Wirewood Channeler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wirewood Channeler

Creature — Elf Druid

: Gain X mana of any one colour, where X is the number of Elves on the battlefield.

hypotheek on Lathril's Dark Elfball

1 year ago

Hi Romer! I know! I run the same deck and making cuts is so hard, just too many good elf cards.

One question I don't really know which is better and also myself am struggling with. Maybe it's an idea to take Joraga Warcaller out for Galadhrim Brigade. I use Joraga only with a kicker so paying 3 mana, what is the same cost of Galadhrim (then both will give +1/+1). The kicker has the same price as the squad (2 mana). Shouldn't Galadhrim's squad ability give us copies which will count as elfs? This would give a little bit more advantage for Circle of Dreams Druid, Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania or Wirewood Channeler. Or won't they count as elfs?

Also Collected Company and Genesis Wave are worth watching, gives me a great advantage now and then. Especially the last one when I have a lot of mana on the table. I'm def gonna follow your deck cause it gave me some cool new cards for my deck!

Helnas on

1 year ago

Dorks die voor 3+ mana tappen: Priest of Titania, Circle of Dreams Druid, Elvish Archdruid ,Karametra's Acolyte, Marwyn, the Nurturer, Wirewood Channeler


Sword of the Paruns of Umbral Mantle + dork die voor 4 mana tapped = infinite

Staff of Domination + dork die voor 5 mana tapped = infinite

Cloudstone Curio + Wirewood Symbiote + dork die voor 3 mana tapped +1 cmc elf

Combo's met Ashaya, Soul of the Wild op het veld.

Quirion Ranger + dork die voor 2 mana tapped.

Quirion Ranger + Lightning Greaves of Concordant Crossroads = tap ashaya voor mana, speel quirion, tap quirion voor mana, return quirion, untap ashaya.

Scryb Ranger + dork die voor 3 mana tapped.

Argothian Elder zonder summoning sickness = beide teams infinite mana

Combo's met Temur Sabertooth op het veld.

Wirewood Symbiote + 1 cmc elf om te bouncen + mana dork die voor 5+ tapped.

Lightning Greaves of Concordant Crossroads of Thousand-Year Elixir + 2 cmc dork die voor 5 tapped, 3 cmc dork die voor 6 tapped of 4 cmc dork die voor 7 tapped.

Eternal Witness + Vitalize + creatures die voor 7 mana tappen.

Eternal Witness + Benefactor's Draught + creatures die voor 8 mana tappen.

Combo's involving lands

Elvish Guidance + Arbor Elf + een untapper zoals Umbral Mantle of Sword of the Paruns

Argothian Elder +Wirewood Lodge + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx of Gaea's Cradle

Aanvallen met Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith + infinite mana outlet

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

Even if you don't go all in on Elves, I would think you'll have enough elves to make Elvish Archdruid and Priest of Titania solid. There is also Fyndhorn Elves if you want another 1 drop elf dork, they are good creatures. Maybe Wirewood Channeler? There are plenty of elves that like to have access to either lots of mana or lots of other elves, stuff like Joraga Warcaller and Ezuri, Renegade Leader can soak up mana, Immaculate Magistrate can pump up a Warcaller or something else you want big, Wellwisher might like Alchemist or Blossoming Bogbeast.

I suspect if you're going to run Alchemist you might as well look at Primal Command as well, with Alchemist out it's 5 mana to get 7 mana (or more if you gained other life) and you tutor up any creature you want, which sounds good. It's also able to get rid of problematic permanents, or deal with a graveyard, and it's not like tutoring up a creature is ever a bad effect. I think it's underplayed in decks that care about it's effects (it's an incredibly versatile utility card) and run enough ramp that they can cast it on time or earlier.

Overrun is solid, but Overwhelming Stampede can be much better if you want an upgrade. There is also the Bogbeast and Ezrui I mentioned above, I think each is better in it's own ways, but I will say Overrun can still surprise people. There is also Triumph of the Hordes, Infect and trample are really scary if you've got a few creatures out. There is also Craterhoof Behemoth, but you do want a really wide board before it comes out, so I find Overwhelming Stampede or Pathbreaker Ibex are technically superior cards, my Green decks tend to go tall.

Hopefully these suggestions aren't too competitive leaning, it's fun to play casual games, to use cards you don't always use.

