really pull this combo off and decided against it. Thanks for the suggestions!

Profet93 on Lucky 13

2 years ago

The reason I ask about your meta('s power level) is to determine what level of power you want this deck to be. For example, Spine of Ish is a good card for a more casual meta in a black deck, as 7 mana is okay to remove an artifact or enchantment (Ex: Rest in Peace) that could disrupt your plans. Other times, black decks don't mind utilizing a card like Nevinyrral's Disk because even though it comes in tapped and is telegraphed, it costs 3 less mana that Spine and hits everything rather than just one target, albeit, at the cost of your boardstate (excluding your commander). As such, I was going to potentially recommend Nev disk. I understand the synergy with your commander, but its impactful isnt enough to be warranted IMO. If you find it works for you, then all the more power to you!

In my mono black deck, one wincon is Necropotence + Profane Transfusion. I saw the leechridden swamp but wasn't good for my deck, it's great for you. Profane does what you want, even though it's 9 mana, you seem to be okay with higher costed cards. This is on theme with your deck.

Given another wincon of your deck is Tree + "Trisk," you need a way to recur either, particularly Trisk. Black has a variety of creature recursion but little non-creature. Cards to consider are .....

Deliver Unto Evil - Politics. While most people hate giving an opponent a choice, this usually plays out something like.... A) Draw B) Tutor C) Recursion D) Wincon. Either way, you get benefit.

Ill-Gotten Gains - Not an entirely serious suggestion, but it works nevertheless.

Magus of the Will - Budget Yawgmoth's Will

My apologies, yes, sever the bloodline is 4 mana. I also asked about the meta because I didn't realize token decks were prevalent enough for you to warrant it's inclusion. For 4 mana, a lot of black decks just use boardwipes like Toxic Deluge. This is more true for your deck because A) Its on theme with lifeloss and can be used to set up repay in kind/profane transfusion B) Your PW commander will still be alive. Alternatively, black decks can utilize Virulent Plague as a permanent anti-token measure along with Bloodline Culling, which acts as instant speed removal and is flexible to kill most midrange creatures or destroy most tokens. I understand Sever's appeal, if it works for you, keep it. Most higher power black decks opt for cheaper (usually instant) removal in order to interact with opponents during their turn to disrupt their plans. That being said, if Sever works for you, I respect your decision even though I disagree with it, you know your meta best. I can only imagine the green player's face as all of their plant tokens with +1 counters from Avenger of Zendikar are suddenly exiled, must be a pretty good feeling. Not to mention they can't bring their creature back which is helpful against graveyard based decks. Flashback is nice as well.

Are you looking for cuts for your maybeboard? Are you okay with infinite combos?

Regarding Golden Throne, it can be helpful. I say test it out. But personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable telegraphing my only card to save myself. Alternatively, Stunning Reversal can be swapped in should you find your opponents holding removal for your throne too often as it is telegraphed.

ROUROU on Help me crack a combo!

2 years ago

Profane Transfusion, Phyrexian Altar , Gravecrawler and another zombie on the field.

IKavalier on [CEDH]K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth : TUTOR K'RRIK

2 years ago

Hey Profet93. I have been laying low with work and just barely keeping up with new cards. Haven't been wasting much cash on MTG cards in general since I don't have much time. This deck was last updated technically a year ago(it is still good regardless). But there are new cards I know im going to be putting in/trying out. Like plaza of heroes and pact weapon are ones I'm thinking of putting in.

Anyway, here's your answers:

Mana Web is mostly in the deck as a way to protect myself on other turns. No one will want to tap their mana as much since they have to now use it all at once(usually). If they need mana to cast on main phase 1 and then after combat play something, they probably cant. It just doesn't hurt my game plan that bad since when its not my turn, i'll be using my life as a resource and minimal lands will be tapped if any. I'd just save my mana rocks for when i need colorless/want to save life. Mana Web is just annoying to my opponents than it is for me. Mono decks get a choice of "choose which turn to play spells" basically. I originally wanted it so people are less likely to be able to do things against me on my turns, or wont be able to since they had to use all their mana.

Profane Transfusion is just a very expensive lifegain spell that is more for a causal K'rrik deck. Repay in Kind isn't used often and has been on the edge of cutting it from the deck. However, there are times that using it wins the game or just puts me in a MUCH better position. Ideally using it when I'm at low life enough for me to kill my opponents with something like Gray Merchant(GARY). Or it can just put me way ahead in life if I can swing with K'rrik and gain a ton of life after. So even if i cant win right there and then, I can make my opponents basically have 1 life each(and mana crypts might/other triggers may kill them) but I usually end up swinging with K'rrik after and I try to make him fairly big by then...even with only 5 +1+1 counters, he still is a 7/7 which is 7 life or 14 if I have Vampiric Link.

Extirpate is used for multiple purposes. It has more utility than you may think. You can wait for the perfect time to cast it(and use only 2 life and have no lands/mana available). Usually you can do it on a card that is bad news that someone decides to cast a spell/use an ability that will get them use of a card in a graveyard, so recursion effects, flashback spells(if someone flashes in snapcaster mage, exile the spell they are targeting), or just any time someone would be trying to get value from their graveyard(noxious revival etc.) ALSO...It lets you see EVERYTHING that player knows. You can look at their hand(sometimes ill just play it against an opponent I think is likely to have counterspells to check their hand. You're also supposed to search their graveyard AND deck. So search their deck to see what they are running if your unsure or to see what options they have left. Since it has SPLIT SECOND, it can't be countered(there's only really one thing you can do in response to split second cards(flipping over morph creatures etc.)) It just is too good for a lot of situations. No matter what, you're exiling a card from their graveyard, looking at the player's cards in hand, their deck, and probably stopping them from getting a very important card out of the graveyard. Sometimes I just play it when I'm pretty sure I can win but want to check a players hand...OR because I search their DECK, i shuffle after. So if they play something like a vampiric tutor(something stacking the top of their deck), this will make them shuffle. Just too much utility for only ONE BLACK MANA / 2 LIFE! It's INSANE for what it is.

Deliver Unto Evil is something I don't even consider because I won't have a bolas planeswalker ever :\ I have other cards in the deck and there are new cards I am considering putting in to get more recursion. Gonna have to test some of the new Warhammer 40k cards. A lot of mono black/artifact synergy in that set. If it didn't have the "control a Bolas planeswalker" and had something else, I'd probably put it in. I have some cards like Shrouded Lore to pick a card I need or Buried Ruin for Aetherflux/Citadel etc.

My deck has so many combinations for combos and back up combos that losing a KEY piece like citadel doesn't mean Im screwed at all.

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