Benwatts14 on Freya Elves

2 years ago

I'd consider running more elves that tap for mana and have low cmc. Arbor Elf, Devoted Druid, Boreal Druid, Circle of Dreams Druid, and Wirewood Channeler standout. You should also look into more card draw with Guardian Project and Beast Whisperer to help you start storming off. Also ways to untapped your mana elves so you can keep the train rolling and take absurdly long turns. Love elves they're my favorite tribe so im here for it. I've got an elf deck that performs pretty well if you wanna check it out on my page

123456789101112131415161718 on Marwyn Elf Stampede

3 years ago

Obvious upvote Elfball decks have a super special place in my heart, so I always love to see them on here. I agree with what Guerric says, you need to cut non elf synergistic cards for more elves. Wirewood herald, omnath, yew spirit, and magus of the order are the first cards that come to mind. throw in more elvish lords and elves that tap for mana.

Marwyn is a super powerful commander, but I feel like you are too reliant on her with this deck. There are several cards in here that only truly synergize with marwyn, which makes the deck a bit less consistent. Marwyn is definitely a kill on sight commander, and so if you use your pump effects on her and she gets killed, your opponents are getting significantly more value than you are.

My biggest suggestion is to cut a bunch of artifacts, enchantments, instants, and sorceries, that only synergize with marwyn, or that have better effects found in elves. druids deliverance, ring of kalonia, blackblade reforged, garruk, gauntlet of power, even nissa, are cards i'd take out, and throw in more elves. Circle of Dreams Druid, Dwynen's Elite, Elvish Harbinger, Heritage Druid, Copperhorn Scout, Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves and Wirewood Channeler, are all good choices for elves to slot in.

Finally, I think when you add more rampy elves, and cut some of the cards mentioned above, you should cut back on some lands, maybe go down to 30 or 29 depending on how you find the deck functioning. Mono green decks in general shouldn't run more than 31 unless its landfall, but elf decks especially should have sub 30.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful, and if you need any inspiration, Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza is my version of elfball. Any questions you have I'd love to answer as well!

Guerric on Marwyn Elf Stampede

3 years ago

Hi ShredderTTN86! Welcome to the world of EDH elves! When I first began playing what is now my Ezuri, Renegade Leader build six years ago, I made a lot of mistakes, learned from that process, and made what is now a pretty strong list. As such, it think I can offer some help!

To begin with, you said your goal is to offer and Elf synergy list. That was also my goal years ago, and I ran Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury as the commander, but what I found was that it was a weird hybrid between and elf deck and a stompy deck, and its not really possible to do both well. You can definitely make a stompy deck that uses elf dorks and such for mana ramp, but most of your other elven synergies (lords and such) would need to be jettisoned for stompy cards. With Marwyn, the Nurturer you can really do either. If you wanted to go this route you would have just enough elf dorks and token spells to build counters, would protect her with Heroic Intervention and Wrap in Vigor effects, and would use her to dump as many big, dumb green creatures onto the battlefield as possible.

If you want to run true elves synergy, however, you want to cut any stompy creature that doesn't enable your elves (ex. Craterhoof Behemoth makes it but Ghalta, Primal Hunger does not, lower your curve, replace as many lands with dorks as possible, and play lots of elf lords. Keep in mind, elf lords also help Marwyn tap for more mana! I notice that you have tons of artifacts here that do nothing for most of your elves excepting Marwyn. I would probably cut a lot of these and add more elf creatures for a strong synergy build. Super powerful ones like The Ozolith and the infinite mana combo enabling Umbral Mantle should remain (you should also add Sword of the Paruns, which can also enable infinite mana with Marwyn), but even other good cards like Gauntlet of Power should be cut because you can do it better with elves. I think what surprises me most here is the lack of dorks. Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and Fyndhorn Elves are the backbone of any elf build and core to most stompy ones too. You also don't want to neglect Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Springbloom Druid, which can up your elf count while finding and ramping out lands for you. As far as big mana tappers go, Circle of Dreams Druid, Wirewood Channeler, and Elvish Guidance are better than Gauntlet of Power and Karametra's Acolyte (which isn't an elf). Running synergy means you also want to run a lot of lords, such as Elvish Champion, Elvish Clancaller, Imperious Perfect, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Canopy Tactician, Joraga Warcaller, and Cultivator of Blades will buff both Marwyn and all of your elves, while also putting counters on Marwyn (for a double buff in effect) and moving you towards running your opponents over.

If you are interested, the link to my Ezuri Elf deck is here- Elfpocalypse Now! (Under Construction). The primer isn't finished yet, but even the sections that are there on the commander and on breaking down the tribe might help with the synergy piece. If you decide after all you'd rather just do stompy, there are other great experts on tappedout like Kamerot that can help with that! I hope this helps a bit, and please let me know if you want any additional help or have any further questions!

Guerric on Help Building my First Competitive …

3 years ago

Hi ionlyplayelves and welcome to commander! This is the best format there is, and elves rock. I also play elves in most formats, and am working in completing my Ezuri, Renegade Leader primer at the moment. Once it is finished, one section will be on the similarities and differences between the three primary elves commanders in EDH, Ezuri, Lathril, and Rhys the Redeemed. One of the big takeaways is that there are a lot of similarities. You should think of Lathril as a primarily green deck with a black splash. You're happy to have black for excellent tutors, premium GB Elves like Shaman of the Pack, and removal, which lacks in mono-green. Most of your creatures should be classic green elves though. You want to cheat on your lands as much as possible and play all of the best dorks. I run 29 lands with no problem in Ezuri, and in Lathril I'd try to get it down to 32 if possible and 34 at most. You want Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, and other low cmc dorks, along with all of the super-tappers (Elvish Archdruid, Circle of Dreams Druid, Priest of Titania, and Wirewood Channeler. There is an infinite mana combo with any of these with Whispersilk Cloak and Sword of the Paruns that you should totally use. The big difference with Lathril is that you are an aristo-elves approach, so you want to add in a bunch of sacrifice outlets so that dead or alive your elves are always doing damage. There weren't enough of these in the precon. You also want aristocrat payoff cards even if they aren't elves like Blood Artist, Syr Konrad, the Grim, and Falkenrath Noble. You also should play Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire, which are devastating with your super-tappers and game-winning with infinite mana. Beyond this, I think my list might give you a lot of ideas. The primer is still in progress, but there is a lot there, and many cards from Ezuri will also be good in Lathril. You can find it here- Elfpocalypse Now! (Under Construction). Please feel free to add in any more questions or card analysis. I love to help, and I played GB elves in modern before EDH, so they have a special place in my heart!

multimedia on Latty the baddie

3 years ago

Hey, one drop green mana Elves are really good, a big reason to play Elves. They aren't just ramp with Lathril they're also fuel for her activated ability when you don't need them for ramp and lets you get more Elves onto the battlefield quicker.

Staff of Domination does everything as a mana sink for Elves and can be an enabler for Lathril to be a win condition. With Staff you first make infinite green mana by tapping and untapping one of Archdruid, Marwyn(with 5 or more power), Priest of Titania, Circle or Wirewood Channeler. When you have infinite green mana then Staff is the mana sink to draw and cast enough Elves to control 10 or more. When you have 10 or more Elves then Staff can be the mana sink to repeatedly untap Lathril and each one the 10 Elves as the win condition.

Quest for Renewal is another enabler for Lathril and 10 Elves to be win condition. When Quest has four counters which is not difficult especially with more mana Elves, you can untap all creatures you control during each opponents turn. With Lathril each opponent loses 10 life on each player's turn, resulting in all opponents losing 40 life in one cycle of all player's turns if you have three opponents.

Chord of Calling is a helpful instant creature tutor since can tap Elves to help to pay for it's convoke, with enough Elves it's a free spell to cast and it puts the creature you search for onto the battlefield. It has nice interaction with Elf tokens since can tap them to convoke the turn they're created. With Chord get Ezuri or Miara, Thorn of the Glade in response to removal, get Archdruid so you can tap him on your turn, get Magistrate so you can tap her on your next turn, get Varragoth so you can attack with him on your next turn, etc.

Patriarch's Bidding is among the most powerful tribal spells for quick recovery. For five mana it reanimates all Elves in your graveyard. Play a Regrowth just to have another potential Chord or Bidding or recur any other card.

An area to consider improving to help with competitiveness is the manabase by upgrading to Golgari dual lands that ETB untapped.

Cabal Stronghold only works with basic Swamps and there's only 9 here which is not enough to really get much if any ramp making it consistently only a colorless source of mana.

Some cards to consider cutting: Blightbeetle, Mana Bloom, Terramorph, Serpent's Soul-Jar, Return Upon the Tide, Masked Admirers, Wild Pair, Golgari Guildmage, Korozda Guildmage, Rhys the Exiled, Blanchwood Armor, Dowsing Dagger  Flip, Harvest Season

If Blightbeetle is tech in your playgroup than nice, but if it's not then it looks out of place. Most if not all mana ramp sources can come from actual Elves instead of other sources like Mana Bloom or land ramp like Terramorph. I would even play one drop mana Elf or Farhaven Elf over Cultivate or Harvest Season.

Serpent's Soul-Jar is not a good card, exiling an Elf when it dies is not a may you have to do it and hoping to be able to cast many Elves later, one at a time with Jar is not going to consistently happen. Instead most if not all your exiled Elves will be stuck in exile for the rest of the game because Jar will be destroyed or removed another way.

Good luck with your deck.

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